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      EducationAfrican American Vernacular English
Current theories assume that all ellipsis phenomena can be licensed by a feature occupying a preceding functional head (Lobeck 1995, Merchant 1999, 2004). In this paper, however, I show that feature-based treatments cannot account for... more
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      Grammatical VariationLinguistic VariationEllipsisSyntax of Clausal Ellipsis
While a number of sociolinguistic studies have examined intraspeaker variation and how it allows a speaker to negotiate identities related to class, much of the existing work on speakers and their physically-delimited communities has... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage, Space and PlaceSociophoneticsAfrican American English
Background/Context: The popularity surrounding culturally sustaining pedagogy (CSP) is notable primarily within language and literacy content areas but is also making its rounds in other disciplines. Because of its assumed objectivity and... more
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      Critical Race TheoryCulturally relevant pedagogyBlack EducationAfrican American Vernacular English
This focus of this paper is to present an overview of the current research which examines the language and literacy performance of African American children who speak African American Vernacular English (AAVE), as presented from a deficit... more
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      PsychologyEbonicsEducation SystemsAfrican American Vernacular English
The Influence of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) on British Blues Music: A Study on Identity Construction
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      MusicLanguages and LinguisticsIdentity construction and cultural productionEnglish linguistics
Phonological characteristics of a voice, such as th-stopping (pronouncing them as " dem ") associated with African American English (AAE), provide indexical sociolinguistic information about the speaker. Word usage also signals this... more
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      Dialects of EnglishMemoryWord RecognitionLexical Variation
After the audacious study and profound interest in Latin literature by the autodidact Charles Chesnutt is presented, this contribution argues that, unlike scholarship up to now pointing to orally-passed African American folktales, many of... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesLatin LiteratureNineteenth Century StudiesAfrican American Literature
r h P t l n : Th L t r f n Bl n b D v d . r l nd (r v l T.
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesLiteracyLanguages and LinguisticsBlack Masculinity
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      Creative WritingHistoryEnglish LiteratureLanguages and Linguistics
This study focuses on listener perceptions of African American English (AAE) on Twitter, examining both grammatical and ungrammatical usages, as well as how these perceptions may be affected by the race of the speaker and rater. We... more
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      PerceptionLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsSocial Media
This is a temporary home for the matched guise recordings (African American English, Chicano English, and Standard American English) that John Baugh made to demonstrate his ‘linguistic profiling’ experiment.
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      DialectologyDialects of EnglishSociolinguisticsVarieties of English
Abstract In this paper I analyze what I argue are erroneous assumptions of scientific neutrality, especially with regard to the science of linguistics. That is to say, I will seek to deconstruct the notion that science is inherently... more
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    • African American Vernacular English
"As a strategy for listening to a word so loaded with the history and memory of inequality, I suggest that we think of the n-word as an utterance that signifies feeling and condition, rather than a word that signifies actual people."
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesBlack TheatreAugust WilsonCode Switching
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesDialectologyDialects of EnglishSociolinguistics
Americans constitute the majority of the world"s native speakers of English (about 240 million people), compared with about 57 million speakers in Britain. (Tottie, 2002:1) In relation to the history of the English Language, however, the... more
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      Historical LinguisticsDialects of EnglishMiddle EnglishLanguage Variation and Change
African American Vernacular English is a variant of English spoken mostly by black people in the United States. But while it is called African American Vernacular English, the language cannot be defined racially because not all black... more
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      Cross-cultural studies (Culture)African American Vernacular English
This paper seeks to complicate two primary norms within argumentation theory: 1- engaging with one’s interlocutors in a ‘pleasant’ tone and 2- speaking directly to one’s target audience/interlocutor. Moreover, I urge argumentation... more
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      Argumentation TheoryIntersectionalityAfrican American Vernacular English
(For full access of the document please contact me over Facebook page: and we can make a deal for paper purchase. The paper proved to be very popular and very downloaded so I decided to start selling it for... more
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      Cultural StudiesSociolinguisticsEnglish languageAfrican American Studies
This is grammar sketch of African American Vernacular English that I prepared for courses I taught on this topic at UCLA and Northwestern.
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      Dialects of EnglishSociolinguisticsAfrican American Vernacular EnglishAAVE
Classroom practices that simultaneously address cultural identity and academic language have the potential to increase students’ attachment to school while expanding their language repertoires. The set of studies collected here examine... more
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      Dialects of EnglishSecondary English Language ArtsAfrican American Vernacular EnglishCritical Language Awareness
Whiteness, like all racial categories, is a mythic and cunning construct with little biological credibility but tremendous social power. Historically, White social dominance has been propped up not only by violence, political control, and... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyRace and RacismRace and EthnicityColonialism
This essay serves as a defense for the acceptance of the use of African American Vernacular English (hereafter AAVE) by Black people in professional and educational settings. It is racist and dehumanizing to shun, make fun of, fire, or... more
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      Latin American StudiesEducationEbonicsWhite Supremacy
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A research proposal on code switching. When and where is it appropriate to use?
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      EbonicsCode SwitchingAfrican American Vernacular English
this framework we assume is not too exhaustive that's why we are asking you support for it
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      Nigerian LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsNigerian EnglishLingustics
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesDialects of EnglishAfrican American StudiesLanguage Variation
American English has plentiful of dialects, and one of the most recognized is African American Vernacular English (AAVE). Often regarded as a “badly spoken English”, it gained recognition no earlier than 1977. Its roots date back to... more
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      Translation StudiesHip-Hop StudiesHip Hop CultureRap music
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      SociolinguisticsSouthern Studies (U.S. South)History of SlaveryMorphosyntax
Winner, Outstanding Publication Award, Society for Music Theory, Popular Music Interest Group, 2019. The best-known track on Kendrick Lamar’s To Pimp a Butterfly, “Alright” has come to be regarded as a protest anthem, fueled by Lamar’s... more
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      Popular MusicProtest MusicProtestHip-Hop/Rap
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      African American English Dialect and AchievementAfrican American Vernacular English
Glocal English compares the usage patterns and stylistic conventions of the world’s two dominant native varieties of English (British and American English) with Nigerian English, which ranks as the English world’s fastest-growing... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsLinguistic Anthropology
In this thesis, I researched in what ways the black oral tradition appears in literature. In order to reach to a conclusion, literary works of Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston were scrutinized. According to historians Henry... more
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      Race and RacismAfrican American LiteratureAmerican SouthFolktales
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguageBlack EnglishPresidential rhetoric
Scholars of AAVE have typically assumed that the invariant am typical of minstrel depictions of black speech was a fabrication, used neither by modern nor earlier black Americans. However, the frequency with which invariant am occurs in... more
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      Language Variation and ChangePidgin and Creole LanguagesLanguage AttitudesAfrican American Vernacular English
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      SociolinguisticsApplied LinguisticsPidgins & CreolesAfrican American Vernacular English
Language and power have been interlinked and are noticeable in the form of presence of languages like English, French and Spanish in different countries around the world due to rules of British, French and Spanish colonies. The colonial... more
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      American LiteratureBritish LiteratureDiscourse AnalysisAmerican History
Increasingly, studies of African American English (AAE) include in their scope the speech of upper and middle-class African Americans (Rahman 2008; Weldon 2011; Alim and Smitherman 2012; Weldon and Britt forthcoming), rather than focusing... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociolinguisticsSociophoneticsAfrican American English
Purpose: This study was designed to examine the relationships among minority dialect use, language ability, and young African American English (AAE)–speaking children’s understanding and awareness of Mainstream American English (MAE).... more
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      Language AcquisitionDialects of EnglishAfrican American English Dialect and AchievementAfrican American English
The article aims to shed some light on the role of language during a crucial step of life when it comes to identity, that is to say youth – the age of uncertainty par excellence, in which every convention, every belief is put into... more
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      Creative WritingEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
We ilustrate the complexity and interest of English phonology and morphology through two case studies: the phonological and morphological behavior of sibilant suffixes, and the aspiration of voiceless obstruents. We focus on documenting... more
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      PhonologyEnglish languageEnglishMorphology
No matter what approach individuals take, language often plays a role in how they represent their identity. Black Jews may make selective use of elements of the distinctive linguistic repertoires associated with African Americans and with... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage and EthnicityJewish LanguagesAfrican American Vernacular English
This article explores the ways in which 'gangsta' English features are deployed, evaluated and adopted in two types of social media, the web forum and Twitter, within the domains of hip hop culture and football (soccer) culture, from the... more
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      Football (soccer)AuthenticitySocial MediaNormativity
The Nigerian Civil War has been affirmed in extant scholarly quarters the singular event which has elicited the most robust literary harvest in the entire African literary imagination. Poetry, the most cryptic and the most elevated of the... more
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      Nigerian LiteratureAfrican StudiesAfrican HistoryAfrican Religion in Africa and the Diaspora
World Heritage is an international concept established by the World Heritage Convention. However, what it means, how is evaluated, and conserved is still unclear even for heritage professionals and conservation experts. This article aims... more
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      UnescoVernacular ArchitectureCultural World Heritage SitesWorld Cultural Heritage
This article discusses the earliest attestations and history of various English indefinite hyperbolic numerals such as zillion, jillion, and umpteen, identifying them as a previously unrecognized category of contemporary English words... more
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      DialectologyVaguenessHistorical sociolinguisticsEnglish language and linguistics