Agenda-setting Theory
Recent papers in Agenda-setting Theory
Com a efervescência dos estudos em jornalismo, as constantes críticas e os sucessivos esforços de se delimitar epistemológica e metodologicamente a área, o presente artigo coloca em discussão os trabalhos sobre o agenda-setting, ou do... more
The NFL protests are only one of many celebrity-fueled political controversies during the Trump presidency. Why is there such a proliferation of celebrity activism? More importantly, does it amount to anything? What does our knowledge of... more
Cada vez más los medios de comunicación dependen de la venta de avisaje para subsistir. La relación entre la prensa y los avisadores es problemática, en especial cuando las empresas que pagan por avisos se ven envueltas en casos de alta... more
The fading credibility of Turkey's European Union (EU) membership perspective has undermined the conditionality strategy of the EU. However, outside of the formal setting of the accession talks, twinning projects are considered as a tool... more
En este artículo se comprueba el peso real que tuvo el tema de la paz en la última campaña presidencial de los candidatos de los partidos políticos colombianos, y se identifican las posiciones de estos en el proceso de paz. Para ello, en... more
Los medios de comunicación realizan una selección de los temas y protagonistas que privilegian en la cobertura informativa. Este proceso de selección y repetición dirige la atención de la audiencia e influye en su percepción sobre cuáles... more
The question of why certain policy issues attract more attention than others is one that is of vital importance in any political environment. If an issue is high on the agenda of policy-makers, efforts to resolve it will bring with them a... more
Este texto busca hacer una aproximación teórica al momento de definición de los problemas públicos, vistos como producto de la lucha entre actores que buscan insertar su visión como la más factible a ser atendida. Al caracterizarse como... more
Media image of reality. Empirical research conducted over decades has proven unequivocally that the media affects its audience. Depending on the decade and the existing paradigm, a broader or narrower scope for potential impact is... more
¿Cuál es el proceso que ha determinado el posicionamiento de ciertos temas de interés social frente a otros, en la agenda pública de gobiernos locales? A pesar de que formalmente los gobiernos sean democráticos y participativos, la... more
Nové šance a rizika: Flexibilita práce, marginalizace a soukromý život u vybraných povolání a sociálních skupin Kniha se zam uje na studování souvislostí a d sledk sou asných prom n pracovního trhu a pracovních podmínek na soukromý život... more
In this paper, we propose that agenda-setting theory also applies in the cultural domain of human activities. We argue that because cultural goods have high levels of relevance and uncertainty, their potential consumers will experience a... more
Shieikh Mujibs Six Points
Se ha planteado que la brecha entre la prevalencia del delito y la opinión pública en Chile se debe a la televisión, por la prominencia del contenido delictivo. Sin embargo, la evidencia disponible es limitada. Por ello, este trabajo... more
The power of the news media to set a nation's agenda, to focus public attention on a few key public issues, is an immense and well-documented influence. Not only do people acquire factual information about public affairs from the news... more
In 1922, Lippman argued that there is an essential difference between ‘the world outside and the pictures in our heads.’ In Public Opinion, he recalled an island that was inhabited by an English, French and German populace. Not knowing... more
Resumen La discusión alrededor de las similitudes y diferencias entre la Agenda Setting y el Framing subyace en numerosos traba-jos académicos. Los investigadores de la comunicación política suelen distinguirse entre quienes proponen a la... more
The goal of this book is to present an experimentalist approach to the problems of ethics in public policy grounded on John Dewey’s philosophy. Leaders in public policy face some unique challenges regarding the framing of problems, policy... more
In International Relations debates’ we often deal with ‘security’, in both realist and idealist approaches. From Hobbes politics has been concerned about security issues of states and other organizations. Yet, little effort has been made... more
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concepts of key messages and key message integrity, and examines their viability for communication management scholars and practitioners in evaluating media relations activities. Key message... more
The effects of mass media is a picture of the strong influence in shaping public opinion. Any incidents or issues presented by the mass media have enormous power in determining what topics will be discussed by the community at that time.... more
On 5 th January 2011, Poland approved new Gender Quota Law, which insists on 35% neutral gender quota on the party electoral lists and has been implemented through amended electoral law (electoral gender quota type). According with that... more
La investigación de las emociones ha ido adquiriendo importancia en los análisis sobre comportamiento político o toma de decisiones, dejando atrás una de las dicotomías clásicas de la Ciencia Política como es la de la razón/emoción. El... more
This theoretical paper introduces the notion of personal salience, expanding the traditional paradigm of agenda setting theory to encompass digital, online activities for the establishment of personal agendas. Self-agendas have been... more
In: Fischer, Frank/Doug Torgerson/Michael Orsini/Anna Durnova (Hrsg.): Handbook of Critical Policy Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing, S. 241-258.
the year 2019, the Amazon rainforest was the site of wildfires that mounted to unprecedented devastation now known as the Amazon rainforest wildfires (ARWF). There is no clear date for when the catastrophe began. However, in June 2019,... more
A la luz de la realidad chilena, este capítulo busca responder dos preguntas principales, relacionadas entre sí: (1) ¿Qué tan anclada está la cobertura de los noticiarios televisivos en la realidad y experiencia ciudadana del delito? (2)... more
The meaning of “fake news” has undergone a profound evolution in the decades since Norm McDonald opened Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update segments with “Here’s the fake news.” From harmless satire in fake newspaper The Onion to... more
The considerable evidence base linking social conditions to population health has spurred many in public health to call for political action. Most of these conditions fall outside the purview of health departments, meaning that advocates... more
In this paper we argue that policy punctuations differ from each other in ways that reflect distinct types of political change. We identify three main kinds. The first are procedural changes that have unique unrelated policies within the... more
¿De qué hablamos cuando decimos “agenda”? En sus inicios, la teoría de la agenda setting postuló el vínculo causal entre agenda mediática y pública. Hoy nos encontramos frente a un replanteo de su hipótesis basal, en el que la idea de una... more
This study aims at contextualizing the theoretical and empirical underpinnings of agenda-setting theory amidst cultural traditional values in Africa. First, it tests the influence of agenda-setting theory in the Zambian presidential... more
This study focused on adjustment difficulties of college freshmen with reference to sex and age and was conducted in a state college during the First Semester of School Year 2010-2011. Adjustment difficulties are believed to be one of the... more