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I propose a rich theoretical understanding on Afro-Latino student development based on critical race theory, culturally responsive pedagogy and practice. Addressing racial disparities is about engaging students thereby making their lives... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesLatin American StudiesEducation
Within the territories under the dominion of the Iberian monarchies, on both sides of the Atlantic, we seek to approach the cult rendered to Saint Iphigenia mainly in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In addition to the... more
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      Art HistoryAfro Latin AmericaHistory of SlaveryLuso-Afro-Brazilian Studies
The focus of this article is the hagiographies and novenas to San Benito de Palermo that circulated in the territories of New Spain, most of which were produced locally in the 18th and 19th centuries. While these devotional books can be... more
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      Cultural HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesLatin American Studies
El artículo analiza las representaciones visuales de afroporteños producidas entre las décadas de 1830 y 1860, periodo durante el cual gran parte de este sector de la población se vio inmerso dentro de una promesa de libertad.... more
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      Art HistoryAfro Latin AmericaVisual CultureHistoria del Arte
Las historias de estas mujeres nos interpelan a partir de su derecho y su capacidad de autorepresentarse, no como adalides de las luchas de las mujeres negras colombianas en general, sino como subjetividades y trayectorias encarnadas de... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaBlack/African DiasporaBlack feminismIntersectionality and Social Inequality
Partindo de um convite para falar do ponto de vista de um aluno a respeito da política de ação afirmativa para ingresso em um dos mais importantes programas de pós-graduação do país, ofereço uma reflexão sobre as causas que levaram à... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaAnti-RacismAntropologia SocialAções Afirmativas
The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to reconsider nineteenth century European literature through the study of non-canonical texts written by Afro-descendant women during the transatlantic slavery, in English, Spanish and Portuguese.... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesAfro-Brazilian CultureAfro-American Literature, Feminism, Women Studies
In this article I argue that the collection of carimbó lyrics collected by Paraense folklorist José Soeiro in the mid-twentieth century unexpectedly provides some key ideas to understand the social worlds of Paraense popular groups in... more
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      Music HistoryFolkloreAfro Latin AmericaBrazilian History
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      Afro Latin AmericaBlack/African DiasporaAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfro Latin American Literature and Caribbean Literature
En Buenaventura, Colombia, ciudad portuaria asolada por la violencia, la Red Solidaria Contra las Violencias de Género: Mariposas de Alas Nuevas Construyendo Futuro constituye un colectivo de mujeres que ponen en riesgo sus propias vidas... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaColombiaResistance (Social)Social Activism
Elected officials routinely do not reflect the racial diversity of the citizenry. In Latin America, these descriptive gaps are particularly pronounced. A growing number of studies investigate the causes of racial disparities in... more
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      Latin American StudiesPolitical PartiesUrban PoliticsAfro Latin America
Capítulo publicado no livro "Direitos dos Povos de Terreiro" (Eduneb, 2018).
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      Afro Latin AmericaLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesCandombléCosmopolitics
Un equipo de FEM y de la comunidad de Sincerin realizaron una encuesta censal asistida por Kobotoolbox y financiada por SELAVIP.
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      Afro Latin AmericaLand LawIntersectionality and Social InequalityEtnicidad de indígenas y afrodescendientes en Colombia y Argentina
Bocacerrada, Sucre is a rural afrodescendant community in the Colombian Caribbean. It seems to be an emblematic example of state behavior towards rural and ethnic communities. This paper describes the current situation of the community... more
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      Human RightsAfro Latin AmericaRace and EthnicityRural Development
El objetivo de este artículo es demostrar que la migración y la migrancia son dos aspectos claves para la configuración de la identidad de los migrantes. El análisis del viaje que realiza la familia Guzmán en Crónica de músicos y diablos... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaIdentity (Culture)Migrant LiteraturePeruvian Literature
Salute (1647). Encounters between Europeans and marginalized black Africans in Cartagena de Indias, and in sub-Saharan Africa, sketch the fluid boundaries that link diverse peoples and their perspectives in the composition of a... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaColonialism
As If She Were Free brings together the biographies of twenty-four women of African descent to reveal how enslaved and recently freed women sought, imagined, and found freedom from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries in the... more
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      Women's HistoryAfro Latin AmericaBlack/African DiasporaHistory of Slavery
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      Queer StudiesEconomicsAnthropologyFeminist Theory
Eros racializado es una publicación coordinada por Helena Maldonado, Mauricio González y Fernando Barrios.México:  e-dicciones Justine de la École lacanienne de psychanalyse
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      Afro Latin AmericaDecolonial ThoughtCuerpoRacismo y discriminación
Este estudio preliminar asume la existencia de una escena de música afro presente y en desarrollo en Santiago de Chile por lo menos desde hace veinte años. Dicha escena, según nuestro análisis, parece tener una unidad discursiva y... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfro Latin AmericaBlack/African DiasporaAfrican Diaspora Studies
Cotidianos afrodescendentes: um percurso visual pelo acervo da Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, é o primeiro livro da coleção Documentos de História Africana e Afro-Brasileira, produzida pela Fundação Joaquim Nabuco (Fundaj)/Ministério da... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesAfro-Brazilian CultureVisual History
Cortés, coords. 2018. Acción colectiva, movimientos sociales, sociedad civil y participación. Vol. II de Las ciencias sociales y la agenda nacional. Reflexiones y propuestas desde las Ciencias Sociales. Cadena Roa, Jorge, Miguel Aguilar... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAfro Latin AmericaIdentity (Culture)Afrodescendientes
Scripts of Blackness: Race, Cultural Nationalism, and U.S. Colonialism in Puerto Rico by Isar P. Godreau, Review in Afro-Hispanic Review v.38, n.1 (Spring 2019): 233-5.
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryAfro Latin AmericaRace and RacismCaribbean History
This essay explores some of the major interdisciplinary challenges regarding framing questions concerning race, racism, and the legacy of slavery in Brazil. As a historian, I am particularly interested in how these questions relate to the... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaLuso-Afro-Brazilian StudiesAfro-Latin American HistoryAfro-Brazilian Culture
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      Afro Latin AmericaCritical Race Theory, Anti-Racist Education, Social Justice EducationAnti-BlacknessCritical Race Pedagogy
"Las autoras de la presente obra hacen una relación de los procesos históricos de resistencia que permitieron la formación de los palenques en Colombia, y en este contexto reconstruyen cómo fue el pro- ceso en el Palenque San José de Uré.... more
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      AnthropologyEducationTransnationalismAfro Latin America
Book Reviews 455 it a useful practical guide for local musicians who wish to make a difference. A remarkably broad inquiry, Pedelty's wideranging study raises far more questions than it answers and, in so doing, should serve as an... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaBibliographyCuban StudiesAfrican Diaspora Studies
Jennifer Goett's ethnography examines the race and gender politics of activism for autonomous rights in an Afrodescedant Creole community in Nicaragua. Weaving together fifteen years of research, Black Autonomy follows this... more
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      Social MovementsLatin American StudiesGender StudiesMulticulturalism
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      Afro Latin AmericaArqueología histórica
Transcripción de una sesión de consulta a un joven investigador. Se han agregado detalles bibliográficos, referencias web y descripciones del ambiente involucrado para claridad de los lectores. Específicamente se abordan aspectos sobre la... more
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      African StudiesAfro Latin AmericaAfrican American StudiesDanza
When many of us see Black faces on Spanish-speaking outlets, our heart rate increases. The left hemisphere of our brains becomes more stimulated. We are in disbelief-a surge of cortisol hormone increases and our rational prefrontal lobes... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesAfro Latin America
Renewed violence in Nicaragua in the aftermath of the 1980s Contra War is tied to the drug trade, drug war militarization, and the rise of the postwar security state. State sexual violence in an Afro-Nicaraguan community under... more
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      Social MovementsLatin American StudiesWomen's StudiesHuman Rights
This article deconstructs the wave of moral panic caused by reggaeton in Cuba to suggest that behind issues of “national” and “legitimate” culture lays a social but mainly political rejection to the marginal subject that this music brings... more
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      Latin American StudiesSex and GenderPopular MusicEthnomusicology
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      Latin American StudiesEthnomusicologyPerformance StudiesMexican Studies
Tres son las corrientes que confluyeron para forjar nuestra identidad. Tal proceso fue producto del contacto directo y prolongado de diversos grupos dentro de un mismo espacio geográfico. Las corrientes a las que hacemos referencia son la... more
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      FolkloreAfro Latin AmericaAfro-american studiesCultura tradicional
This study analyses Adalberto Ortiz’s novel Juyungo (1943) and proposes that, in Juyungo, Ortiz succeeds in articulating an Ecuadorian Blackness by recuperating the legacy of resistance and solidarity of the multi-ethnic and multiracial... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaAfrican Diaspora StudiesRace and EthnicityLatin American literature
515 págs. 89 figuras, bibliografía.
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfro Latin AmericaBlack Women's Studies
In Colombia's agrarian spaces, war and extractivism are deeply entangled. Almost four years after the peace accords signed between the national government and the FARC guerrilla, post-conflict geographies are best characterised by the... more
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      Feminist TheoryPeace and Conflict StudiesAfro Latin AmericaPolitical Ecology
This issue aims to explore the diversity of historical and political articulations of institutional racism and their antagonists in the Americas, and why it is now, under the difficult circumstances of lockdown during the Covid-19... more
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      Native American StudiesLatin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
Los alumnos quieren tocar instrumentos, las instituciones no están en condiciones de comprarlos, los padres tampoco. Los alumnos evidencian graves problemas sociales y comunicativos. ¿Los docentes estamos preparados para desenvolvernos en... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesMusic EducationMusic Theory Pedagogy
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      Social MovementsAfro Latin AmericaSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAfrican Diaspora Studies
En este tiempo de conmemoración de los cincuenta años del Conci-lio Vaticano II, muchas preguntas surgen en el quehacer teológico latinoamericano, especialmente porque vivimos en un período de crisis 2 derivado del cambio epocal de las... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaBlack/African DiasporaConcilio Vaticano II
En este capítulo de libro se discuten las ideas de "integración" y "asimilación" de la población de origen africano en México que han prevalecido en gran parte de la historiografía. A partir de la revisión de algunos documentos históricos... more
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesAfro Latin AmericaMexico HistoryAbolition of Slavery
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      Afro Latin AmericaCuban Studies
Asistimos a un mundo que parece vivir de manera contradictoria una doble realidad: por un lado, la globalización, proceso que en su cuarta etapa de industrialización es considerado irreversible y, por el otro, una vuelta hacia los... more
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      Cultural StudiesAfro Latin AmericaPopulismoCooperación Internacional
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      Afro Latin AmericaSlaveryColonial Latin American HistoryLIMA PERU
El presente artículo desarrolla una reflexión en torno a la Etnoeducación Afrocolombiana. En primer lugar, se muestra la Etnoeducación afrocolombiana bajo la perspectiva de un concepto nuevo, pero una práctica antigua, tomando en... more
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      Teacher EducationAfro Latin AmericaAfrocentrismAfrican history, African culture, African politics, African education, Afrocentrism, African-Centred Education, Black Psychology, Black Sociology, Black Family Research, Black Men, Black Youth, African Consciousness, Black Consciousness, Race and Racism
‘Da cultura popular à cultura negra’ é o capitulo introdutório do livro editado por Martha Abreu, Eric Brasil, Lívia Monteiro & Giovana Xavier, Cultura Negra – Novos desafios para a História e os Historiadores, Niteroi, RJ: EdUFF, 2018.... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfro Latin America
Ever since the US Census Bureau first collected the number of immigrants of Latino or Hispanic origin residing in the country in 1970, that number has continued to grow. This demographic transformation has brought multiple changes to... more
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      Afro Latin AmericaIdentity (Culture)Race and EthnicityAfro-Latino Studies