Recent papers in Agonism
In this article, I draw on Judith Shklar to provide an alternative to the liberal model of military intervention proposed in the last few years by intellectuals such as Michael Ignatieff. I suggest that Ignatieff misunderstands Shklar's... more
If politics is ultimately about our deepest fears and desires rather than about, say, tax policy or better health care, then what place is there for a Left whose raison d’être will always be tied to improving the economic fortunes of the... more
This practice-based doctoral research explores the nature of the feral, as manifested in an object-based installation practice of contemporary art that scavenges - physically, socially and metaphorically - in the gap between defined... more
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
Recently the political philosophy of agonism has been applied by urban theorists to model inter-cultural urban encounters in so-called 'micro-publics', such as the workplace or the classroom. The paper examines to what extent agonism... more
There are numerous existing political atheologies that can be characterised by three movements – negative, positive, and critical atheological projects. By focusing on the critical atheologies of two political theorists, Richard Rorty and... more
Etienne Balibar se réfère à l’idée arendtienne de la citoyenneté pour montrer que la démocratie se construit nécessairement au travers d’une aporie. D’une part, la démocratie évoque l’idéal isonomique de l’égalité pour fonder la... more
This paper provides a critique and re-evaluation of the way that ethics is understood and promoted within mainstream Human Resource Management (HRM) discourse. We argue that the ethics located within this discourse focuses on bolstering... more
Die Rückkehr des A(nta)gonismus? Mouffes agonistisches Demokratiemodell und die politischen Umbrüche in Griechenland. In: Agridopoulos, A./Papagiannopoulos, I. (Hg.) (2016): Griechenland im europäischen Kontext: Krise und Krisendiskurse.... more
Em mais um volume, o Apoena – Grupo de Estudos Schopenhauer-Nietzsche traz a público textos apresentados no IV Encontro Nietzsche-Schopenhauer: Ecologia Cinza, Natureza Agônica, em novembro de 2012, em Fortaleza. O IV Encontro... more
Chantal Mouffe’s conceptualization of a deliberatively forged consensus as a hegemony and her assertion that adversarial politics best nurtures the conditions of freedom have had a profound influence on contemporary democratic thought.... more
The way in which societies institutionalize “collective memory” is one of the most important aspects of contemporary politics, feeding directly into the constitution of individual and communal identities, and creating sources of discord... more
My review of Christa Davis Acampora's Contesting Nietzsche
Metadichol® is a Nanoemulsion of long-chain alcohols found in many foods. Metadichol acts as an inverse ag-onist on Nuclear Vitamin D receptors (VDR) that have a ubiquitous presence in cells and acts by modulating the immune system and... more
Colección: Spal Monografías Arqueología Núm.: XLIII Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o trasmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación... more
In his most explicitly philosophical book Pascalian Meditations, Pierre Bourdieu (2000) clarified what he meant by the notion of symbolic violence. Symbolic violence signifies more than simply forms of discursive power that mediate social... more
In December 2008, Athens saw an eruption of violent protests that followed the murder of a teenager by a policeman. Initially reacting to police violence, the protestors did not articulate a specific agenda. The rallies, which mobilised a... more
The Sentient House project is an investigation into approaches that the artist- designer can take to better involve the public in developing a critical perspective on pervasive technology in the home and the surrounding environment. Using... more
This paper explores artist-led physical, digital and social spaces in the UK and their relation to the idea of self-organisation as an alternative to combat the dominance of neoliberal social institutions and control. Giving a brief... more
Handbuch der radikalen Demokratietheorien, eds. Dagmar Comtesse, Oliver Fügel-Martinsen, Franzizska Martinsen, Martin Nonhoff (Berlin: Suhrkamp, forthcoming). [Unrevised and unedited English version]
Il s’agit de comprendre la question du conflit dans la pensée de Jean-François Lyotard. Le fil conducteur de l'approche est l’agonistique langagière, conception selon laquelle les jeux de langage sont des sortes de lutte : les rapports... more
Two Turning Points: Polish Art After 1955 and 1989 After 1955 the government was interested in presenting its legitimacy through the visual arts. The widespread agreement between the political and cultural worlds, and the decision to... more
Colección: Spal Monografías Arqueología Núm.: XLIII Reservados todos los derechos. Ni la totalidad ni parte de este libro puede reproducirse o trasmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopia, grabación... more
In establishing an anarchic framework for understanding public space as a vision for radical democracy, this article proceeds as a theoretical inquiry into how an agonistic public space might become the basis of emancipation. Public space... more
Responding to David Harvey’s critique of my paper ‘Why a radical geography must be anarchist’, I once again reiterate the importance of anarchist perspectives in contemporary politics and geographical praxis. In challenging Harvey on the... more
Living in a democracy or working in a group requires the use of deliberative processes to agree and decide on ways of living together and projecting ourselves into common desirable futures. However, these processes remain an illusion,... more
"This book investigates one of the most characteristic and prominent features of ancient Greek literature – the scene of debate or agon, in which with varying degrees of formality characters square up to each other and engage in a contest... more
Hannah Arendt's fierce critique of sovereignty, along with her excavation of Greek agonism, has gained much traction among critical theorists of international politics who revisit the basic assumptions of conventional international... more
Nietzsche’s writings on responsibility pose an interpretative challenge pointing to a broader tension in his work. On the one hand, he dismisses responsibility as a metaphysical illusion incompatible with a scientific worldview. On the... more
In this paper we attempt a tentative answer to the following question: in Trojan Women, is Euripides criticizing a certain degeneration of agonism ― something we could label as “‘asymmetric conflict”’? Why this question? Trojan Women are... more
International relations (IR) scholars have increasingly integrated Hannah Arendt into their works. Her fierce critique of the conventional ideas of politics driven by rulership, enforcement, and violence has a particular resonance for... more
Pain is an authentic part of humanity. This text deals with the topic of pain within the context of sports. It compares the agon of war to the agon of sports. Here, pain is considered as a physical phenomenon, as a cultural and social... more
The diagnosis of a new geological epoch, The 'Anthropocene', has implications far beyond geological science. If human activity has disrupted the planet, then this diagnosis potentially disrupts socio-political conventions. This article... more
This thesis is situated at the crossroads between philosophy, political theory, and art. It proceeds from an enquiry into various philosophical discourses on ‘the real’ – in particular the Lacanian conceptualization of the real as... more
ISBN: 9781905670994
Buildings that served purposes of sports and competitions – gymnasia, theatres, stadia –characterised the townscapes of the Hellenistic Greek poleis; sport constituted an essential part of their political culture. The cities of the... more
What kinds of creative potential exist in silence-in not coming out? This ethnographic study takes the strategic silences that queer persons in Mumbai deploy regarding 'coming out' as productive for theorizing the connections between... more
Axel Honneth may be criticised for reducing political philosophy to moral psychology. In what follows, I argue that if his theory of recognition is reframed as one of democracy, quite another picture will appear. To do this, I... more
On retrouve alors, maintenant explicitement employé par Foucault, le terme d’agonistique, qui décrit la structure conditionnant de l’énonciation de la vérité dans le contexte de la démocratie grecque. Foucault parle d’un champ agonistique... more
Una de las cuestiones más debatidas en el pensamiento político contemporáneo es la de cómo articular una noción de comunidad democrática capaz de integrar inclusivamente a la diversidad de realidades identitarias coexistentes en las... more
An account of Deleuze's late philosophy, especially in the age of neoliberalism and our "society of control." Includes discussions of (1) the marketplace of idea and the emergence of the "New Philosophers"; (2) the relation between... more
Este artículo parte de la premisa de que en las democracias liberales actuales se extiende un nuevo estilo discursivo propiamente cínico. El artículo traza una genealogía de este cinismo político partiendo del liberalismo político de John... more