ABSTRACT Festival is an age long aspect of the oral traditions of a people in a given society. It is a periodic event celebrated at an appointed time in a community. Most societies of the world have festivals to commemorate certain events... more
Ballo del Trescone, Lauda spirituale, Ballo popolare in Romagna
The term “English Alabasters” refers to the serialized production of sculptures and reliefs carved from alabaster in various medieval English centers. Before the English Reformation—an event that significantly curtailed the production of... more
The 2018 Sarr-Savoy report promoted a political context favorable to the development of laws and directives by European countries. Some countries – e.g. France, Belgium – are finally tackling the restitution of their colonial heritage by... more
The economic activities in Badagry had profound impact on the social and politicallives of the people. Indeed, existing studies on Badagry concentrated more on tradition of origin, slave trade, Christianity and fishing industry of the... more
Kizino dance originates from the SouthWestern region of Uganda among the Bakiga ethnic group. It is characterized by music, vigorous strength, stamina, and agility for both female and male members of the community. The transmission... more
Abstract Every human community has a reason for dancing. These reasons are usually not in isolation of the happenings around them. You can therefore find in a peoples‟ dance what led to their choice of movements and the way... more
This article situates the concept of dance within the worldview of Africa in general, and Nigeria in particular. It views dance from the lens of dance practice and scholarship. It specifically gives meaning to dance from the perspective... more
Ghana has undergone several political regimes which has invariably affected every aspect of the Ghanaian live. This paper retrospectively illuminates some of the political dispensations we have had as a country and reviews how they... more
The gong performance is popular in many ethnic groups around the world. For each ethnic group or each cultural region, the gong performance has its own peculiarities, Phu Yen, Vietnam is a province in the central part of Vietnam, and it... more
Este texto pone el foco en los cuerpos y corporalidades de los protagonistas de Historia Kiria (1930) de Pedro Figari, asi como en sus danzas y cantos ancestrales. En esta obra literaria, Figari parece concebir lo afro, lo criollo, lo... more
Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse https://www.cairn.info/revue-savoir-agir-2016-2-page-83.htm Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email, s'abonner... Flashez ce QR Code... more
This paper examines dance as an interpretative theatrical element in the process of directing "Trapped in the Web", an unpublished drama written and directed by this researcher. The paper evaluates the performance in relation to how... more
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Association la Revue nouvelle. Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour Association la Revue nouvelle. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée... more
Dancing across the Atlantic and Mediterranean worlds, African choreographers and dancers challenged representations of Africa in Europe in the late twentieth century
ABSTRACT Ritual performance happens in almost all cultures because it involves a set of physical and spiritual activities by which an individual or a group promotes heart desires. Culturally, ritual performance functions for both religion... more
Évoquant un « don de Dieu », ou le fait d’avoir la danse « dans le sang », les danseurs de sabar, au Sénégal, prétendent avoir fait carrière sans passer par des apprentissages, tout en revendiquant plus tard d’avoir eu accès à certaines... more
As an adolescent Hugo Zemp wanted to become a jazz musician, and at the age of 20 entered in a three-year program of percussion at the Conservatory of Basle, his hometown in Switzerland. In 1958, at the age of 21, he travelled to Côte... more
Knowledge is often likened to weather conditions that pay no heed to national boundaries. This opinion has ledmany African scholars into using the same instruments to gauge issues in African and non-African studies expecting to getsimilar... more
Cultural festival is a portrayal of diverse cultural activities of a people, as well as their glamour of monumental merriments, usually with displays of various aspects of the people‟s culture in form of music, dance, dressing, occupation... more
This paper is an ethnological and anthropological study of Zangbeto among the Ogu (Egun) people of Badagry, in Nigeria. The study utilized survey design approach with emphasis on qualitative method: interview, focus group discussion and... more
This article discusses the role of male dancers within the Senegalese sabar tradition. The most common context for sabar dancing is social dance events that are dominated by non-professional female dancers. However, since the independence... more
In this article I revisit the Israeli Eskesta dance troupe (Baum 2001), examining its cultural modes of production and discussing three specific possibilities exhibited in the work: that the group’s combination of African ethnic and... more
This paper interrogates the evidence of cultural integration and identity in Nasarawa State's choreographic approach to the danceturgy of the Nigerian National Festival of Arts and Culture (NAFEST).
ABSTRACT Over the years, African ritual dances have been castigated as relics of our die-hard evil traditions. This is because people are either too scared or impatient to look deeply into these so-called devilish dances in order to... more
Culture is a major instrument for identifying a people. Over time, Nigeria"s diverse cultures have been celebrated with fun-fare and pageantry for tourism carnivals. The management process of such cultural celebrations becomes worthy of... more
Orósùn in Ìdànrè, is observed to be a special traditional festival in Ondo State, Nigeria, which annually brings about positive changes in the lives of the people. The festival, which is richly endowed with dance and multifarious... more
Cet article s’intéresse à différentes conceptions et expériences de la liberté qui se manifestent autour de l’enseignement des danses africaines en Europe, plus précisément autour de la danse sénégalaise sabar. Alors que les danses... more
In Australia, Dance is one subject in the National Arts Curriculum for early childhood and primary education. In many schools, dance is taught for the minimum time necessary to satisfy the system requirements of a summative grade that can... more
Review of the book: Contemporary African Dance Theatre: Phenomenology, whiteness and the gaze by Sabine Sörgel
Man—Being, split. Living in two currents. Essential self cut off from social person. Essence is not so hard to sense—it is the body, its sensations, impulses, feelings. But we constantly lose this inner contact in outer pulls: projects,... more
Through reports and historical sources both written and iconic, the essay intends to dwell on the particular attention paid to the topics of African dance and music in the colonial imagination, with specific interest in the Italian... more
Indigenous dances in communities that underwent European colonialism and Christianization are currently practiced in environments that still carry colonial legacies. Without formal dance teachers' training programs and frameworks,... more
The people of Ugbugbu community assembled at Udaburu village square for the annual alanya dance contest. The square was very wide, surrounded with mango and iroko trees. A shack was at one side of the square and images of gods were rooted... more
This book locates the philosophy of Ubuntu as the undergirding framework for indigenous dance pedagogies in local communities in Uganda. Through critical examination of the reflections and practices of selected local dance teachers, the... more
Agnes de Mille once wrote: “The truest expression of a people is in their dance & music. Bodies never lie”. This expression accurately describes the concepts captured in this write-up about the Ogu people of Lagos State, Nigeria and their... more
The neo-liberal economic policies, which were instituted in Uganda in the late 1980s, opened up the creative economy centered on urban artistry and cultural innovation. As a result of free flow of global cultural ideas, local inter-ethnic... more
This article summarizes our deepened understanding of decolonizing research with, for, and by Indigenous peoples and peoples of African descent that emerged from conducting a scoping review of the methodological literature and reflecting... more
A review of a documentary film by Richard Pakleppa, Matthias Röhrig Assunção and Mestre Cobra Mansa shot in Angola and Brazil in search of capoeira's origins.
Gunnuvi community which is found in parts of Lagos, Ogun, Kwara Oyo states. Folktales are basically in group with others like; proverbs, riddles and songs. The study endeavours to look into the situation of folktales in the above... more
In Ugandan schools, traditional dances still occupy a tangential position as compared to core curriculum subjects such as science, mathematics, biology, physics and economics, among others. Emanating from the colonial era, when European... more
Over the years, dances from African cultures have been viewed in the Western world as caricatures of exotic bodies and representations of experiences that are abundant in the natural order of things. Valentino Y. Mudimbe (1988) has... more