Adult literacy and basic education programs

180 papers
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Adult literacy and basic education programs are structured educational initiatives designed to improve the reading, writing, and numeracy skills of adults. These programs aim to enhance individuals' ability to function effectively in society, promote lifelong learning, and support personal and professional development.
The study investigated the undergraduate students' perception on the use of computer-based tests for learning assessment in Ilorin, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The target population were all... more
Adult education is a programme designed for adults, youths and some children in order to meet the ever increasing demands of the time like those who were unable to attend formal schools or those who couldn't finish their studies or those... more
The paper was on emerging innovations for addressing challenges in adult education delivery in Nigeria during the pandemic and beyond. Concepts of adult education was highlighted, programmes were extensively discussed. The paper went... more
O presente artigo foi elaborado no quadro das comemorações do centenário de Paulo Freire, grande educador brasileiro cujas contribuições vão para além do Brasil, chegando em vários países do continente africano entre eles a Guiné-Bissau.... more
This study aims to predict the level to which classroom teachers' program literacy explains their program evaluation level, utilizing the "Program Literacy Scale" developed by Bolat (2017) and the "Program Evaluation Scale" developed by... more
O presente artigo foi elaborado no quadro das comemorações do centenário de Paulo Freire, grande educador brasileiro cujas contribuições vão para além do Brasil, chegando em vários países do continente africano entre eles a Guiné-Bissau.... more
The study investigated the influence of ISO 9001 Standards on the quality of academic programmes in universities in Kenya; A case of Bachelor of Education programme in the University of Nairobi and premised on Deming's theory of quality... more


$2.375 M Federally funded, 5-year discretionary grant awarded by The US Department of Education (DOE) - The Office of Migrant Education (OME).

4 Pro-staff
5 Student employees
2 Residential Advisors
This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive... more
Näkökulmia toisen kielen puheeseen-Insights into second language speech. AFinLA-e. Soveltavan kieli eteen tutkimuksia / n:o .-. Mar na Huhtamäki¹ & Elisabeth Ze erholm² ¹Helsingfors universitet, ²Stockholms universitet U alets plats i... more
The aim of this article is to examine literacy and numeracy scores of learners who participated in the South African Kha Ri Gude Literacy Campaign. Analysing the learning outcomes of the 2011 cohort of a total of 485,941 participants, the... more
This study aims to determine the effect of literacy programs and library facilities on literacy culture in primary schools in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia.The population in this study amounted to 2.477 primary school teachers and the... more
This study examines the connection between manpower development, business process performance and business intelligence maturity in Nigeria. A large-scale survey was used to gather data on the progressive decline in the ability of... more
mentioned in this publication is intended or should be inferred. For the reader's convenience, this publication contains information about and from outside organizations, including hyperlinks and URLs. Inclusion of such information does... more
mentioned in this publication is intended or should be inferred. For the reader's convenience, this publication contains information about and from outside organizations, including hyperlinks and URLs. Inclusion of such information does... more
Community-based literacy teaching workshops attend to the learning needs of new students who have not been able to benefit from enrollment as children in the public school system. The following report from the field calls attention to the... more
The postgraduate training of doctors depends on their self-directed learning activities. Traditional continuing medical education has a limited impact on their clinical behaviour. The authors review the most relevant models and concepts... more
Nowadays, a large part of teacher leadership studies have been focused mainly on the principal as a key factor in the results of students’ success. Nevertheless, some recent literature is available that discusses other faculty members who... more
Tema for denne bacheloravhandlingen er å utforske førstelinjemedarbeideres bidrag til tjenesteinnovasjon i telekommunikasjonsselskapet Telia. Selskapet jobber aktivt med å være en ledende innovatør og digital tilrettelegger i samfunnet. I... more
This study examined how poverty and residential mobility influence low-income adults' persistence in family literacy programs in Pennsylvania. Twelve out of 20 program directors reported that learners typically moved at least once a year.... more
Quality teaching affects the performance of learners across the disciplines. This study would like to explore the different teaching styles used by the professors that is prevalent in the Master in Physical Education (MPE) program and the... more
Formålet med denne masterutredningen er å få innsikt i hvilke sammenhenger det er mellom en leders grad av politiske ferdigheter, relasjonen med de ansatte (LMX) og utnyttelse av potensial, tillit og motivasjon blant de ansatte i en... more
The paper is derived from a study that examined use of children's lens in a reflective teaching approach to enhance their learning of social emotional competences (SECs) in Molo Sub-County. The sample comprised of 73 children and 4... more
De viktigste årsaksfaktorene som ble funnet og som bidrar til å forklare at det er en forhøyet risiko for utenlandske arbeidere å bli rammet av arbeidsulykker innen bygg og anlegg var: - Utilstrekkelig risikostyring opp mot de... more
Libraries use orientation as one of the marketing tools to introduce their clientele and potential patrons to the services and resources at their disposal. However, the means to measure the impact of the orientation programme is not clear... more
Gjennom en kombinasjon av spørreskjema, dybdeintervjuer og en erfaringskonferanse har vi forsøkt å kartlegge hvordan BHT bidrar til et inkluderende arbeidsliv i virksomhetene. De fleste virksomheter har blitt IA-bedrifter ganske nylig og... more
Oppslutningen om arbeidstakerorganisasjoner går tilbake i mange land. Også i Norge har organisasjonsgraden falt de siste tiårene. Vi bruker registerbaserte data for å studere utviklingen i Norge fra 1996 til 2012, en periode med... more
We statistically examined 295 low-literacy adults' oral reading fluency measured by total word and word error rates with connected prose. Based on four fluency ability groupings in relation to standardized assessments of... more
Dersom vi skal klare å redusere klimautslippene tilstrekkelig er karbonsterke næringer nødt til å fases ut og det må tilrettelegges for at nye bærekraftige næringer kan vokse. Olje og gassindustrien er en kilde til store klimautslipp,... more
Masteroppgave i bedriftsledelse (MBA) - Nord universitet, 201
The 2019 Learning and Work Institute English, Maths and ESOL Conference took place on the 4th December 2019 with the theme ‘No one left behind’. I was invited to take part in a panel to look at the progress that has been made since the... more
Nafisah is the National Co-Chair for NATECLA (National Association for Teaching English and Community Languages to Adults) and Head of Life Skills and Community at ELATT, an education charity in London. She has worked with the third... more
  The non-literate adult citizens in Nigeria are often faced with the inability to apply mental intelligence in their lifestyles which is reducing their worth and relevance in the 21st century literate society. The study therefore, seeks... more
School inspection is one of the mechanisms that governments use to ensure accountability to the public in terms of the value for money invested in the education systems, and to improve the education quality and in schools. The study... more
The success of every society depends on the quality and quantity of education of its citizens. Literacy centers were established mainly to empower adult members with the right type of literacy and functional education needed for their... more
Oppslutningen om arbeidstakerorganisasjoner går tilbake i mange land. Også i Norge har organisasjonsgraden falt de siste tiårene. Vi bruker registerbaserte data for å studere utviklingen i Norge fra 1996 til 2012, en periode med... more
Vi undersøker om organisasjonsgraden på arbeidsplassen har betydning for fagorganisering blant unge, nyansatte arbeidstakere. Vi bruker registerdata fra SSB som omfatter sysselsatte i to tidsperioder: 2006-07 og 2016-17. Våre funn viser... more
The historical spaces of this twentieth century have been inhabited, in unprecedented numbers, by those fleeing war, poverty and famine. Their sense of rootlessness, as well as their struggle to find voice, meaning and balance in their... more
Globally and across the African continent, the past decade has seen an increase in the commitment to reducing adult illiteracy, inspired among other things by the Education for All (EFA) drive to halve the incidence of illiteracy among... more
The K to 12 Basic Education program uses standards and a competency-based grading system. These are found in the curriculum guides. All grades will be based on the weighted raw score of the learners’ summative assessments. Senior High... more
Globally and across the African continent, the past decade has seen an increase in the commitment to reducing adult illiteracy, inspired among other things by the Education for All (EFA) drive to halve the incidence of illiteracy among... more
Globally and across the African continent, the past decade has seen an increase in the commitment to reducing adult illiteracy, inspired among other things by the Education for All (EFA) drive to halve the incidence of illiteracy among... more
Company, which included a subcontract with Portland State University. Joseph Perez served as the Contracting Officer's Representative. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the Department... more
Scholars have produced a substantial body of research to analyze how school leaders can change their schools in challenging circumstances to improve organizational conditions, professional relationships, teaching and learning practices,... more
This work has been produced by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) on behalf of the OECD. Funding was provided through the OECD. The views and opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors/project team... more
The present study was designed to explore the factors that responsible for the relapse into basic literacy skills of adult neo-literates. This qualitative study utilized strategies, including: a survey, interviews, focused group... more