African urbanism
Recent papers in African urbanism
The peripheral contexts of urban agglomerations in sub-Saharan Africa are usually discussed in reference to peri-urban literature, which tends to be largely descriptive rather than theoretically engaged. The urban peripheral contexts of... more
What visions for the future of the “Greater Maputo”? What territorial images and analytical interpretations we can build on to envision long- term strategies and political decisions to promote integrated and sustainable development?... more
Approaching the informal construction and extension of infrastructures through the terrain of what I term “the incremental” opens up new platforms of analysis for post- colonial urban systems. This refers to ad hoc actions on the part of... more
Notas de leitura de dois livros de geógrafos sobre o Maputo actual
As Africa urbanises and the focus of poverty shifts to urban centres, there is an imperative to address poverty in African cities. This is particularly the case in smaller cities, which are often the most rapidly urbanising, but the least... more
Co-authored editorial and guest edited by Camaren Peter:Perspectives Periodical Series (No 3, 2012) by Heinrich-Boll Stiftung
Citation: Hyman, K. and Pieterse, E. (2017) “Infrastructure deficits and potential in African Cities”, in: Burdett, R. and Hall, S. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Urban Sociology: New approaches to the twenty-first century city. London: Sage... more
nomic, cultural, and political practices? If so, does this alter higher-order claims we may wish to make about, say, commodification, the production of the subject, the creation of the mass, technological reproducibility, speed, and a... more
This essay explores scenes of zany comedy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, across three sites: a television sketch about repeated electrical shock; the careers of freelance electricians known as vishoka; and encounters between residents and... more
Architecture can assume both liberating, empowering roles as much as also serving as oppressive. This has been evident under different political systems2 in African countries and especially in their post-colonial cities. Indeed, the... more
The emergence of platform urbanism over the last decade prompts a reimagining of existing infrastructural geographies of the city and the labour that underpins the operation of urban life. This reflection draws on fieldwork conducted in... more
Archaeological research on the Iron Age occupation at Lake Chad has focused so far on sites located in the clay plains to the south of the lake. Apart from extensive investigations on the Later Stone Age occupation (ca 1800–400 BC), the... more
Don't start from the good old things, but the bad future ones.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Recent archaeological research on the mid-1st millennium BC site of Zilum has opened a new perspective for archaeological and historical studies in the central Sudan. Located to the southwest of Lake Chad, about 60 km north of Maiduguri,... more
Flood mapping is still rare in the large cities South of Sahara. The lack of information on the characteristics of floods, the orography of the sites and the receptors hampers its production. However, even with scant information, it is... more
Every now and again, the emperor must be disrobed. Disciplinary debates – shaped by the clothes of a thousand emperors past – become stale, and detached from the empiri- cal realities they purport to describe. Over the past two decades,... more
This article reads the embodiment of fashion in the web series, An African City, as a geographical site for challenging dominant Eurocentric narratives about African women as insignificant to the global spaces of fashion. By situating... more
Pubblicato durante le iniziative per la celebrazione del 90esimo dello Iuav Prima edizione settembre 2016 ISBN DCP Iuav 9788894056952 ISBN Mimesis 9788857538242
In Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, residents, electricians, and power-utility workers tolerate some unofficial forms of modifiying the electrical network, such as unsanctioned reconnections and extensions. These practices, which can also involve... more
Most of the contemporary literature on urban globalization is focused on the major world cities of New York, London, and Tokyo. Much rarer are studies on the globalization of less prominent cities (especially those in developing... more
Major taxation reforms over the past decade have been interpreted as facilitating the transformation of Lagos: once widely seen as a city in permanent crisis, it is now seen by some observers as a beacon of megacity development. Most... more
In many parts of Africa, societies that remain primarily rural are experiencing accelerated urban growth and highly visible booms in property development. In the absence of significant industrialization, investment is pouring directly... more
This thesis aims to understand the important features of resilience for individuals living in poor urban areas. There is currently little understanding of the role of ecosystem services, or the key components of adaptive capacity in these... more
A growing body of work has highlighted the centrality of verticality to the making of contemporary urbanism, pushing scholars to begin conceptualising inequality, politics, and planning as multi-scalar in nature. This paper builds off... more
Over the last twenty-five years, garbage infrastructure in Dakar, Senegal, has taken center stage in the struggles over government, the value of labor, and the dignity of the working poor. Through strikes and public dumping, Dakar's... more
International Rapporteur's report, Walking Debate: Nairobi, African Soil Seminar November 2016, Global Soil Forum, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
The purpose of this study is to determine whether the activities of a young, pro-democracy group in Senegal significantly increased youth's willingness to participate in politics. Senegalese youth share a history of political distrust and... more
Book Review - Caroline Melly, Bottleneck: Moving, Building, and Belonging in an African City
Estante Austral (11) José Pimentel Teixeira "Canal de Moçambique", edição de 12.11.2014
As the global South, and Africa in particular, becomes increasingly urbanized, scholars have called attention to the limited explanatory capacity of existing theory. In response, ROY (2009) suggests developing conceptual vectors based on... more
New Towns in development across Africa are overwhelmingly designed according to twentieth-century planning models ranging from functionalist Chinese grids to American gated communities. Contemporary African New Towns based on these models... more
Missionaries introduced the western education in Kenya as they first settled in the East African coast by 1557. The first wave of missionaries being the Roman Catholics and then followed by the Lutherans through the Church Missionary... more
This paper addresses a specific aspect of the social and cultural life of the Luso-Chinese in Mozambique, whose first contingents came from the Chinese province of Guangdong in the second half of the 19th century. Most settled in the city... more
Contribution to the special issue "Comparing what? Conceptualizing comparison in ethnographic research" (edited by Andrea Mubi Brighenti & Nicholas DeMaria Harney)
In any delivery system, the final leg is often the hardest. Michael Degani takes to the streets of Dar es Salaam to explore the “last-mile problem” of Tanzania’s energy grid.