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‘As industry practitioners know well from experience, generalization is hard to come by. Whether it's manufacturing, services, or something in between, it's the details that seem to matter most when it comes to determining outcomes. The... more
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      Economic GeographyInnovation statisticsManufacturingAdvanced Manufacturing
Low-power laser scanning techniques provide a powerful tool for a diverse range of automatic inspection tasks. They are more suitable for high component feed rates, less sensitive to changes in ambient lighting and their output requires... more
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      ManufacturingAdvanced ManufacturingManufacturing ProcessesManufacturing Engineering
Friction stir welding (FSW) is the fastest evolving joining technology and the principal prospective technique for implementing integral fuselage structure in aircraft manufacturing. The viability of FS welds is dependent upon mechanical... more
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      Advanced ManufacturingAluminium AlloysFriction Stir WeldingAluminium Based Composite Material
A challenge to conduct the most accurate FE simulations in Warm Hydromechanical Deep Drawing (WHDD) process is to predict temperature condition of the blank which was held between the heated dies and cooled punch. This is possible by... more
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      Advanced ManufacturingMetal FormingSheet Metal FormingHydroforming of sheet metal
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      ManufacturingAdvanced ManufacturingAdvanced MaterialsRocket Propulsion
This paper offers a critical perspective on the changing organizational structure of the Western commercial aircraft industry. The role of systems integration based on risksharing partnerships for new aircraft programs is explored. We... more
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      GlobalizationInnovation statisticsInternational TradeAdvanced Manufacturing
Advanced manufacturing is demanding universities and industry expand their perception of the role of manufacturing engineers in driving innovation and competitiveness. In turn, innovations in rapid, smart, and sustainable manufacturing... more
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      Advanced ManufacturingBenchmarking
Additive manufacturing (AM) is gaining increasing interests in modern industries, with its unparalleled capability for direct manufacture of high-value geometrically complex products. With continued technology advancements, plastic AM... more
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      Product DesignAdvanced ManufacturingDesign Innovation3D printing
This paper aims to develop and validate performance measures for world class manufacturing (WCM) in Indian context that could be used by managers/ practitioners in assessing and improving their manufacturing performance. Using a thorough... more
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      MarketingAdvanced ManufacturingBusiness and ManagementCritical Success Factors
The applications of advanced engineering materials such as glass, quartz, ceramics, and composites are escalating in the field of Micro-electro Mechanical system owing to their wide scope of utilization in product miniaturization.... more
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      Advanced ManufacturingNon-conventional manufacturingMicro machining
Artificial intelligence, blockchain and other potentially disruptive technologies form the crucial innovation, structural and institutional foundation for not only economic development, but also moral development and practical ethics. The... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceSupply Chain ManagementRegulatory ComplianceCapital Markets
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a modification of the traditional friction welding. It is a mechanical process whereby solid-state welding is performed using heat generated from the friction of a rotating tool. This process is invented... more
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      Materials ScienceManufacturingAdvanced ManufacturingMaterials Science and Engineering
The measurement of the cutting force is important from the theoretical and practical point of view. An investigation of cutting forces and torque in milling with a rotating dynamometer is described. Rotating dynamometer is more practical... more
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    • Advanced Manufacturing
Increasing use of hydroforming in automotive applications requires intensive research and development on all aspects of this relatively new technology to satisfy an ever-increasing demand by the industry. This paper summarizes a... more
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      Energy EconomicsRenewable EnergySustainable DevelopmentEnergy
Multi-axial incremental forging and shearing (MAIFS), as a new severe plastic deformation technique, was successfully applied up to eight passes on the workpieces of commercially pure Al (AA1100). The microstructure evolutions and... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringMetallurgical EngineeringMaterials Science
Powder mixed-electro discharge machining (PM-EDM) is a new emerging trend in research on electro-thermal process that can simultaneously shape and deposit a coating on the surface of the workpiece. PM-EDM is a hybridized form of EDM in... more
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      BiomaterialsAdvanced ManufacturingSurface modificationMaterials Characterization
Microcomputer Applications in Manufacturing is the outgrowth of notes written for a course of the same name taught in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics at the University of Michigan since 1980 . The course is... more
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      Advanced ManufacturingComputer Control
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      Critical TheoryBusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsInformation Systems
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      Advanced ManufacturingFlexible ManufacturingFlexible manufacturing SiystemsAutomated Manufacturing Systems
Titanium alloys are attractive materials due to their uniquely high strength–weight ratio, which is maintained at elevated temperatures. Due to the low machinability of titanium alloys, optimization of machining conditions is crucial.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceAdvanced ManufacturingOptimization techniques
Il multiplo nelle sue relazioni con l’arte e l’industria è il punto di partenza per un’indagine sull’evoluzione del design del gioiello. Verso il superamento di un’obsoleta nozione di serialità industriale, la gioielleria contemporanea si... more
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      Critical TheoryTechnologyDesignContemporary Art
Lean manufacturing is an applied methodology of scientific, objective techniques that cause work tasks in a process to be performed with a minimum of non-value adding activities resulting in greatly reduced wait time, queue time, move... more
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      EngineeringAdvanced ManufacturingMathematical SciencesAdvanced manufacturing technology
In the United States, highly competitive market outsourcing benefits are correlated to low consumer prices, growth in sales, and taking over market shares leaving competitors tailgating your organization. The high costs associated with... more
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      Business EthicsEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsEthics
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the advantages of low cost industrial automation such as repeatability tighter quality control waste reduction and integration with business system increased productivity and reduction of labor in the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringManufacturingElectronicsAdvanced Manufacturing
some plc problems and programming solution
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    • Advanced Manufacturing
Shear thickening fluid (STF) is a kind of smart material showing increasing viscosity under loading. This unique behavior is benefitted in various applications however, STF usage in machining tools has not been investigated in literature.... more
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      Advanced ManufacturingTurningShear Thickening Fluids
This paper discusses Japanese motor vehicle manufacturing investment and state intervention measures in the Australian market. Australia’s auto industry is an extension of global motor vehicle manufacturers with a small number of domestic... more
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      BusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagement
This research is concerned with the impact of advanced manufacturing technologies on small Welsh companies. The use of technology has been demonstrated to be a mechanism for increasing competitiveness in manufacturing. With increasing... more
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      SMESmall BusinessDesign ManagementProduct Design
Quadcopters are also known as autonomous drones or remote controlled aerial vehicles or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). Nowadays Quadcopters are widely used in various applications like Traffic updates, railway track inspection, military... more
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      RoboticsAdvanced ManufacturingAdditive ManufacturingMicromachining
5-axis CNC wire EDM is the greatest innovation usually called as the revolutionary machining process affecting the modern machine tool and precision machining industries. WEDM has acquired improvements to the machining industry in product... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAdvanced ManufacturingElectrical Discharge MachiningPRODUCTION ENGINEERING
Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) is an important technology, which demands high-speed cutting and high-precision machining to realize productivity and improved accuracy for manufacturing hard materials. WEDM has experienced... more
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      Advanced ManufacturingElectrical Discharge Machining(EDM)WEDM
In today's rapidly changing world, automatic face recognition (AFR) technologies have made significant advances. Keeping up with the attendance register day by day is a troublesome and tedious process. There are many robotized strategies... more
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      Computer-Based LearningInquiry Based LearningAdvanced ManufacturingSurvey Methodology
TRANSMISSION PROTOCOL FOR ZIGBEE BASED WIRELESS PATIENT MONITORING " under the guidance of Prof.E.R.Chandane and would like to thank him for his valuable support. We are also thankful to Prof.P.Ladekar (HOD ENTC) for showing him keen... more
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    • Advanced Manufacturing
Despite impressive advances in forming and joining technology, manufacturing industry is still heavily reliant on conventional material removal processes, in which controlled shearing of the work-piece occurs. Such processes typically... more
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      ManufacturingLaserAdvanced ManufacturingLaser Scanning
The fourth industrial revolution is rapidly changing the manufacturing landscape. Due to the growing research and fast evolution in this field, no clear definitions of these concepts yet exist. This work provides a clear description of... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingIntelligent Manufacturing SystemsAdvanced Manufacturing
The prediction of optimized forming parameters viz. the punch force, blank holding force, forming factor, and hydrostatic pressure will contribute to cost reduction of the processed metal through curtailment in material usage and... more
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      Advanced ManufacturingSheet Metal FormingIncremental sheet formingAdvanced manufacturing technology
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      Advanced ManufacturingResource Based View
Since the Industrial Revolution, cities and industry have evolved together: from Manchester to Rochester, company towns and entire metropolitan regions have grown around factories and expanding industries. However despite this shared... more
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      ManufacturingUrban PlanningAdvanced ManufacturingUrban Design
Companies, researchers and academics everywhere are being pushed to embrace the fourth industrial revolution. The effect of this push will change the way of preparing for and waging war, as the definition and characteristics of warfare... more
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      Air Force StudiesWar StudiesStrategic StudiesAdvanced Manufacturing
Vision and tactility inform cognition and perception of objects and environments. Yet there exist a differentiation as to how perception is processed and formed, depending on unique and personal abilities for sensory cues. For people with... more
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A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
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      Information SystemsElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
"In this article, we engage the question of regional resilience theoretically and empirically. Our theoretical approach merges discussions of regional development in evolutionary economic geography (primarily UK based) with regional... more
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      Economic GeographyManufacturingInnovation PolicyEconomics of Innovation
This research was funded by, and implemented within, a UK national research organisation, while the author was the KE and Impact Evaluation Manager responsible for assessing impact on a £15m UK government-funded research programme. This... more
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      ManagementBusiness AdministrationEngineeringElectrical Engineering
Powder mixed-electro discharge machining (PM-EDM) is recently evolving machining technique which can simultaneously remove and modify the machined surface through thermo-electrical process. It is a modified form of EDM in which the... more
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      Advanced ManufacturingSurface modification of materialsElectrical Discharge Machining(EDM)Non Conventional Machining
The generalized use of computers in industrial automation and the consequent need for connectivity among them resulted in the use of computer networks as building blocks supporting communications in CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)... more
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      ManufacturingAdvanced ManufacturingIndustrial Automationcomputer Integrated manufacturing
Advanced manufacturing, through the application of science and technology, compels an expanded view of the role of engineers in driving innovation. Advanced manufacturing requires engineers to imagine new ways of making products for... more
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      Advanced ManufacturingBenchmarkingCurriculum Reform
Upper stage and in-space liquid rocket engines are optimized for performance through the use of high area ratio nozzles to fully expand combustion gases to low exit pressures, increasing exhaust velocities. Due to the large size of such... more
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      ManufacturingAdvanced ManufacturingRocket PropulsionRocket and Missile Technologies
In metal cutting process, chip formation is a phenomenon needed to investigate in detail to explore the machining characteristics of materials. This paper describes, the performance of the coated carbide tool is studied by varying the... more
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      Advanced ManufacturingOptimization techniquesFinite Element Analysis
The implementation of the innovations behind the German term " Industry 4.0 " has a tremendous value for the automotive industry. However, the digitization of operational manufacturing processes within that industry has not taken place... more
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      ManagementCase Study ResearchAdvanced ManufacturingDigital Innovation
La industrialización ha sido históricamente considerada como motor del proceso de desarrollo. La evidencia muestra que los países latinoamericanos han tenido dificultades para avanzar en procesos de cambio estructural, basados en la... more
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      Innovation PolicyAdvanced ManufacturingMexico