Adolescence (Psychology)
Recent papers in Adolescence (Psychology)
The wider cultural universe of contemporary Eveny is a specific and revealing subset of post-Soviet society. From an anthropological perspective, the author seeks to reveal not only the Eveny cultural universe but also the universe of the... more
The aim of this study was to conduct a review of the literature to identify the efficacy of Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) for traumatised children and adolescents suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in resource-poor,... more
"The role that the involvement of parents may play in the treatment outcome of their children with anxiety disorders is still under debate. Some studies dealing with other disorders have examined the role that the expressed emotion (EE)... more
La existencia del ser humano y su objetivo esencial es un fenómeno que ha sido estudiado por pensadores de todos los tiempos, intentando llegar a conclusiones parecidas muchos llegan a definir la existencia como algo efímero sin ningún... more
rezentovaná štúdia sa sústreďuje na vybrané behaviorálne a sociálne špecifiká homosexuálne orientovaných mužov v období dospievania a dospelosti. V behaviorálnej oblasti sa zameriavame predovšetkým na heterofaksimilitu, ktorá... more
Résumé – Dans cet article, l’auteur propose de considérer l’errance chez l’adolescent en tant que processus psychique. Les modalités d’expression de ce processus polymorphe ouvrent des voies de compréhension aux parts infantiles non... more
Recently, the question of adolescent culpability has been brought before the Supreme Court of the United States for reconsideration. Neuroscience, adolescent advocates claim, is teaching us that young people cannot be found fully... more
Few studies have examined long-term effects of ethanol on auditory fear conditioning, and fewer still have examined whether adolescence represents a unique period of vulnerability. We investigated the impact of ethanol consumption during... more
Considerable concern has been expressed recently about the plight of New Zealand boys. We begin by exploring the development of boys’ masculine identities in terms of the influence of society, community, peers, personal influences,... more
The present study analyzes the impact of parenting styles on adolescents’ self-esteem and internalization of social values in three countries, Spain, Portugal and Brazil. The sample of the study was comprised of 2091 adolescents from... more
Public rhetoric about the radicalization of youth into violent extremism has been bifurcated into two competing explanations. In the first version, a radical religious leader within a mainstream religious community radicalizes young... more
STUDY OBJECTIVES: This work assesses the prevalence and development of disturbing dreams among adolescents and the association of these dreams with anxiety. DESIGN: Sex differences in prevalence were analyzed with chi-square analyses.... more
Due to ongoing concerns about adolescent interpersonal aggression and debates surrounding violent media, this study assesses the potential impacts of parental mediation and parenting style on mature videogame play and fighting behaviors... more
Individuation in relation to father and mother is one of the key developmental tasks of adolescence, and has been conceptualized as gaining autonomy while maintaining relatedness to parents. Research on high-conflict, divorced and... more
²Professora da Univiçosa Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi compreender como os jovens percebem a influência de seus pais na sua escolha profissional. Foram aplicados 48 questionários aos alunos da Univiçosa inscritos no segundo período... more
Resumo: O objetivo deste ensaio é refletir sobre as possibilidades e a necessidade de construir uma leitura pós-disciplinar na formação de licenciandos, a partir do diálogo suscitado entre a Psicologia da Adolescência e outras... more
A research paper looking at depictions of adolescence and virtual reality in anime narratives.
Written at Queen Mary, University of London
Written at Queen Mary, University of London
This literature review dives into how the adolescent brain functions and why certain online social venues are so attractive to adolescents.
The ever-changing trends in adolescent life have their roots in a myriad of sources. However, divorce rates and parent-child relationships (or lack thereof) are also a likely key player in the current movements of adolescent abandonment.
This article examined the influence of sexual content in popular media on the sexuality of public university adolescents. The survey utilised a researcher-made questionnaire to collect data from a random sample of 1580 adolescents from... more
Se examinó el modelo de perfeccionismo 2x2 en la adolescencia, en el contexto de la Educación Física, empleando diversas variables dependien- tes: autoconcepto, afectividad y satisfacción con la vida. Un total de 331 estudiantes de... more
Qualitative research provides opportunities to study bullying and peer harassment as social processes, interactions and meaning-making in the everyday context of particular settings. It offers the possibility of developing a deep... more
The body image is to be reconstructed during adolescence, which is more difficult in the case of somatic illness and social stigma. This research aimed to study adolescents' body image with scoliosis, students of a special educational... more
This metacognitive ability of young children is of great interest because of its relation to children’s ability to notice and reflect on their own mental states. Since Piaget’s early work, young children have been considered as having... more
This article focuses on the narratives of 18 adolescent boys as they engaged with issues of sex, sexuality and peer relations in their daily lives. The ethnographic research was conducted in two public secondary schools in a working-class... more
Objetivo: Neste trabalho, buscamos abordar as relações entre adolescência, violência e uso de drogas entre adolescentes autores de ato infracional. Métodos: Realizamos um estudo de casos múltiplos, sendo a coleta de dados realizada por... more
Recently, the argument that behavior, ideas, and emotions may be contagious has gained momentum in the social sciences and, more generally, in the public arena because of work like Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point. Even behavior that... more
En el presente artículo se hace una reflexión y revisión algunos de los enfoques tradicionales en psicología que han abordado el concepto de adolescencia. Para ello, se analizarán las definiciones más comunes y se utilizan datos... more
Studies in Slovenia and in the World are warning about the decreasing amount of physical/sport activity of children and adolescents, and consequently also about the decline of motor abilities, especially endurance and strength. Strength... more
L’Internet est un espace d’écriture et de lecture qui est intimement mêlé a nos vies professionnelles et personnelles. Cet article présente les différents réseaux sociaux utilisés par les adolescents et fait le point sur les risques et... more
Politie en professioneel jongerenwerk zijn voorzieningen die veel contact hebben met jeugd. Omdat zij veel te maken hebben met dezelfde doelgroep en vanuit verschillende invalshoeken maatschappelijke jeugdproblematiek proberen te... more
Статья посвящена анализу влияния различных видов рискового поведения на психическое здоровье подростков, основываясь на определении психического здоровья, предложенного ВОЗ. В деталях рассматриваются как злоупотребление ПАВ, экстремальное... more
Concerns have been raised that prolonged exposure to heavy metal music with aggressive themes can increase the risk of aggression, anger, antisocial behaviour, substance use, suicidal ideation, anxiety and depression in community and... more