Aerosol Science

6,195 papers
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Aerosol Science is the study of airborne particles, including their physical and chemical properties, formation, transformation, and interactions with the atmosphere and human health. It encompasses the measurement, modeling, and analysis of aerosols to understand their effects on climate, air quality, and biological systems.
Nano-structured sorbent injection is a promising technique for heavy metal capture in combustion systems. The importance of sorbent injection strategies, including the form of the sorbent and its injection location for metal capture and... more
Nano-structured sorbent injection is a promising technique for heavy metal capture in combustion systems. The importance of sorbent injection strategies, including the form of the sorbent and its injection location for metal capture and... more
The personal aeroallergen sampler (PAAS) with a structure resembling a gimbal to enable a particle collection surface continuously directed upward regardless of inclination of the sampler was developed. To evaluate the particle... more
A computer-automated optical microscope combined with a line-sensing camera was used to capture the entire range of a particle deposit downstream of an individual acceleration nozzle in a hi-volume Andersen sampler. To investigate the... more
The time course change in particle penetration through capillary pore membrane ÿlters was investigated for relatively short ÿltration periods. In the laboratory experiments, penetration e ciencies of the 0.3 and 1:0 m standard particles... more
A new hybrid analytical/numerical model that describes the formation of structured microparticles from evaporating microdroplets is presented. It is applicable when diffusion and surface recession are the main mechanisms of mass transport... more
The influence of stimulated Raman scattering on the characterization of aqueous aerosols by linear Raman spectroscopy was studied experimentally. Raman scattering from a chain of microdroplets was excited by an argon ion laser.... more
Existing one-dimensional (1D) models of aerosol dosimetry often ignore mixing mechanisms of inhaled aerosols during their transport in the lung. This mixing or aerosol dispersion results from different physical mechanisms in different... more
The present paper describes a comparison of the air quality and aerosols emission parameters around tea processing, coke oven and brick kiln industries that use high sulphur coals in their processes. The concentrations of gaseous species... more
Incoming and rebounding particle velocities were measured to within several particle diameters of the impaction surface using laser Doppler velocimetry. Impacts occurred normal to the surface and ranged from 1 m / s , near the threshold... more
A pandemia da Covid-19 e a disseminação do vírus SARS-CoV-2 provocou uma emergência em saúde pública que o mundo não estava preparado para atender. Trouxe a necessidade de compreender as interações do meio ambiente com a saúde humana e... more
Concerns regarding noxious emissions from internal combustion engines have increased over the years. There is a strong need to understand the nature of sub-23 nm particles and to develop measurement techniques to evaluate the feasibility... more
In the past two decades, several experimental and simulation studies have proposed simple empirical relations between projected two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) structural properties of fractal-like aggregates in the... more
This paper reports a study on the enlargement of particles, produced by a model ethylene/air flame, by heterogeneous condensation of water vapour. This was carried out in an instrumented lab-scale facility based on the use of a growth... more
Una práctica ornamental en recintos defensivos de al-Andalus fue la aplicación reiterada de fragmentos cerámicos vidriados de uso doméstico en los revestimientos de algunas torres. Se trata de un recurso del que prácticamente no se ha... more
Dispersion modelling is often used to estimate potentially contaminated areas in case of accidental release of microorganisms in the atmosphere. In the specific case of Legionella, accidental spread in the atmosphere due to contaminated... more
Metal constituents of ÿlters collected from 1996 through 1998 from ÿve monitoring network stations of Mexico City, were identiÿed using ionization argon coupled plasma. Nine metals were quantiÿed: cadmium, chromium, copper, manganese,... more
Aerosol optical depth (AOD) provides a useful characterization of the total absorption and scattering effect of particles in direct or scattered sunlight, and can be derived from sun spectra measured directly by sun photometers. In this... more
Aerosol optical depth (AOD) provides a useful characterization of the total absorption and scattering effect of particles in direct or scattered sunlight, and can be derived from sun spectra measured directly by sun photometers. In this... more
The air-liquid interface (ALI) cell exposure system is a useful tool for assessing the toxicity of atmospheric aerosols and airborne engineered nanomaterials for in vitro studies. In order to evaluate dose-response relationships, it is... more
The reactions of ozone with a series of monoterpenes (a-pinene, sabinene, limonene and myrcene) were investigated in a novel flow reactor dedicated to the investigation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. Rate constants for the... more
The feasibility of assessing the sampling efficiency of aerosol samplers for large windborne particles in the open air was determined in a pilot study. The experiments with 17 gm diameter monodisperse aerosols show the low sampling... more
Fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) concentrations associated with 202 24-hr samples collected at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) particulate matter (PM) characterization site in south Pittsburgh from October 1999 through... more
The detection of atmospheric aerosol particles is becoming an important issue in many fields such as environmental science, occupational medicine, semiconductor industry and material science. In the present paper, we utilized the... more
Concentrations of airborne continuous fine particulate matter or (PM 2.5), black carbon (BC), and ultrafine particles (UFP) were continuously measured over 5 days in winter and summer both indoors and outdoors at residences for... more
VUV spectra contain much less fragmentation than EI spectra and for many compounds the parent ion is the base peak in the VUV spectrum. Results for oleic acid are compared to experiments conducted using tunable VUV radiation from a... more
Solid or liquid particles within a carrier gas may be deposited on solid surfaces exposed to the gas stream and, in some practical applications, these aerosol deposits have deleterious effects. In order to mitigate these effects, particle... more
We aim to present two identities which reveal certain interesting relationships among three fundamental theta functions arising from the Jacobi's triple product in an elementary way.
In this work, 3-D structures resembling nanofiber (d f < 200 nm) filter media are simulated and challenged with nanoparticle aerosols at reduced operating pressures. For the range of fiber diameters considered in this paper, the free... more
This paper describes different approaches for predicting collection efficiency of nonwoven fibrous filters. Traditionally, the flow field has been obtained by analytically solving the Navier- Stokes equations inside over-simplified... more
This study reports on the effects of BaTiO 3-a high dielectric constant additive-addition on charging and filtration properties of meltblown polypropylene (PP) electret filters. Since electrostatic capture efficiency of electret filters... more
In this work, 3-D structures resembling nanofiber (d f < 200 nm) filter media are simulated and challenged with nanoparticle aerosols at reduced operating pressures. For the range of fiber diameters considered in this paper, the free... more
Aerosol reactors pass through regimes where subsets of the population balance terms are dominant. Initially, mixing, reaction, nucleation and accretional growth dominate. This is generally followed by a regime in which coagulation and... more
A constant kernel collision and coalescence model in bivariate moment form is used to develop a criterion for when a bivariate formulation of the collision-coalescence problem is necessary. This analysis springs from a previous... more
The properties of gas-borne aggregates are important in nano-technology and for potential health effects. Gold aggregates from three generators (one commercial and one custom built spark discharge generator and one high-temperature... more