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      Historical ArchaeologyAfrican American ArchaeologyAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
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      Historical ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyAtlantic WorldCaribbean History
The study of enslaved people's consumption practices often relies on 'fast science,' reducing these acts to a reflection of socioeconomic structures or a medium for agency and self-expression. What often gets lost is the effects these... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyHistory of SlaveryAnthropology of the Senses
A recent paper by Barnes and Steen (2012) characterizes the state of past archaeological studies of Gullah-occupied sites. Although the paper presents a valid call for greater involvement of the contemporary Gullah community in... more
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      Gullah-GeecheeAfrican American ArchaeologyAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
This article outlines an interdisciplinary research project exploring a nineteenth-century Barbadian colonization effort in the West African nation of Liberia. Several families of the 346 migrants who sailed for Liberia in 1865 settled... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyCaribbean ArchaeologyCaribbean DiasporasAfrican Americans - Colonization
The Utopia Quarter archaeological site is located on a bluff overlooking the James River a few miles outside the town of Williamsburg, Virginia. Four different groups of enslaved Africans and their descendants lived at the site between... more
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    • African Diaspora Archaeology
Preliminary report of two field seasons of archaeological, historical, and heritage research in Liberia.
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      Historical ArchaeologyCultural HeritageBlack/African DiasporaCapacity Building
s essay is in part an explanatory summary of archaeologists' work at sites of slavery. As Fesler notes, it was archaeologists who discovered evidence that enslaved Africans preserved traditional customs and knowledge, a discovery that... more
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    • African Diaspora Archaeology
This article presents some of the archaeological finds made at the Valongo Wharf in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Hundreds of thousands of enslaved Africans arrived at Valongo, in the first half of the nineteenth century, to be sold in Brazil’s... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyAfrican DiasporaHistória e Cultura da ReligiãoArqueología histórica
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      Historical ArchaeologyPlantation ArchaeologyFrench West IndiesAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
A large collection of wrought iron restraints recovered from the wreck of the London-based merchant slave ship Henrietta Marie, sunk in the Florida Keys in 1700, goes to the heart of the transatlantic slave trade. The devices, of a... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesMaritime History
This report summarizes the results of archaeological investigations carried out by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation at a middling plantation in Williamsburg, VA. The site (circa 1747-1767) was once inhabited by a household composed of... more
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      History of SlaveryPlantation ArchaeologyAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
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      Historical ArchaeologyCaribbean ArchaeologyAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
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      African Diaspora StudiesFeminist ArchaeologyAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
The article analyzes bonfire features and the artifacts and ecofacts contextually associated with them from five sites occupied by African-diasporic groups in Southeastern and Western Brazil. The interpretations proposed are based on a... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyAfrican Religion in Africa and the DiasporaArqueologíaArqueología histórica
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      Historical ArchaeologyBlack/African DiasporaAfrican DiasporaCaribbean Archaeology
El libro presenta dos estudios sobre la Arqueología de la Diáspora africana en el litoral rioplatense (en particular en la Provincia de Entre Ríos) y el Barrio del tambor de la ciudad de Paraná. Allí se profundiza en el caso de la Capilla... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican DiasporaArqueología
Hidden in the backwoods of the Apalachicola National Forest, all that remains of the Negro Fort’s existence is a few divots in the earth and a couple historical references. Destroyed in 1816, the Negro Fort, also known as Fort Blout and... more
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      Florida ArchaeologyAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
This forum builds on the discussion stimulated during an online salon in which the authors participated on June 25, 2020, entitled “Archaeology in the Time of Black Lives Matter,” and which was cosponsored by the Society of Black... more
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      ArchaeologyAnti-RacismAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
In this article we discuss the possible theoretical and methodological connections between approaches to the material culture of slavery and the postemancipation period. Based on the thematic bibliography, we both evaluate the current... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyBlack/African DiasporaAfrican Diaspora StudiesHistory of Slavery
_________________________________________________________________________________ been slower to develop than in other parts of the Caribbean. Recently that has begun to change organization of slave villages, the material culture employed... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyCaribbean ArchaeologyFrench West IndiesAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
La actual ciudad de Paraná tuvo sus orígenes durante las primeras décadas del siglo XVIII, en el dinámico espacio de la frontera santafesina conocida como "la otra banda del Paraná". Los pobladores hispano-criollos, indíge-nas y... more
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      African Diaspora StudiesEtnohistoriaHistoria colonialEntre Ríos
This article intends to address archaeological coloniality and points to the urgent need for epistemological changes within the field. Conceived as an Afroguianese epistemological disobedience, Griotic Archaeology represents an attempt to... more
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      Community ArchaeologyModernity/coloniality/decolonialityAfrican Diaspora ArchaeologyEpistemic Violence
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      Historical ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyAfrican Diaspora StudiesArqueología histórica
Abstract The year 2019 marked the quadricentenary of two communities in the Ingenio Valley of Nasca, Peru, founded as vineyard haciendas by the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). For a decade, the Haciendas of Nasca Archaeological Project (PAHN)... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyMuseum Studies
Artigo publicado em co-autoria com Flávio Gomes no livro "Emancipação, inclusão, exclusão. Desafios do passado e do presente", organizado por Lilia M. Schwarcs e Maria Helena Machado.
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      African Diaspora StudiesArqueologíaArqueología históricaArqueologia
O livro discute os significados e práticas vinculadas à cultura material exumada da senzala da Fazenda do Colégio de Campos dos Goytacazes, com ênfase nas louças, cerâmicas, restos faunísticos e ornamentos exumados de diferentes áreas da... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyAfrican Diaspora StudiesHistory of Slavery
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      Historical ArchaeologyFrench West IndiesAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
The discovery of two smoking pipes from Seventeenth-century contexts in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is used to suggest the presence in colonial times of a new set of stylistic norms derived from African traditions that are expressed at a... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesArchaeology of Pipes and SmokingAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
This article presents an overview of the main issues that have been discussed on the subject of Archaeology of African Diaspora in the United States and in Brazil, adding, when pertinent, information on the contexts of the Caribbean. The... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyBlack/African DiasporaAfrican Diaspora StudiesArchaeology of Maroon Societies (quilombos, palenques etc.)
Los últimos veinte años testificaron un gran desarrollo de la arqueología histórica de Sudamérica en general y, particularmente, de Brasil. Hemos visto la emergencia y consolidación de este campo de investigación... more
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      Arqueología históricaArqueología Histórica En América LatinaArqueologia da EscravidãoArqueologia Histórica
This article discusses the development of a community-based participatory research (CBPR) project in the historic resort town of Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts. It builds on critical theoretical agendas in community-based archaeologies by... more
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      Collaborative ArchaeologyAfrican Diaspora Archaeologymassachusetts archaeology
This thesis details the Phase 1 archaeological investigation into Black-Americans who were active on the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan during the mining boom of the 1850s-1880s. Using archaeological and archival methods, this thesis is a... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEthnic StudiesBlack Studies Or African American Studies
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      African Diaspora StudiesArqueología históricaArqueologia HistóricaAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
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    • African Diaspora Archaeology
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      Historical ArchaeologyLiterary CriticismWilla CatherPlantation Archaeology
Studies of plantation landscapes often focus on how enslavers used panoptical lines of sight to control and discipline enslaved people. While this provides powerful ways of theorizing plantations, other aspects of plantation landscapes... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
RESUMEN En este artículo discutimos las formas en que los hábitos alimentarios se relacionaron con el proceso de construcción social de la diferencia en el interior de la comunidad esclavizada del Colegio de los Jesuitas de Campos dos... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyFoodways (Anthropology)Slavery
In this paper I examine how archaeologists make sense of the archaeological record at sites occupied by enslaved Africans in the Chesapeake region during the antebellum period. In particular, I offer an alternative explanation for some... more
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    • African Diaspora Archaeology
This article approaches the cultural formation processes that acted upon the archaeological record in the area of a slave quarter from the Colégio dos Jesuítas, a sugar plantation located in Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ). This space has been... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyArqueologíaArqueología históricaArqueologia
pandémie internationale de 2020, nous examinons l'importance qu'il y a à préserver la mobilisation de publics multiples lorsque les activités normales sont interrompues.
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyPublic Archaeology
The Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritageprovides a focal point for peer-reviewed publications in interdisciplinary studies in archaeology, history, material culture, and heritage dynamics concerning African descendant... more
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      HistoryHistorical ArchaeologyAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican History
This article presents an ongoing project to revitalize an Afro-Ecuadorian cemetery called the "Garden of Memory, Martina Carrillo," dating from the eighteenth through twentieth centuries, and located in the community of La Concepción, in... more
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      African Diaspora StudiesCollaborative ArchaeologyAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
Archaeological studies of African diasporic contexts in Brazil have expanded significantly in the last 15 years. While earlier studies in the 1980s and 1990s focused on maroon settlements, a wider diversity of contexts have been studied... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyAfrican Diaspora StudiesArqueología históricaArchaeology of slavery
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)South Carolina ArchaeologyAfrican American ArchaeologyAfrican Diaspora Archaeology
pandémie internationale de 2020, nous examinons l'importance qu'il y a à préserver la mobilisation de publics multiples lorsque les activités normales sont interrompues.
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyPublic Archaeology
During the colonial era, French Guiana, located in the South American continent, was part of the Circum-Caribbean region and participated in the triangular trade. From the beginning of the colony until their expulsion (1763-1768), Jesuits... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyCreolizationCaribbean ArchaeologyFrench Colonial Archaeology
Many studies have been conducted on the history of Africans and their descendants in Brazil, but the potential of historical archaeology sites in the Amazon region has been little explored. I present a brief overview of this research,... more
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      African StudiesHistorical ArchaeologyAfrican Diaspora StudiesAmazonian Archaeology
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      Historical ArchaeologySlaveryCaribbean ArchaeologyPlantations
The material record of the African Diaspora in the Gulf Coast and Circum-Caribbean is all too often ephemeral, elided, or erased. Interactions in this region, increasingly structured through hierarchical relations, resulted in new (some... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyCritical Race TheoryAfrican American StudiesCultural Resource Management (Archaeology)