This Chapter, an excerpt from the book entitled, ‘Water is Life: Women’s human rights in national and local water governance in Southern and Eastern Africa,’ explores how different women farm workers and their households on three... more
As a preliminary matter, the article considers different legal regimes pertaining to the power of the international criminal tribunals to punish conduct that tends to impede or frustrate the good administration of justice, from Nuremberg... more
En este artículo presentamos la imagen del rex iustus, directamente vinculada con la que se consideraba la principal función real: la administración de la justicia. En primer lugar, se analiza el pensamiento corporativo alfonsí a partir... more
*P.L. 254 The Contracting Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR or Convention) do not always peacefully collaborate for their mutual benefit. Their relations can deteriorate to the point of military confrontation. The... more
– This paper proposes to study the early-modern Portuguese magistracy to demonstrate a specific character of the Portuguese imperial experience which resided in an intense circulation of its agents, either between different colonial... more
Resumen: Este artículo analiza la administración y el funcionamiento de la justicia a través de tres casos ocurridos en el mundo rural de las provincias de Santa Marta, Cartagena y Antioquia, que involucraron diversas instituciones y... more
Este artículo trata de la cuestión del trato judicial de las llamadas personae miserabiles, es decir, personas desamparadas (sobre todo, en este caso, los indios americanos), según la doctrina de los juristas españoles de los siglos XVI y... more
This paper proposes an organizational design solution for the issue of staffing gap in federal district courts in the 5th Circuit of Federal Justice in Brazil. The research project applies design thinking as an innovative tool to address... more
Este artículo recoge los resultados parciales de la investigación doctoral titulada Acción política performativa: relacionalidad y agenciamiento en las actuales formas de reclamación. Dicha investigación se preguntó por la naturaleza... more
Nigeria as a country is largely conflict ridden. Beginning from militancy in the oil rich Niger Delta Region of the Country to the religious conflicts in the North and more recently the Farmers and herders clash in the middle belt region.... more
This article analyzed 32 empirical studies on the impact of the lawyer's performance on the outcome of the judicial decision. The findings were: the concentration of research in the United States (81.25 percent), civil jurisdiction (62.5... more
La monografia intende accompagnare il lettore in un viaggio all’interno della giustizia civile italiana, affrontando molte delle questioni attualmente oggetto di discussione sia in ambito accademico sia nel dibattito pubblico. Il libro... more
RESUMO: O ofício de chanceler da Casa da Suplicação – o supremo tribunal português – foi criado em 1534, como resultado do desmembramento de competências do chanceler mor. O controlo dos actos dos juízes superiores no séc. XVI é exercido... more
This paper discusses two aspects of the migration and crime. First, it explores the crimes associated with internal and external migrants. The analysis shows that foreigners in Russia are more often charged with low gravity crimes such as... more
Resumen: En este artículo se examinan las características del abigeato en La Pampa en las primeras décadas del siglo xx. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es reconocer la difusión de valores sociales sobre el robo de ganado en... more
RESUMEN: Esta contribución parte de la perplejidad de que, en la España de la I República, se prohíba a los naturales de las provincias ultramarinas entrar a formar parte de la judicatura, a pesar de que el Decreto orgánico de 25 de... more
En este artículo se busca indagar sobre las condiciones que propiciaron a finales del siglo XVIII la aparición del madresolterismo en la provincia antioqueña. Consideraciones sobre la etnia, el matrimonio, el honor, la concepción de la... more
Interpretation of Statutes is the subject of the domain of Judiciary. In a democratic set up where there is separation of powers the three organs of the State, namely, the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary are to remain... more
The paper tells the object and purpose of the Code of Criminal Procedure to facilitate administration of criminal justice and not to thwart it. It is to safeguard the life and liberty of every citizen, even the accused unless it is proved... more