Age Groups
Recent papers in Age Groups
Purpose -The research study involved an exploration of the thoughts and perspectives of Generation X aerospace engineers regarding strategies, processes, and methods to enhance the transfer of knowledge from baby boomers to Generation X... more
The protein expression profiles of two different age groups of Atlantic cod larvae, at 6 days post hatch (dph) and 24 dph, were compared using 2-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analysis. The life stage of the... more
In this research, lexical and morpholexical reading in Italian children ages 8 to 10 years were investigated. Children and control adults were administered two tasks on words and pseudowords: visual lexical decision and naming. Word... more
This article presents empirical evidence from household and firm survey data collected during 2009−2010 on the implementation of the 2008 Labor Contract Law and effects on China’s workers. The Government and local labor bureaus have made... more
Drugs with antihistamine action are among the most commonly prescribed medicines in pediatrics. According to the International Medical Statistics (IMS), almost two million antihistamine units (in solution) for pediatric use were sold in... more
In the second modernity the childhood participation is assumed as a fundamental principle to a large extent of the scientific speeches that are produced concerning childhood. The Sociology of Childhood, when considering the children as... more
A model of the multibeam echosounding process was developed. This model has now been used as the basis for the application of a model inversion technique, with the aim of analyzing midwater multibeam echosounder data, for fisheries... more
Background: Although good prognosis and clinical long-term outcome have been commonly reported in minimally symptomatic adult patients with ASD, this information has been based on studies with a relatively small number of adult patients.... more
Background. Research on the dimensional structure and reliability of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and its relationship with age is scarce. Moreover, its efficacy in determining the presence of depression in different... more
Purpose. To assess the relationship among objectively measured urban form variables, age, and walking in youth.
An estimated 40 % of the population in Benin lives in urban areas. The purpose of the study was to estimate malaria endemicity and the fraction of malaria-attributable fevers in health facilities in Cotonou. A health care system... more
Three studies investigated whether young children make accurate causal inferences on the basis of patterns of variation and covariation. Children were presented with a new causal relation by means of a machine called the "blicket... more
The aim of this study was to enhance the understanding of young girls’ experiences of peer sexual harassment in elementary school and of normalizing processes of school-related sexualized violence. Six focus group interviews with girls in... more
This paper empirically examines the impact of minimum wages on educational enrollments in New Zealand. A significant reform to the youth minimum wage since 2000 has resulted in some age groups undergoing a 91% rise in their real minimum... more
Background There are limited data on the epidemiology of adolescent soccer injury across all levels of play. Hypothesis Through implementation and validation of an injury surveillance system in adolescent soccer, risk factors for injury... more
Menstruation is a process of utmost importance in the reproductive physiology of females. The present study aims at assessing the understanding of menstruation process among married women and to gain insight into the sources of... more
This paper examines the relationship between relative income and mortality. Our research is motivated by recent literature that posits that, holding individual income fixed, those whose income are low relative to the incomes of those in a... more
To evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of magnetic resonance (MR) coronary angiography for the detection of coronary artery anomalies in infants and children by using surgical fi ndings as a reference. Materials and Methods: The data... more
Safety of the street foods is an important aspect in the field of nutrition security. A study was conducted in the city of Varanasi in India. It was observed that about 42% of the working man and women in the age group of 25-45, and 61%... more
Study was conducted on sixty at risk male heart patients in the age group (30-50 years). Dietary intake was assessed by food frequency questionnaire using 24-Hours-Recall method for three consecutive days. Nutrition education was also... more
Hypertension, dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes, important cardiovascular risk factors, are strongly linked to obesity. Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) are measures of obesity that can be useful in identifying... more
Candida colonization of the oral cavity increases in the elderly. A major predisposing condition is denture use, which also increases in the elderly. To test whether the increase in colonization is age-related in a fashion independent of... more
Accurate geochronologies are the key for comparison of palaeoclimate records. In order to clarify problems concerning the geochronology of glacier fluctuations we dated palaeosols in moraines in the Kebnekaise mountain region of Swedish... more
Aims/hypothesis There has been much focus on the potential role of mitochondria in the aetiology of type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome, and many case–control mitochondrial association studies have been undertaken for these... more
Threatened abortion is a clinical entity where the process of abortion has started but has not progressed to a state from which recovery is impossible 1 . The prognosis of threatened abortion is very unpredictable whatever method of... more
To examine how emotional content affects the amount of visual detail remembered, we had young and older adults study neutral, negative, and positive objects. At retrieval, they distinguished same (identical) from similar (same verbal... more
The present study investigates the diagnostic value of rotatory computed tomography (CT) examinations in normal subjects and pa-ORIGINAL ARTICLE Eur Spine J (2001) 10 : 38-43
During the 2002/2003 season, Italian sentinel-based network for surveillance of influenza, coordinated by Inter-university (Genoa-Milan-Trieste) Centre for Influenza Research (CIRI) registered an increasing incidence from week 9/2003... more
Several studies have recently reported that social class differences in ill-health during adolescence are almost non-existent or invisible. The aims of this comparative study of two different welfare states are first, to compare whether... more
The purpose of this study was to determine prevalence rates of psychiatric morbidity in the elderly, distinguishing different levels of psychiatric caseness as compared to the diagnoses of the DSM-III-R. In a crosssectional... more
Poisoning in children is a common accident and poison information services should be aware of the toxic agents responsible for poisoning in the community. A retrospective hospital based study was performed, before-the establishment of the... more
The objectives of the study were: Wrst, to determine the prevalence of traditional medicine (TM) and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use in head and neck cancer patients in Ireland; second, to educate ourselves on the... more
To estimate the prevalence of self medication with antibiotics and antimalarials in Khartoum State, Sudan and evaluate factors associated with self medication. A pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of 600... more
According to the data of the clinico-morphological register of the Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism in Ukraine, for the post-Chernobyl period in Ukraine (1986-2000), 472 cases of thyroid cancer have been reported in children who... more
Study Objective: To determine anesthetic drug utilization in different age groups. Design: Retrospective, automated, intraoperative database study. Setting: Tertiary care medical center. Measurements: 30,842 noncardiac general anesthesia... more
To evaluate the efficacy of once-monthly darbepoetin alfa in maintaining hemoglobin (Hb) levels between 10 and 12 g/dL in older subjects receiving darbepoetin alfa every 2 weeks. Design: A secondary analysis of a 29-week multicenter,... more
Various chemical agents have been evaluated over the years with respect to their antimicrobial effects in the oral cavity; however, all are associated with side effects that prohibit regular long-term use. Therefore, the effectiveness of... more
Objective: To determine the prevalence of Malarial parasites and species responsible in Sindh Province of Pakistan. Methodology: It is a cross sectional descriptive study conducted in all Districts of Sindh during January 2002 to December... more
Urban dwellers experience conflicting thoughts and feelings about urban woodlands; valued for their natural qualities, the relief they provide from the stress of modern urban living and the opportunities they afford for children's play... more