J. has said that, the state should act like an informed litigator, not like an ordinary individual, and should not defend cases solely to protect the ego of a certain officer. Statutory authorities should not make frivolous and... more
Comparative research shows that many countries experience the problem of slow and ineffective civil litigation. When duration of court proceedings becomes a political issue, governments must act. While several reform strategies are... more
This work painstakingly went through the Nigerian legal system by discussing in details the historical development of the country’s legal system. It also showcased the reforms and as well the challenges found in the Nigeria legal system.... more
This study analyzes the Gorontalo customary law approach in the transfer of land rights through the Tayade system, which separates land rights and plant rights. In the context of Gorontalo, although there is no formal regulation that... more
Bu çalışmada sorunları çözmekte zorlanan bürokrasinin çıkış arama sürecinde dijitalleşmesi ve teknolojiden yararlanması sürecinde yapay zeka yönetişimi uygulamalarından ve robotik bürokrasinden nasıl yararlanabileceği hususu adalet... more
Changes in the field of management throughout the world in recent years have also directly affected organizational management. Organizations aiming to be effective and efficient in this process took part in this radical change process and... more
Generally, a court in Nigeria in giving judgment in any matter is duty bound to limit its judgment to the reliefs sought by the parties. An exception to the general rule lies in the power of the court to make consequential orders which... more
Son yılların önemli kavramlarından birisini yapay zeka oluşturmaktadır. Öğrenen makine ve robotlar vasıtasıyla insan zekasına alternatif bir yol izleyen yapay zeka olgusu birçok alanda kulanım imkanı bulmaktadır. Yapay zeka konusunda... more
The article deals with the problem of judges’ professionalism as a basis for the staffing in the courts. It has been found that the quality of judicial administration of the courts depends on the professionalism of the judges, and has... more
Today, when we look at technological developments and changes, it is obvious that social life has been reshaped. It is seen that artificial intelligence is one of the factors affecting such reshaping. Considering that the purpose of... more
El Libro primero contiene tres títulos; aparte del primero dedicado a las "leys", los dos títulos restantes recogen las cuestiones referentes a "la Ssanta Trinidad y de la ffe catolica" (título II) y a "los articolos de la ffe" (título... more
Go out there and do what is right between these parties." It is said that when Andrew Jackson presided as a country judge, he frequently delivered this instruction to juries. 1 The authenticity of this tale need trouble only serious... more
espanolEl presente estudio trata sobre un primer ensayo codificador en la Republica Mexicana. La Ley de 5 de enero de 1857 doto de elementos comunes a los jueces para imponer sentencias y penas pues contuvo elementos como la... more
Esta investigacion pone muy bien en evidencia como juegan los estereotipos de genero con respecto a las mayores dificultades que deben afrontar las mujeres para hacer carrera en el Poder Judicial. En Italia, donde las mujeres pudieron... more
Breach of fundamental human rights and rule of law are challenges that have tainted Nigeria’s image and impaired sustainable development of her justice system. These breaches are: torture, distorting bail procedures among others. These... more
On 30 January 2019 the Council of Europe adopted guidelines on electronic evidence in civil and administrative law accompanied by the Explanatory Memorandum. The authors summarize and analyse this soft law instrument with respect... more
With climate change adversely affecting individuals and communities in diverse ways, from extreme weather conditions to diminishing access to natural resources, violations of the rule of law often arise. To mitigate or address these... more
Con motivo de la celebración del “día del abogado”, 12 de julio, este artículo contiene algunas reflexiones sobre la justicia y el juzgador, dedicando estas líneas a los juzgadores de Veracruz.
The article, following an outline of the historical context, designs a normative justification of citizens’ participation in the public administration of justice on the basis of the philosophy of right of Georg W.F. Hegel and Johann G.... more
Este artículo presenta un estudio contemporáneo sobre la política criminal de drogas brasileña, actualmente regida por la Ley 11343/06. Para ello, en un primer momento, se presentará la legislación, así como los cambios derivados de su... more
Penelitian ini mengkaji relevansi perilaku hakim dalam implementasi Hukum Islam di Indonesia, dengan fokus pada faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keputusan hakim. Penegakan Hukum Islam, yang bersumber dari Al-Qur'an, Sunnah, dan Ijma’,... more
O direito processual pós-moderno, além de visar à formação de um procedimento objetivo para a garantia do devido processo legal, visa à garantia da segurança jurídica e do acesso à ordem jurídica justa em consonância com os valores e... more
Considering the journey thus far in the Criminal Justice System (CJS) in Nigeria which culminated in the enactment of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA), 2015, it has become imperative to take stock of the gains as well as... more
Nowadays, it is challenging to distinguish between genuine content created by humans or deepfake created by deepfakes algorithms. Therefore, it is in the interests of society and nations to have systems that can notice and evaluate the... more
Since justice administration was one of the seminal, if not the principal aspect of medieval and Early Modern statehood, the podestàs’ performance of their broad discretionary rights – arbitrium – in adjudicating legal cases were the main... more
Confessional statements are very vital in Nigeria’s administration of criminal justice as many convictions are based on confessional statements. The major laws regulating the admissibility of confessional statements in Nigeria are... more
O Tribunal Virtual de Richard Susskind deixou de ser apenas um conceito para ser uma política de implementação e desenvolvimento do judiciário ao lado da tecnologia. Sua aplicação no sistema jurídico brasileiro foi proposta, aplicada,... more
The use of data about judicial procedures is crucial to improve the overall administration of justice, define strategies for justice institutions, promote transparency, broaden access, and enhance confidence in the justice system.... more
Este artículo presenta algunos de los resultados obtenidos en la ejecución de un proyecto de investigación que se propuso analizar las consecuencias que tiene para el bien común el surgimiento en Colombia de un Estado jurisdiccional en el... more
Este artículo tuvo como finalidad evidenciar que algunas investigaciones sobre la información genética y los seguros incurren en dos errores importantes. El primer error es confundir el medio o la herramienta que se utiliza para extraer... more
With this issue of the Journal, the editors inaugurate the first of what over time will be a series of special issues of the IJCA. We take considerable pride in having organized this special issue reflecting recent research and... more
In contemporary Western jurisprudence it is never appropriate for emotion - anger, love, hatred, sadness, disgust, fear, joy - to affect judicial decision-making. A good judge should feel no emotion; if she does, she puts it aside. To... more
Judges are human and experience emotion when hearing cases, though the standard account of judging long has denied that fact. In the post-Realist era it is possible to acknowledge that judges have emotional reactions to their work, yet... more
This book is an open and not for profit publication distributed under Creative Commons Licensing; subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold , hired out, or otherwise circulated, without the... more
Emotional intelligence is vital for the proper development of the personality. In the case of judges, the behavior and process of the administration of justice are fundamental to the rule of law. However, little attention has been paid to... more
In any nation, the judicial system is essential to maintaining the rule of law and administering justice. The trial levels and jurisdiction of Pakistan's legal system are examined in this abstract. Pakistan's judicial system is... more
The future of administration of justice is an issue increasingly often discussed in the literature. Representatives of the doctrine wonder about the greater use of new technologies in the judiciary, so as to, among other things, shorten... more
Dada la magnitud del tema, se seleccionan algunas cuestiones para esbozarlas desde tres enfoques: espacial, político y cultural. Todo ello se contextualiza en la historia de la cristiandad occidental desde la adolescencia de Alfonso, como... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto