Age Discrimination

431 papers
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Age discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of individuals based on their age, often manifesting in employment, healthcare, and social services. It encompasses stereotypes and biases that negatively impact opportunities and rights, leading to systemic inequalities for older or younger populations.
This paper compares various philosophical approaches to the rights of future generations with the solutions adopted by national courts in climate litigation. It argues that two opposing visions emerge from this comparison: one that... more
Les centre sociaux sont en premiere ligne puisque present sur des territoires singularises, pour le contact avec des populations en proie a des discriminations. Un etat des lieux de leurs pratiques face a ce probleme etait necessaire. La... more
In 1950, the United States could claim racial equity in one important respect – both black and white American men who reached age 65 could expect to live twelve more years to age 77. Unfortunately, by 2010, racial gaps appeared. White men... more
This chapter deals with the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of socio-economic status. This matter, of ever-growing importance in public international law and constitutional law, is analyzed in this chapter from the... more
Esta comunicación deriva de la constatación de que la “edad” a menudo opera como una causa de discriminación que cuenta con un régimen jurídico de protección devaluado respecto a las causas tradicionales, en la medida en que se le... more
Ahstract Family responsibilities discrimination, bias against workers based on their responsibilities to care for family members is widespread in many organizations and is rapidly becoming a twenty-first century workplace concern.... more
RESUMO-Procuramos compreender (a) se a estrutura pentadimensional (dimensões: adaptabilidade; valia dos mais velhos para a organização; conscienciosidade e lealdade; capital social e generosidade; desempenho) do instrumento de medida das... more
Aging is a reality of life since the global workforce is getting older. The article first discusses the challenges confronting older workers in today's work environment, particularly the presence of negative age stereotypes and ageist... more
Background: The global increase in life expectancy has significantly raised the elderly population. In Türkiye, the proportion of individuals aged 65 and over rose from 8.8% in 2018 to 10.2% in 2023. This demographic shift necessitates... more
Η έγκριση της εργασίας από το Ε.Κ.Π.Α δεν υποδηλώνει απαραιτήτως και αποδοχή των απόψεων του συγγραφέα εκ μέρους του Πανεπιστημίου.
Шурупова К. В., Абдель Фатах А. С., Склема Т. Ю. Дискримінація за віковою ознакою на робочому місці: диференціатори впливу. Дана стаття вміщує в себе аналіз міжнародного, національного та трудового законодавства, відповідно саме в сфері... more
The aim of the present study is to investigate how age discrimination affects successful aging, but also whether internalizing negative attitudes towards old age explains the relationship between the two variables. Materials and Methods:... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to report on fieldwork observation of direct age discrimination cases within employment tribunal (ET) hearings over a three-year period. The observation focussed upon whether the witness evidence... more
support. He showed me what is achievable. Thank you Prof D. Wassenaar for your guidance regarding the sometimes-complicated ethics processes. Finally, I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to my family; my wife for her support... more
Les procédures disciplinaires à l'université Avant d'engager des poursuites disciplinaires, la présidence de l'université doit diligenter une enquête administrative afin de réunir les éléments factuels permettant d'éclairer la décision.... more
The aim of the present study is to investigate how age discrimination affects successful aging, but also whether internalizing negative attitudes towards old age explains the relationship between the two variables. Materials and Methods:... more
The aim of the present study is to investigate how age discrimination affects successful aging, but also whether internalizing negative attitudes towards old age explains the relationship between the two variables. The study involved 391... more
Ageism has been a poorly defined polemical term covering a range of discriminatory attitudes and behaviours directed toward elderly people. Based on data from 195 1st-year psychology students, this study measures four facets of... more
Views of aging include peoples’ assessment of their own aging process and their subjective age. Positive aging views relate to good psychological well-being which predicts better physical and mental health. While these were substantially... more
Age discrimination is often cited as a barrier to participation in work by older people, and the workplace provides the most common grounds for complaints of this nature. Age discrimination predominantly affects older rather than younger... more
Objectives: This study examined the relationship between changes in perceived discrimination and changes in depressive symptoms among older people. The association between perceived age discrimination and depressive symptoms was also... more
In 1950, the United States could claim racial equity in one important respect – both black and white American men who reached age 65 could expect to live twelve more years to age 77. Unfortunately, by 2010, racial gaps appeared. White men... more
Merci d'être présents, et merci aussi aux organisateurs du succès de ce travail que nous allons effectuer, que je sais d'avance productif car il va nous permettre d'avancer concernant les notions et mesures d'accompagnement de la personne... more
Age discrimination is often cited as a barrier to participation in work by older people, and the workplace provides the most common grounds for complaints of this nature. Age discrimination predominantly affects older rather than younger... more
As a reaction to a deficit-oriented view of aging and the i exclusion of older people i from many realms of society, several conceptions of positive aging have been developed over the last 15 years. The idea was to expand the way both... more
This article documents the employment discrimination experienced by Americans with a record of disability but no current disability, utilizing the Integrated Mission System of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Decisions... more
As a result of the economic crisis in the European Union, many companies have been forced to reorganize their activities in an attempt to cope with the substantial difficulties they face. Collective dismissals may be the ultimum remedium... more
Βγήκε η προκήρυξη για την ΕΣΔΙ Γ Σειρά (ΑΣΕΠ 17/2024) και σας επικαιροποίησα τον πολυκώδικα της β σειράς μέχρι να βγει η ύλη της γ σειράς την άλλη εβδομάδα. Δεν έχω συμπεριλάβει τον οργανικό νόμο του Ελεγκτικού Συνεδρίου για τον οποίο... more
Los medios de comunicación, al ser un factor significativo que influye en la audiencia, forman estereotipos de vejez en la conciencia de las masas y determinan patrones de comportamiento en relación con los ancianos. El propósito de esta... more
Population aging is a worldwide phenomenon, which is expressed in the labor market by the aging of workers. This new scenario can bring opportunities, but also challenges, especially due to the culture of ageism that is present.... more
The increase in ageing populations has spurred predictions on the growth of a politically powerful old-age bloc. While their protest mobilizations have risen to reach youth standards, there is scarce scholarly evidence of the role of... more
To educate generalists for work with older adults, geriatric specialists will increasingly be used as educators and consultants. Recent work found many Geropsychologists felt well trained as clinicians and researchers, but they did not... more
Policy Impact Statement: Age discrimination remains evident across all age groups, and stereotypical images of older workers are subscribed to and experienced in workplaces. This is occurring despite there being age discrimination... more
Guided by Andersen's help-seeking behavior model, this study identified factors that contributed to older adults' participation in low-income financial assistance programs in mainland China. Methods: The data used were extracted from the... more
Before 2012, there was no law on sexual harassment in Malaysia. However, when the Employment Act 1955 was amended in 2012, employers must inquire into sexual harassment complaints, failing which a criminal penalty will be imposed.... more
This study investigated the nature of age discrimination against older job applicants. One hundred fifty-six participants (102 students; 54 organization based) evaluated a hypothetical job applicant's (aged 33-66 years) work-related... more
Although 15 years have passed since the employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) became effective, significant employment disparities for persons with disabilities persist. It is important to assess how... more
Although workplace age discrimination research has been recognized as increasingly important, much less agreement has been reached regarding the operationalization and measurement of age discrimination. There are multiple age... more
Τα κείµενα που ακολουθούν πρωτοδιαβάστηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια της παρουσίασης του βιβλίου Ίντερσεξ. Η κατασκευή και το καθεστώς αλήθειας του Φύλου στη Δύση, στις 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2024 στο Ροµάντσο και παρατίθενται µε τη σειρά που ακούστηκαν... more
The need to ensure the economic wellbeing and quality of life of those who reach the official retirement age is a matter of concern in the world of social services and in social policy making. Since some working older adults may be forced... more
This perspective is an ethical brief overview and examination of "wellness" policies in the modern workplace using practical examples and a general application of utilitarianism. Many employers are implementing policies that provide... more
In 1950, the United States could claim racial equity in one important respect – both black and white American men who reached age 65 could expect to live twelve more years to age 77. Unfortunately, by 2010, racial gaps appeared. White men... more
Purpose:Today, the rapid increase in the population of Golden Agers has rapidly increased the concept of "gray-pride". According to World Age Structure (2018),the population aged 55-64 was estimated at 8.84%, while the population... more