Exploitation is still an essential analytical category to understand capitalism and its most recent transformations. However, the same concept should be profoundly reconsidered and updated. In this article the author attempts, in this... more
Mika Rottenberg’s video installation Cheese examines the relationship between production and biological reproduction, challenging the notion that they can be easily separated as Western political theory suggests. The installation... more
Much scholarly and popular ink has been spilled in debates regarding whether contemporary Chinese economic investments in Africa constitute a “New Chinese Empire.” Focusing on macrolevel politics and state-to-state relations, both sides... more
This article explores the making of two branded Spotify playlists to critique the concept of 'affective labor.' Over the last few decades, scholars have argued that social media users and creative industries workers alike are engaged in a... more
This chapter conducts a case study of Li Ziqi 李子柒 (1990-) to examine the role of a fective labour and the construction of authenticity in the context of China's in uencer culture. It argues that Li enacts cooking as a form of a fective... more
Göçmen ev işçisi sektöründe duygulanımsal emeğin işleyişi
This paper demonstrates that women's affective labor was widely and deeply appropriated in the Red Army's war propaganda in the early 1930s. This appropriation allowed women to emerge as free humans, visible social producers, empowered... more
In this article, the authors mobilize the concept of affective ambiguity in order to explore the epistemological and structural incompatibilities that collaboration implies in the context of the highly asymmetrical relationships of power... more
Partiendo de la reflexión teórica que procura hacer una distinción de la noche como algo más que un ciclo natural, considerándola una configuración socio espacial y temporal, cargada por la subjetividad de todos los que participan en... more
En este texto nos disponemos a reflexionar sobre las ideas de trabajo inmaterial y trabajo afectivo con las que trabaja Silvia Federici en “Revolución en punto cero”, explorando sus vínculos con el trabajo reproductivo y relacionándolos... more
This article considers how Patrice Rushen's jazz-funk album, Shout It Out (1977), implicitly works as a punctum that indexes the irreconcilable relationship between black women's affectability and black women musicians' transgressive... more
Through a discussion of the articles in this collection, the introduction explores the ways in which the inhabitations of liberalisation require and necessitate intensive self-fashioning from citizens. We call this protracted work on the... more
This article examines two different cases or “events” in Twitter to understand the role that negative emotions play in online discussions of academic labor. As academic labor conditions deteriorate and academics take to online spaces,... more
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and... more
Author(s): Hickman, Louise | Advisor(s): Serlin, David H | Abstract: Curating Accessible Infrastructure investigates the cultural politics of real-time transcription for deaf and hard of hearing students in the academic classroom. I... more
comprehensive-migration-management (accessed 02.02.2010). The hierarchy of decisions, the necessary division of labour between policy, legislation and administration, and the depiction of migration as a manageable process is clear for the... more
Reports from integrative researchers who have followed calls for sociotechnical integration emphasize that the potential of interdisciplinary collaboration to inflect the social shaping of technoscience is often constrained by their... more
Revisiting data from a sociolinguistic ethnography of an in-bound Swiss call centre (2010-2011), I will show how the scripted smile of agents is fused strategically with the use of the dialect in order to produce 'affective-discursive... more
En este capítulo considero los hogares que emplean trabajadoras domésticas como un espacio de encuentros compulsivos, como un sitio donde convergen mujeres de diferentes orígenes y clases sociales que comparten expectativas en torno al... more
Teleradiologists work to diagnose tens of images a day. But the by-products of such optimized productivity must be borne by others.
Shiloh Whitney writes: “[s]he works to cultivate the affect she displays in her postures and gestures such that it is not quarantined on her bodily surfaces but takes root in the proverbial ‘gut,’” but I ask: what if it is in the literal... more
the socialist states. Just as importantly, race and ethnicity are key to understanding the social changes initiated by the post-1989 and post-1991 'transformations' that lead to massive displacement of racialised communities. Ultimately,... more
The progressive deployment of market-oriented regulatory frameworks in mass Higher Education Institutions (MHEI hereafter) triggered, in a wide variety of forms and degrees, the application of Knowledge Management principles in MHEI. This... more
The essay deals with remembering Yugoslav Youth Labour Actions in post-Yugoslav news outlets. Youth Actions were originally conceptualized as unwaged labour that arises from a specific relationship between the individual, the collective... more
Through a discussion of the articles in this collection, the introduction explores the ways in which the inhabitations of liberalisation require and necessitate intensive self-fashioning from citizens. We call this protracted work on the... more
This paper draws on Berlant's (2011) concept of "cruel optimism" as it manifests itself in the lives of disabled people with learning disabilities living in England in a time of Big Society. We argue that Big Society offers a cluster of... more
Renowned sociologist Arlie Hochschild’s work on “global care chains” tracks the phenomenon in which women from the Global South migrate thousands of miles for years at a time to serve as nannies and domestic workers in wealthier... more
As the ‘voice with a smile’, the telephone operator was the human interface for a complex telecommunications infrastructure, recalling voices, conversing with customers, and carrying out requests. Such service had to combine cognitive and... more
Reseña de ¿Cada una en su lugar? Trabajo, género y clase en el servicio doméstico. Débora Gorbán y AniaTizziani. Editorial Biblos, Buenos Aires,p.213, 2018 (ISNN: 978-987-691-674-5) Lorena POBLETE * En este libro, Débora Gorbán y... more
Transcript of remarks presented at “Open and Shut: Academic Freedom, Free Speech, and the University." A panel with Paula Chakravartty, Jennifer Ruth, and Jonathan Friedman. 14 November 2019, New York University
Einen Körper zu haben, der als schön gilt und der gesellschaftlichen Normen und Erwartungen entspricht, ist Arbeit. Man kann auch von Körperarbeit sprechen. Schönheit ist hier eine Variable des Erfolgs – im Privat- wie auch im... more
Northern India’s historic, all-girls ‘Public Schools’ (a British gloss meaning ‘elite’ and ‘private’) have served as showcases of the nation’s modernity and progress since Independence, mobilised as productive models of women’s... more
Addressing children’s labor—and labor more broadly—requires focusing on both the monetary and emotional economies that shape children’s everyday lives, and ending the systemic exploitation of adults responsible for their care.
Abstract.-This study offers a critical analysis of crowdfunding campaigns, arguing that they exemplify instantiations of neoliberalism influenced by, and reflective of, cultural commitments within music communities and a shifting... more
In a recruitment centre in Dimapur, Nagaland, indigenous youth are trained for employment as service personnel in luxury hotels, restaurants and airlines. Most of them are unemployed, seeking new future prospects outside the region and... more
As China continues to neoliberalize in the new millennium, the Internet and other social media also enable new subjects of affective labor to emerge. Since 2014, young men increasingly hawk their services as xuni lianren (virtual lovers)... more
TIME Magazine’s online 10-year commemoration of 9/11 "Beyond 9/11: Portraits of Resilience" utilizes narratives of spectacular resilience, which this essay defines as a visual stylization with four features: an economy of suffering based... more
W.A.G.E. is "a New York-based activist organization focused on regulating the payment of artist fees by nonprofit art institutions, and establishing a sustainable labor relation between artists and the institutions that subcontract their... more
Based on the philosophy of Yunus-founder of the Grameen Bank model and Nobel Prize laureatemicrofinance has been globally upheld as a neoliberal panacea for addressing poverty and income disparities. Despite these advances,... more
This article examines the World Bank's disability and development projects in rural South India and illuminates neoliberalism's dangers for social work theory and practice in the Global South. Based on a multi-year ethnographic study... more
This article reflects on a performative praxis entailing cultural, symbolic, embodied, and political processes involved in negotiating difference and sameness from the perspective of doing disability research in India as a disabled... more
This article considers how Patrice Rushen's jazz-funk album, Shout It Out (1977), implicitly works as a punctum that indexes the irreconcilable relationship between black women's affectability and black women musicians' transgressive... more
My aim in this paper is to introduce a theory of affective labor as byproductive, a concept I develop through analysis of the phenomenology of various affective labor practices in dialogue with feminist scholarship, both on gendered and... more
This paper draws attention to the somewhat neglected domains of affects, emotions, and subjectivity in the study of the commons. The paper argues that a focus on affective and communicative relations among humans and between humans and... more