Affective Organizational Commitment

30 papers
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Affective organizational commitment refers to the emotional attachment, identification, and involvement an employee has with their organization. It reflects the degree to which employees feel a sense of belonging and loyalty, influencing their motivation to contribute to the organization's goals and overall success.
Prior research on the effects of office redesign on work-related outcomes has been largely atheoretical and yielded mixed and conflicting findings. Expanding on individual reactions to office design changes as specified by social... more
This article offers practical insights of the effects of job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the workplace, specifically in the context of the large banking industries in Indonesia. The data, gathered from 3047 banking... more
Employee wellbeing and mental health have emerged as critical components of organizational success in the 21st century. In Nigeria, where economic pressures, high unemployment rates, and socio-political instability contribute to elevated... more
The primary objective of this chapter is to explore the role of mentoring in the talent retention of Millennial employees. Grounded on social exchange and social learning perspectives, this chapter develops a conceptual framework to... more
This study investigated the impact of transformational leadership on affective organizational commitment and job performance with the mediating role of employee engagement. This study gathered data from 845 hotel employees in China and... more
This research aims to underscore the critical significance of employing Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Squares (SEM PLS) in investigating complex relationships within human resources. In the intricate landscape of workforce... more
Development, and Human Resource Management, among others. She is particularly interested in conducting post-doctoral research in the field of social entrepreneurship. A total of 20 articles were published in various national and... more
The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between hotel staffs' emotional intelligence and their organizational commitment in Bangladesh. This study also sought to identify the significance of emotional... more
Objectives: Midwifery students face major challenges in adapting quickly and effectively to different clinical settings. Proactive behavior, triggered by various individual and/or contextual antecedents, could be a significant added value... more
Dans cet article, nous tentons de comprendre par quels mécanismes une réaction individuelle face au rebranding post fusion-acquisition, en particulier, la résistance à ce changement agit sur les intentions de quitter. Les résultats d’une... more
Recent research has shown that adult attachment theory may be usefully applied to the organizational domain. Our aim in this study was to analyze the influence of attachment styles (secure, avoidant, and anxious) on employees'... more
Since the economy has changed due to globalization, markets have become extremely competitive. The market system is shaping the expansion of business, the economy, and other areas. As a result, human resource management (HRM) plays a... more
The study of prosocial organizational behaviors has been receiving increasing attention, due to their relevant contribution to sustainable organizational and personal development. This research proposes and tests a model that tackles the... more
The purpose of the study is to examine the mediating role of crisis management between  knowledge management and employee commitment. Committed employees are needed to keep  the workforce motivated and knowledge is required to keep them... more
Extant literature indicates the role played by transformational leadership in bringing about organizational change in general, and affective commitment to change in particular. However, it does not explain the process through which... more
Cyberloafing is becoming a common problem in every organization that directly affects organizational productivity. In this study we are going to study the influence of abusive supervision on cyberloafing, further, we are studying the... more
The organizational commitment of employees plays a vital role in the success of any business. In the era of competition, companies are struggling to retain the employees committed to the organizations. There is a scarcity of research to... more
The purpose of this research is to analyze empirically effect of organizational culture, job satisfaction, and servant leadership on service quality through the affective commitment of employee from freight forwarding companies in... more
The organizational commitment of employees plays a vital role in the success of any business. In the era of competition, companies are struggling to retain the employees committed to the organizations. There is a scarcity of research to... more
In this study, we develop a conceptual model of the relationship between job insecurity and job performance, which is mediated by affective organizational commitment and moderated via perceived organizational support in a Chilean company... more
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
The study of prosocial organizational behaviors has been receiving increasing attention, due to their relevant contribution to sustainable organizational and personal development. This research proposes and tests a model that tackles the... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effects of employee engagement in the relationship between job satisfaction and affective organizational engagement. The hotel industry of Bangladesh is selected as the context to... more
Purpose-Abusive supervision has been a prevalent issue in the workplace. This study aims to explore the consequences of abusive supervision on employee affective organizational commitment and general health in the hospitality industry and... more
Knowledge management (KM) has been often claimed to be an essential ingredient in building competitive advantage. One of the biggest challenges for most knowledge organizations in these highly competitive times comes from changes in work... more
Does entrepreneurship or employment allow for happier personnel in business organizations? Research conducted in South Africa indicates a statistically significant correlation - that earlier stages of an organizational life cycle are... more
Drawing on leadership theory and social exchange theory, the study investigated the role of Perceived Supervisor Support (PSS), Job Satisfaction (JS) and Affective Organizational Behavior (AOC) on Employee Turnover Intention (ETI) among... more