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For a culture defined by pervasive mediation and unceasing circulation of images, the invisibility of climate change, especially as it relates to the dark bed of the oceans, is unnerving. The oceans are persistently screened: as the human... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia ArtsArt and Climate ChangeAesthetics of (new) media
Currently, at the edge of the new digital frontier, automation and smart algorithms are gaining immense social attention, enticing, as mechanization and machines in the previous centuries, as much wonder as awe. Countless magazine... more
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      Game studiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesDigital Humanities
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      DesignPosthumanismAesthetics of (new) mediaTranshumanism/Posthumanism
Contributions of:
Jacopo Bodini, Mauro Carbone, Francesco Casetti, Dario Cecchi, Anna Caterina Dalmasso, Erkki Huhtamo, Laurent Jullier, Pietro Montani, Vivian Sobchack, Antonio Somaini.
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      AestheticsVisual CultureAesthetics of (new) mediaScreens
Our memory and perception are distorted by the influence of the wide variety of media and technology that fill our daily experience of reality. The effects applied to sound and images are not only an artistic treatment or new aesthetic... more
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      TechnologyArt TheoryContemporary ArtHauntology
I hope this piece of writing would work for some people who are interested in witnessing the boundlessness of the world regardless they are studying science, art or philosophy and so on. Since the concept virtuality which is a main word... more
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      PhilosophyArtArt TheoryPosthumanism
This article seeks to build a digital ritual framework for the analysis of social gaming and social networking. The architectural design that intertwines Facebook and FarmVille is heightened by the formal and informal participation in... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia SociologySocial TheoryGame Theory
Il libro, a cura di Valentino Catricalà, L'intelligenza artificiale svolge una funzione cruciale nell'ecosistema culturale globale. Consiglia ciò che dovremmo vedere, ascoltare, leggere e acquistare. Decide quante persone vedranno i... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMedia StudiesSocial MediaNew Media Art
A Spanish-translated collection of essays on postinternet art, including "Lost Not Found: The Circulation of Images in Digital Visual Culture," originally from Words Without Pictures (LACMA, Aperture/ Thames & Hudson, 2008);... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryNew MediaContemporary Art
Defining postinternet art and aesthetics.
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      Visual StudiesNew MediaContemporary ArtExperimental Media Arts
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      AestheticsDigital RhetoricsInteractive and Digital MediaDigital Media And New Literacies
The essay aims to explore the soundness of traditional definitions of Aestethics (as Theory of Beauty, as Theory of Sensibility, as Philosophy of Art) in the Age of New Media. Analyzing some texts written by Walter Benjamin, the essay... more
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      AestheticsNew MediaWalter BenjaminAesthetics of (new) media
In the light of the imminent publication of three collections of chapters about specific "moments" in TV programmes, this short blog reflects on the status of programmes and extracts from them in TV Studies methodologies. It refers to... more
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      Television StudiesAesthetics of (new) mediaFilm AestheticsWalter Pater
The term “new media art” covers numerous, diverse phenomena with their own specific properties. I will present these properties in the following discourse. The diversity within this field sometimes leads to attempts at defining new media... more
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      New MediaContemporary ArtNew Media ArtsTransdisciplinarity
During the first reflections on media literacy and media aesthetic education and both their differences, emerging thoughts are that media literacy nowadays is probably more natural, more inherent to younger people and therefore is more... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesDigital MediaMedia Literacy
What follows here is not a definition of art by decree. Nor is this some kind of art manifesto. We are not saying this is how art should be, or could be, but how it is, if you let go of the prison of aesthetics, and follow an infinitely... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychoanalysisPsychiatry
Borrowing from the vocabularies of montage theory and found photography to look ay net art's "pro surfing" community, on the cusp of the postinternet movement.
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      Visual StudiesNew MediaContemporary ArtVisual Culture
Videogame designers combine variable elements such as goals and challenges with repetitive ones ranging from props and textures recurrently used to mechanics that make the player perform the same actions time and again. Despite the... more
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      Computer ScienceGame studiesVideo Game DesignAesthetics of (new) media
Whilst linguistics are still being made use of to promote global harmony and international communication, suffice to say that similar efforts are becoming concentrated further towards use within the media. So to what extent does Tolkien's... more
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      AestheticsLanguages and LinguisticsPhonologyPhonetics
In which aspects and to what extent can one regard as “narrative” the spatial experience provided by a museum route, a urban building, a multimedia interactive environment, or an immersive videogame? Under which conditions may spatiality... more
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      Media StudiesSpatial PracticesVideo Game DesignNarratology
Firmly throughout case study based analysis of Serbian and Balkan classical media communication, political influences and social impact of the alternative and rebel music scrutinisation of both artists and attached subculture movements... more
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      SociologyMedia SociologyPolitical SociologyRural Sociology
Society for Novel Studies Conference 2014 Desert of the Real, Oasis of the Virtual: Technostalgic Pastoral in À Rebours and Ready Player One Dr. Alf Seegert Department of English, University of Utah [email protected] Paper for Panel... more
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      New MediaDystopian LiteratureLiteratureDigital Media
Abstract Has art theory any function and any importance? A function and importance for who? For the practising artist, theorists, writers on art? Art speak and its place in art theory, art criticism and artists’ statement. - Many tools... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArtArt Theory
Contemporary society is characterized by excess, by the exasperated search for beauty, in both psycho-physical (e.g., from athletics to yoga, from fashion to cosmetics, from cosmetic surgery to genetic engineering) and material terms... more
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      New MediaFashion TheoryAtmospheres (Architecture)Everyday Aesthetics
Since the 90s decade, when the first online newspaper borned, untill nowadays, the research on designing them have hardly been developed. Most of online newspapers are in an experimental state of the question, in dependence on the... more
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      CommunicationNew MediaDesignScience Communication
Problemáticas de adquisición, documentación, exposición, conservación y
restauración del arte de Internet.
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      New MediaContemporary ArtNew Media ArtsContemporary Arts
This research was ultimately generated by the recognition of disturbances and difficulties pertaining to the curation, exhibition, and preservation of contemporary new media art. To start to formulate a process that is understood and... more
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      New MediaVirtual EnvironmentsContemporary ArtExperimental Media Arts
This collection of essays focuses on current theories of sensation and synaesthesia in films and audiovisual works from a variety of methodological perspectives. It offers an insightful exploration of recent film theories about the... more
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      Film StudiesSynaesthesiaNeuroaestheticsMultimodality
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      Media ArtAesthetics of (new) mediaMedia Aesthetics
"The paper draws on the author’s research into podcasting, especially in relation to its uptake by public service radios, which may be constituting a revitalising of the public radio voice. Invoking historian, John Durham Peters... more
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      New MediaTechnocultureEthnographyRadio And Sound Studies
Underlying the stubborn hierarchical dichotomy between high and popular art, there is a far more basic contrast at work-art versus entertainment. Yet the complex network of language games deploying these concepts reveals that... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyAesthetics
A due anni dalle celebrazioni per il centenario della nascita e il ventennale della morte, si continua a parlare di John Cage , personaggio di assoluto rilievo nel panorama artistico-musicale internazionale, che si colloca -come ha... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
In which aspects and to what extent can one regard as “narrative” the spatial experience provided by a museum route, a urban building, a multimedia interactive environment, or an immersive videogame? Under which conditions may spatiality... more
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      Media StudiesSpatial PracticesVisual NarrativeEmbodied Cognition
The musical universe of the 20th and 21st centuries is a force-field in which styles, instruments, personalities and stories can be found that are ascribable to conceptual frameworks that may differ greatly one from another. Such... more
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      Critical TheoryMusicMusic EducationMusic History
Identity issue in a mediatized world.
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      New Media ArtAesthetics of (new) media
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligencePhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
This paper discusses the ways in which affect and the political aesthetics of Anonymous can be linked to possibilities of arousing affect, create unity and mobilise resistance; invite public participation in public affairs. In the culture... more
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      Information SecurityResistance (Social)HacktivismAesthetics of (new) media
The paper is concerned with the complexities of interrela- tions between human sensory modalities and the role of artistic experimentation in triggering new forms of percep- tual organization. The research field of sensory substitution,... more
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      NeuroscienceExperimental Media ArtsMedia ArtMedia Arts and Sciences
The article discusses practices of media art taken within the context of the discourses of trans-mediality and the sublime. Digital technology creates phenomena that provoke new modes of perception and new sensory experiences, including... more
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      Media ArtsNew Media ArtAesthetics of (new) mediaTransmedia Studies
Da alcuni decenni, in Italia, politica e media si sono stretti in un rapporto dettato da un condizionamento biunivoco, nel quale il paesaggio mediatico influenza la comunicazione politica e viceversa. La proposta di ricerca qui presentata... more
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      New MediaPolitical communicationItalian PoliticsCommunication Design
Text was published in: "Kultura Współczesna" 2020, no 5(112), pp. 109-121.
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      RoboticsAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceNew Media
"This reader is a collection of essays written by Turkish graduate students between 2003 and 2010 for Andreas Treske’s seminar ‘Image, Time and Motion’ at Bilkent University in Ankara, revised and actualized in 2010. Coming from a wide... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaDigital MediaAesthetics of (new) media
This article addresses social and symbolic differences in contemporary Kinshasa as these are expressed in and mediated via widely watched music television shows such as Bana Léo (‘The Children of Léo[poldville]’) and Sentiment Lipopo... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMedia StudiesAnthropology of Music
Master of Arts—Integrated Studies 656: Datascapes: Information Aesthetics and Network Culture critically examines the intersections of the information arts and information technologies in our rapidly changing times, and explores how... more
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      Media StudiesInformation VisualizationAesthetics of (new) mediaDatabase development
"The Case for Live Movies," an article commissioned by AMERICAN THEATRE magazine, January 2009
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      Theatre StudiesNew Media ArtsCyberpunkDrama
Well, we'll once again be living in heroic times! (Bruce Sterling 2012 ) Kdo by nechtěl být součástí nového heroického věku. Být při tom, v centru dění, o kterém budou vznikat legendy. Na počátku 21. století jako by i postmodernismus se... more
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    • Aesthetics of (new) media
La teoria dell’imitazione centrale nella riflessione estetica fin dall’antichità e fulcro del sistema delle Belle Arti elaborato nel Settecento da Charles Batteux sembra entrare in crisi con l’emergere delle nuove tecnologie e in... more
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      AestheticsNew MediaHistory of IdeasMimesis
Workshop beim X. Kongress für Ästhetik der DGAE "Das ist Ästhetik!", 14.-17.02. 2018
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      Media HistoryAesthetics and PoliticsSocial emotionsAesthetics of (new) media
The chapter focuses on the issue of transmedial and sensory exchange in the context of digital culture and biometric technology. It analyzes critically the epistemic claims behind the various brain-scanning technologies, focusing on the... more
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      AestheticsSensory NeuroscienceBrain-computer interfacesNeuroaesthetics
Essai publié in In actu - De l'expérimental d'ans l'art sous la dir. de Elie During, Laurent Jeanpierre, Christophe Kihm, Dork Zabunyan, Ed. Les presses du réel, Dijon, déc. 2009, pp. 285-304.
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      Installation ArtUser Experience (UX)Contemporary ArtInteraction Design