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el modelo habitacional utilizado en España y México, está resolviendo una demanda parcial (a la población con capacidad de compra), y ha sesgado el acceso a la población más desfavorecida socioeconómicamente. Por otro lado, el... more
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      Housing PolicyAffordable HousingSocial Housing
Se analiza la capacidad institucional del Ayuntamiento de Guadalajara, México, respecto a la implementación de la política de vivienda a través de su Instituto Municipal de la Vivienda (IMUVIG). En primer lugar, para poder definir las... more
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      Housing in Developing AreasInstitutional TheoryAffordable HousingNew Institutionalism
Broadly understood as a housing form that combines individual dwellings with substantial common facilities and activities aimed at everyday living, Danish cohousing communities (bofællesskaber) are often seen as pioneering and... more
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      Urban GeographyHousingAffordable HousingHousing Studies
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      Critical TheoryGerman StudiesVisual StudiesArt History
The underlying factors of housing research emanate from the fact that people's lives and well-being rely on the quality of the house and the surroundings where it is situated. Housing satisfaction goes beyond brick and mortar and... more
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      BusinessEngineeringAffordable HousingINTELLIGENT BUILDINGS
The purpose of this chapter is to delve into housing rights as expressed in national constitutions. We report on all 189 constitutions of UN member states, describing and evaluating them in terms of what they say about the right to... more
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      United NationsComparative Constitutional LawAffordable HousingHousing Studies
Public consultation and engagement on housing development and neighbourhood change can be so controversial and at times alarmist such that NIMBY (“Not in my back yard”) and even the more extreme BANANA (“Build absolutely nothing anywhere... more
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      Serious GamesAffordable HousingLand-use planningPublic Engagement
Praktik pembangunan permukiman dengan melibatkan komunitas yang berhasil di satu lokasi tidak selalu berhasil juga di lokasi yang lain. Sebaliknya, praktik pembangunan permukiman yang kurang berhasil di satu lokasi, dalam beberapa kasus... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationCommunity DevelopmentAffordable HousingSocial Housing
I am grateful to Stephen Berrisford, who provided extremely illuminating comments. Divesh Kaul, SJD candidate at Tulane, provided invaluable research help in the preparation of this article. I am grateful to the Center for the Comparative... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental LawUrban StudiesHousing Law
Affordable housing Competition - 2nd Prize
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      Affordable HousingInteriorsHousing Studies
The literature speaks to the importance of employment in the lives of homeless individuals and shows how they can be assisted in job seeking (Long & Amendolia, 2003; Marrone, 2005; Quimby, Drake, & Becker, 2001; Rio, Russell, Dudasik, &... more
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      HomelessnessHousingAffordable HousingEmployment
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      Affordable HousingSocial WelfareCase StudySocial Science
Housing units within small and medium multi-family (SMMF) properties, defined as buildings with 2 to 49 units, comprise over 20% of the U.S. housing stock and are located primarily within the central cities or suburbs of metropolitan... more
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      BusinessUrban PlanningHousing PolicyHousing
Manufactured Insecurity by Esther Sullivan is a gripping account of a predatory formation at the heart of the most popular form of private-market low-income housing in the United States: the mobile home park. The book reveals, through the... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesUrban SociologyAffordable Housing
This paper examines the emergence of Purpose-Built Student Accommodations (PBSA) in Canada and the role of neoliberal poli- cies in reshaping the governance and territoriality of higher educa- tion. In doing so, it reflects on the... more
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      Higher EducationAffordable HousingEquity and Social Justice in Higher EducationStudentification
Berlin’s housing market has been undergoing rapid and drastic changes in recent years. With a population increase of over 700.000 citizens over the last decade and an increase of rent prices by over 50% in the course of that timespan, the... more
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      Data AnalysisHousingAffordable HousingBerlin
Architectural review of Taylor and Chatto Court for the Hackney Gazette.
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      ArchitectureAffordable HousingModernism and Postmodernism In ArchitectureHackney
A good active citizen is an informed and organised citizen. If a community or group of citizens is not organised, it is far harder for that community to achieve the goal it has set itself. Having a community with at least some basic level... more
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      Community DevelopmentAffordable Housing
Housing has always been about privilege and scarce resources, since it has exchange as well as use value. One of those scarcities is the locational advantage of access to home, work and other amenities. Sydney's transport and housing has... more
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      Public TransportUrban PlanningTransport PlanningHousing
En av samtidens största utmaningar är att ordna boende åt alla Sveriges invånare. Landet ska få hundratusentals nya bostäder under den närmaste tioårsperioden. Debatten om hur det ska gå till blir alltmer laddad. Det planerade... more
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      Urban GeographySocial SciencesHousing in Developing AreasUrban History
This research project investigates the translation of innovative financial and spatial housing typologies form Berlin to the Belfast/ NI context in response to the post-economic downturn landscape of housing provision and tenure in... more
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      Housing and Dwelling (Architecture)Affordable HousingBerlinBelfast
Starpkaru periodā sabiedriskajā diskusiju telpā plaši tika lietots jēdziens “dzīvokļu krīze”, lai aktualizētu pieejamas dzīvojamās platības trūkumu vairākās Latvijas pilsētās. Raksta mērķis ir analizēt pieejamas dzīvojamās platības... more
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      Urban HistorySocial HistoryAffordable Housing
Shifts in international investment markets, in Australia’s demographic profile and in residential consumer sentiment have recently combined to enhance the prospects for the emergence of a ‘mainstream market’ Build-to-Rent (BtR) sector in... more
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      Housing PolicyAffordable HousingRental HousingHousing Development
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesArchitectureErgonomicsOccupational Therapy
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesArchitectureErgonomicsOccupational Therapy
In this essay I want to figure out in which ways the Squat Group Kinderen van Mokum fit into what we know about contemporary problems in Amsterdam, especially concerning the youth. In analysing literature and comparing that to the... more
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      GentrificationAffordable HousingCreative CityActivism
There has been wide acknowledgement of the relationship between inadequate housing and poor health; however, temporary housing has largely escaped attention. This paper takes a socio-spatial perspective of camping ground residence,... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyHomelessnessHousing Policy
This paper is an attempt to assess the impacts of off-site and on-site resettlement projects in Indore by comparing slum dwellers lives before and after the implementation of the projects, complimenting and corroborating a sister paper... more
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      Political ScienceIrregular/Informal Settlements StudiesAffordable HousingUrban And Regional Planning
This paper aims to contribute to the debate in comparative housing studies about the significance of national housing policies by considering what can be learnt from analysing the consequences of different policy paths. In particular, the... more
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      Housing PolicyAffordable HousingUrban And Regional PlanningIncome Distribution
Texte écrit ayant servi de support à l’audition orale du 26 août 2021 organisée par la DIHAL, dans le cadre de l’élaboration de la « stratégie européenne en matière d’égalité, d’inclusion et de participation des Roms »
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      DiscriminationInternational MigrationAffordable HousingSocial Inclusion
Governments in developing countries are often preoccupied with looking for ways to house the urban poor, whether by themselves, or in collaboration with the private sector. The strong focus on lowering costs to ensure affordability often... more
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      HousingAffordable Housing
Mounting concerns exist that small private investors exacerbate the urban housing crisis, by purchasing dwellings to rent out – so-called “buy-to-let” purchases. By buying up property, they may drive up house prices and exclude regular... more
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      SociologyUrban GeographySocial SciencesGentrification
Acknowledging the fact that homelessness as the Niitsitapi conceptualize it (i.e., lacking shelter) did not exist prior to colonial settlement, and that many would argue that it could not exist due to the fact that in Creation one is... more
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      Native American StudiesIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesHomelessness
This article analyses the contribution of housing squats and Housing Rights Movements (HRMs) in Rome in envisioning a new model of public estates that could respond to the surge and complexification of the post-2008 housing crisis. The... more
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      Affordable HousingUrban Social MovementsUrban Social GeographyUrbanism of Rome
La questione della casa accessibile si pone a Milano e in Italia come un tema strategico a cui si legano una serie di componenti urbane complesse. Dalla questione dell’autonomia abitativa dei giovani a quella della mobilità geografica e... more
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      Affordable HousingSocial HousingPublic HousingMilano
It has been shown that the German housing market, instead of not being financialized, has followed a different trajectory that has led to the current phase of financialization, characterized by the booming housing market (especially in... more
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      HousingAffordable HousingUrban TransformationFinancialization
We live in a society that is racially and economically divided. In fact, the U.S ranks at the bottom when it comes to comparative data on poverty, employment, income and wealth inequality, education, health inequality, and residential... more
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      Disability StudiesHuman RightsGovernmentSegregation
The book highlights important urban development issues in Punjab such as urbanisation, slums, housing, poverty, urban governance, development, infrastructure/ services etc and suggests major reforms to improve quality of life in urban... more
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      Urban GeographyHousing in Developing AreasPovertyInfrastructure Planning
As housing costs have risen in the U.S. and federal subsidies for affordable housing programs have declined, inclusionary zoning (IZ) has become an increasingly popular local policy for producing low-income housing without direct public... more
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      Housing PolicyAffordable HousingUrban And Regional PlanningSan Francisco
Public housing has been on the chopping block for almost two decades now in an effort to deconcentrate poverty. In 1992 the federal government created the Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere (HOPE) VI program. HOPE VI is driven by... more
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      SociologySpatial AnalysisAffordable HousingHousing Policies
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      Affordable HousingHabitat for Humanity
Across the world, the housing crisis is escalating. Mass migration to cities has led to rapid urbanisation on an unprecedented scale, while the withdrawal of public funding from social housing provision in Western countries, and widening... more
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      HousingAffordable HousingSocial Housing
South Korea's economic restructuring following the 1997–98 Asian financial crisis increased deregulation, privatization, and labor flexibility, creating new forms of social precarity. This article examines this precarity to rethink the... more
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      South KoreaPrecarityAffordable HousingHome, Belonging and Displacement
A Fortress in Brooklyn highlights Hasidic agency in urban change. While those with only a passing knowledge of Hasidic life might look at the community’s most visible markers—the sheitels, the shtreimels, the commitment to religious... more
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      Real EstateHistoryHuman GeographyUrban Geography
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      Social WorkThird SectorSocial EconomyHousing Policy
However mortgage finance would support housing ownership, the system is mostly dsyfunctional in Turkey. Based on literature and comparative data analysis, we search the components of income/wealth constraint and its consequences in... more
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      Welfare StateLocal Government and Local DevelopmentHousingAffordable Housing
The “Poblados Dirigidos de Renta Limitada” (settlements directed to limited incomes) were built as satellite nuclei around Madrid between 1956 and 1966, with the aim of providing accommodation for the massive flow of immigrants arriving... more
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      Affordable HousingSocial Housing
We are at a pivotal moment in addressing homelessness in Canada. For decades, the Federal Government did not prioritize investments in safe, adequate, and affordable housing. Coupled with shifting economic and social landscapes, the... more
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      HomelessnessCanadian PoliticsAffordable HousingCanada