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Damage inflicted on one's psyche is the prime root of the challenging development of the distinct personality of an individual in a particular stage of life. Identities are not fixed as we assume them to be; nevertheless, are instead... more
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      Afghan diasporaKhaled HosseiniThe Kite Runner
To what degree is ethnic conflict within Diaspora intensified by the policy formation in their homeland? On the roll of Diaspora on policy formation in their homeland, a lot of researches have been done. Being a member of a cultural... more
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      Language Policy and Politics of IdentityEthnic ConflictAfghan diasporaEthnicity In Afghanistan
The universal concern of domestic violence against women in its various manifestations came to the center of scholarly attention due to its harmful effects and consequences on the lives of thousands of women worldwide. This umbrella term... more
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      Domestic ViolenceGender and SexualityFeminismViolence Against Women
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      ArchaeologyDiasporasHistoric PreservationConflict Archaeology
This chapter argues that understanding the importance of diaspora for the contemporary period demands a practice of reading across diverse methodological approaches made across different descriptive genres, and requires a recognition of... more
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      DiasporasAfrican DiasporaDiaspora LiteratureMigrant and Diasporic Literature
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      DiasporasDiaspora StudiesAfghan diaspora
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesSelf and IdentitySocial Identity
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      MigrationAfghan diasporaCalaisLesvos