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Project methodologies have grown with time when there is a need for a project if satisfying that model will have lasted. There are multiple SDLC Models available but no one fits perfectly, as all of them have some drawbacks. Considering a... more
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      Software EngineeringAgile Software Process ImprovementAgile Project ManagementAgile Methods (Software Engineering)
Context: Development of software-intensive products and services increasingly occurs by continuously deploying product or service increments, such as new features and enhancements, to customers. Product and service developers must... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringUser Experience (UX)Lean Thinking
With the increasing popularity of Agile Methods, many software organisations are moving away from traditional methods to adopt Agile development methodologies. Instead of being predictive, Agile is rather adaptive and people-focussed. It... more
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      Project ManagementAgile Software Process ImprovementAgile Project ManagementSoftware Development
Construction projects in Egypt are categorized with high uncertainties. Coping with change in construction projects is such a big challenge that a project manager could face in managing a project. Change is something evitable specially... more
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      Project ManagementConstruction ManagementLean ConstructionAgile Project Management
This paper focuses on the importance of test driven development, in an interdisciplinary academic case study, involving unauthorized access and fraud. In it, Problem Based Learning (PBL) enabled the organization of an environment for... more
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      BusinessComputer Science EducationEmbedded SystemsAgile Development
In this paper some preliminary guidelines are defined to assess the adherence of agile methods to the MR-MPS model by means of established metrics, taking into consideration the intrinsic characteristics of each one. As a case study, an... more
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      Agile Methods (Software Engineering)Maturity ModelAgile MethodsCase Study
Abstract After decades from introducing and using agile methodologies, project managers realized that no methodology is sufficient by itself. Thus, merging their principles is the solution yet no formal solution has been proposed. Relying... more
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      Computer ScienceArtProject ManagementDynamic programming
There are many evidences in the literature that the use self-managing teams has positive impacts on several dimensions of team effectiveness. Agile methods, supported by the Agile Manifesto, defend the use of self-managing teams in... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware DevelopmentQualitative ResearchAgile Methods
Agility is the keyword if one needs to survive in this rapidly changing world, keeping pace and at the same time not loosing balance or control which could result in loss of quality of performance. No wonder agile methods have emerged in... more
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      Software DevelopmentProgram DevelopmentAgile Methods
This paper presents a streamlined approach to human-computer interaction design called extreme designing. Extreme designing follows on the footsteps of agile methods and is analogous to extreme programming. However, it is not radically... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionInteraction DesignUser Interface
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      Security EngineeringAgile MethodologiesAgile DevelopmentSoftware Industry
Software entropy is a phenomenon where repeated changes gradually degrade the structure of the system, making it hard to understand and maintain. This phenomenon imposes challenges for organizations that have moved to agile methods from... more
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      Agile DevelopmentAgile MethodsDecision SupportTask Complexity
Traditional formal methods and modern agile methods are separated more by limitations of current technology than by fundamental intellectual differences. A mixed interpreter that executes mixed programs, comprising both declarative... more
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      Agile MethodsFormal methodTest Driven Development
Projects combining agile methods with CMMI combine adaptability with predictability to better serve large customer needs. The introduction of Scrum at Systematic, a CMMI level 5 company, doubled productivity and cut defects by 40%... more
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      LeanAgile MethodsFlowScrum
Business Agility é a capacidade de uma empresa se adaptar rapidamente às mudanças do mercado, independentemente de as mudanças serem internas ou externas. Se a organização puder navegar por essas mudanças de maneira produtiva e... more
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      MindsetAgile MethodologiesAgile DevelopmentAgile Methods
Safety critical software requires integrating verification techniques in software development methods. Software architectures must guarantee that developed systems will meet safety requirements and safety analyses are frequently used in... more
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      Software EngineeringObject Oriented ProgrammingType TheorySoftware Maintenance
DSS is a special type of IS and the theory of DSS have been evolved since the inception of the field and shaped into many diverse directions. As DSS has more specific nature (its core concept) than any other system we need a suitable... more
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      Knowledge ManagementDecision Support SystemsDecision support systemAgile Methodologies
In many industries, the key to success lies in the ability to attract and accomplish projects. In some domains, attracting and performing projects require that several partners work together. A typical example is in the construction... more
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      Project ManagementAgile Project ManagementAgile Methods (Software Engineering)Agile Methodologies
Software engineering has been striving for years to improve the practice of software development and maintenance. Documentation has long been prominent on the list of recommended practices to improve development and help maintenance.... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware MaintenanceSoftware DevelopmentAgile Methods
Agile software development methods have become increasingly popular since the late 1990s, and may offer improved outcomes for software development projects when compared to more traditional approaches. However there has previously been... more
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      Statistical AnalysisSoftware DevelopmentAgile MethodsAgile software development
0 7 4 0 -7 4 5 9 / 0 5 / $ 2 0 . 0 0 © 2 0 0 5 I E E E M a y / J u n e 2 0 0 5 I E E E S O F T W A R E Research Methodology Official documents Recorded interviews Transcribed interviews Individual perceptions Qualitative analysis... more
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      Information SystemsProject ManagementSoftware DevelopmentCultural change
Before any of the current "agile" development methods, Earned Value Management provided information for planning and controlling complex projects by measuring how much "value" was produced for a given cost in a period of time. One... more
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      Information ManagementProject ManagementGovernmentAgile Development
Information systems development has always been a focal point of IS research. The most widely understood traditional methods for developing information systems are based on the "waterfall" life cycle model. Recently, agile methods have... more
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      Information TechnologySoftware DevelopmentTransformational LeadershipAgile Methods
Lean Inception is a collaborative workshop that aims to align a group of people on the minimum viable product (MVP) to be built. She uses various collaborative authoring tools, such as Brainstorming and Design Thinking, with a Lean... more
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      Software EngineeringProject ManagementAgile Project ManagementSoftware Development
W artykule omówiono zastosowanie zwinnej metodyki scrum w organizacji pracy w samozarządzających się zespołach projektowych na zajęciach uniwersyteckich. Przedstawiono w nim przede wszystkim założenia procesu uczenia się, charakter i... more
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      Agile MethodologiesAgile MethodsScrum and AgileScrum Practices
Embedded system are revolving around us in every types of applications either as bigger component or also as sub components. Software and hardware are the mains components of the embedded system. Today embedded system are driven be... more
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      Software EngineeringProject ManagementEmbedded SystemsOptimization
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      Software EngineeringKnowledge ManagementUsabilityBest Practices
Abstract Agile software development stresses individuals and interaction, customer collaboration, short development cycles and frequent deliveries of valuable software. From the testing and quality assurance viewpoint these principles are... more
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      Software TestingAgile DevelopmentQuality AssuranceAgile Methods
... But then we lack the experience of Gary Chin who, in this book, makes a good case for the "agile" approach in certain ... is to achieve the business objectives • The multiple, separate, and often conflicting objectives of... more
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      Software DevelopmentAgile MethodsNon Functional RequirementExtreme Programming
Project methodologies have grown with time when there is a need for a project if satisfying that model will have lasted. There are multiple SDLC Models available but no one fits perfectly, as all of them have some drawbacks. Considering a... more
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      Software EngineeringAgile Software Process ImprovementAgile Project ManagementAgile Methods (Software Engineering)
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      Software EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentAgile MethodsExtreme Programming
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      UsabilityMethodologyIterative ProcessAgile Methods
Agile development methods such as extreme programming (XP), SCRUM, Lean Software Development (Lean SD) and others have gained much popularity during the last years. Agile methodologies promise faster time-to-market, satisfied customers... more
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      Information SystemsSoftwareComputer SoftwareAgile Methods
Organizations across sectors are succeeding by adopting new leadership practices, described variously as Lean, Agile, Radical, and Open. Using specific examples, the authors present the thinking and practice of these new approaches to... more
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      ManagementMuseumLeadershipLean Management
With the increasing popularity of Agile Methods, many software organisations are moving away from traditional methods to adopt Agile development methodologies. Instead of being predictive, Agile is rather adaptive and people-focussed. It... more
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      Project ManagementAgile Software Process ImprovementAgile Project ManagementSoftware Development
This paper presents a lightweight form of usage-centered design that has proved particularly effective in designing highly usable Webbased applications. Fully compatible with both traditional object-oriented software engineering methods... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringUsabilityInteraction Design
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      Agile MethodsScrumSelf organizing TeamsIntroducing Scrum
A major challenge in any engineering endeavour is taking a poorly organised, uncertain, inconsistent, incomplete, and over generalized requirements specification and turning it into a well-structured design. In order to manage quality and... more
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      Software EngineeringAgile Software Process ImprovementAgile Project ManagementAgile Methods (Software Engineering)
Requirements are descriptions of the services that a software system must provide and the constraints under which it must operate Requirements can range from high-level abstract statements of services or system constraints to detailed... more
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      Software EngineeringAgile Software Process ImprovementAgile Project ManagementGraph Database
E-commerce nowadays has expanded in the past years, and it is substituting the traditional brick and mortar stores. And most of the brands now have their own web or mobile application so the users can shop online, it is easier and faster.... more
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      Agile Project ManagementAgile Methods (Software Engineering)Agile MethodologiesAgile Methods
W publikacji opisano założenia nowego modelu organizacyjnego Turkusowej Organizacji. Model ten uwidacznia wiele przełomowych zmian w podejściu do procesu zarządzania oraz charakteru relacji pracodawca – pracownik. Organizacje przechodzą... more
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      Agile Project ManagementSelf ManagementAgile MethodsTeal organisations
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      Software EngineeringAgile MethodsCapstoneVoting Systems
0 7 4 0 -7 4 5 9 / 0 4 / $ 2 0 . 0 0 © 2 0 0 4 I E E E efficiency, and greater customer satisfaction. In pair programming, a key ingredient in agile projects' success, pairs of programmers working together handle all development taskseach... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware DevelopmentProductivitySoftware Quality
Based on 13 agile transformation cases over 15 years, this article identifies nine challenges associated with implementing SAFe, Scrum-at-Scale, Spotify, LeSS, Nexus, and other mixed or customised large-scale agile frameworks. These... more
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      Information SystemsComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringSoftware Development
Metodologi Agile dan SCRUM dalam Pengembangan Sistem
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      Agile MethodsScrum and AgileAgile software developmentAgile and Scrum
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      Software EngineeringAgile Software Process ImprovementAgile Project ManagementAgile Methods (Software Engineering)
Continuous delivery (CD) has emerged as an auspicious alternative to traditional release engineering, promising to provide the capability to release valuable software continuously to customers. Paddy Power has been implementing CD for the... more
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      Software EngineeringAgile Software Process ImprovementAgile Project ManagementEmpirical Software Engineering
Scholars have viewed Agile Project Management APM as a prominent solution for software and nonsoftware innovative institutions to cope with its unstable environment. APM has been tested in the software field and proven to be successful.... more
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      Software EngineeringAgile Project ManagementMicrofinanceNew Product Development
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. 0 7 4 0... more
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      Information SystemsSoftware EngineeringProject ManagementSoftware Development