Adaptive Control
Recent papers in Adaptive Control
We consider the tracking problem of unknown, robustly stabilizable, multi-input multi-output (MIMO), affine in the control, nonlinear systems with guaranteed prescribed performance. By prescribed performance we mean that the tracking... more
An OSGi (Open Services Gateway Initiative) home gateway system manages the integration of heterogeneous home networks protocols and devices to develop ubiquitous applications. Wired and wireless heterogeneous home networks have different... more
Abstract This paper presents an adaptive control scheme for suppressing jitter in laser beams. The variable-order adaptive controller is based on an adaptive lattice filter that implicitly identifies the disturbance statistics from... more
A globally convergent adaptive control scheme for robot motion control with the following features is proposed. First, the adaptation law possesses enhanced robustness with respect to noisy velocity measurements. Second, the controller... more
In this paper a new intelligent identification method of uncertainty bound utilizes an adaptive neurofuzzy inference system (ANFIS) in a feedback scheme is proposed. The proposed ANFIS feedback structure performs better in determining the... more
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to serve as an introduction to neural networks and to sug-gest that neural network architecture can be used for design and application of intelligent control systems [ 11. The neural network... more
Petroleum industry production systems are highly automatized. In this industry, all functions (e.g., planning, scheduling and maintenance) are automated and in order to remain competitive researchers attempt to design an adaptive control... more
The power density and efficiency of high compression ratio (∼200:1) air compressors/expanders are crucial for the economical viability of a Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) system such as the one proposed in [1]. There is a trade-off... more
The behavioral framework for modelling and control is a framework that does not distinguish a priori between input and output of a system. Control in the behavioral framework does not make use of the intelligent control scheme consisting... more
In recent years, much attention has been focused upon predictive control of nonlinear systems. The implementation of such a control strategy for real processes has greatly improved their performance. This paper deals with a model-based... more
This paper presents a control strategy for the coordination of multiple mobile robots. A combination of the virtual structure and path following approaches is used to derive the formation architecture. A formation controller is proposed... more
This paper presents an adaptive position control scheme for DC motors based on an on-line closed loop continuous-time identiflcation method. A fast, non-asymptotic, algebraic identiflcation method is used to estimate simultaneously the... more
We consider the problem of force and position regulation for a robot finger with a soft tip in contact with a surface with unknown geometrical characteristics. An adaptive controller is proposed, and the asymptotic convergence of the... more
... Research (CECSTR) PO Box 4078,Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Prairie View,TX, 77446 moghheli~, KN Toosi University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering Department, Tehran, Iran, [email protected]:ir ** *** ...
This paper presents an adaptive PWM control scheme of four-cell interleaved boost-type switching-mode rectifier, used as an input stage of auxiliary power supply of electrical vehicles, and its operation under regular, as well as under... more
Irrigation control strategies may be used to improve the site-specific irrigation of cotton via lateral move and centre pivot irrigation machines. A simulation framework 'VARIwise' has been created to aid the development, evaluation and... more
A VLSI implementation of an adaptive controller performing gradient descent optimization of external performance metrics using parallel synchronous detection is presented. Real-time model-free gradient estimation is done by perturbation... more
With the increasing number of vehicles on the road, it has become difficult to properly control the flow of traffic especially in large cities like Lahore. The proposed system uses a digital camera mounted on a stepper motor to sense the... more
DISCLAIMER: The readers should apply their own judgement and skills when using the information contained in this paper. Although the authors have made every effort to ensure that the information in this report is correct at the time of... more
The present study deals with the analysis of a Lotka-Volterra model describing competition between tumor and immune cells. The model consists of differential equations with piecewise constant arguments and based on metamodel constructed... more
This paper proposes a novel optimal adaptive event-triggered control algorithm for nonlinear continuous-time systems. The goal is to reduce the controller updates, by sampling the state only when an event is triggered to maintain... more
The paper investigates the design of Adaptive Feedforward Cancellation (AFC) algorithms with sinusoidal regressors for repetitive control. Such adaptive algorithms are equivalent to linear controllers based on the Internal Model Principle... more
A multiple-model adaptive controller is developed using the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) neural network. The considered controller which we name it as Multiple Controller via SOM (MCSOM) is evaluated on the pH neutralization plant. An... more
The requirement for high accuracy in dynamic positioning of remotely operated vehicles (ROV), especially when tasks close to underwater structures have to be performed, demands high precision of sensor systems. Taut-wire and passive arm... more
The maneuvering problem involves two tasks. The first, called the geometric task, is to force the system output to converge to a desired path continuously parametrized by a scalar θ. The second task, called the dynamic task, is to satisfy... more
In this paper, we give detailed procedures for using unfalsified control theory for real-time PID controller parameter tuning and adaptation.
The International Journal of Chaos, Control, Modelling and Simulation is a Quarterly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Chaos Theory, Control Systems, Scientific... more
Continuously increasing energy standards have driven the need for increasing the efficiency of buildings. Most enhancements to building efficiency have been a result of changes to the heating/cooling systems, improvements in construction... more
5th International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Sciences (AMA 2021)will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications impacts and challenges of Mathematics and... more
In this study, a new adaptive controller based on modified feedback error learning (FEL) approaches is proposed for load frequency control (LFC) problem. The FEL strategy consists of intelligent and conventional controllers in feedforward... more
We investigate the problem of adaptive traffic light control of multiple intersections using real-time traffic data collected by a wireless sensor network (WSN). Previous studies mainly focused on optimizing the intervals of green lights... more
This paper presents the Static Synchronous Compensator's (Stat-Com) voltage regulation by a B-Spline neural network. The fact that the electric grid is a non-stationary system, with varying parameters and configurations, adaptive control... more
This paper has implemented an adaptive control technique for Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) process. The transfer function representing the dynamics of a CSTR process was obtained. The system was modeled in Simulink and simulated... more
—Adaptive traffic control system is the latest generation of traffic control systems that operates, manages and control the signalized intersections with/without coordination. ATAK is one of the adaptive traffic control system that is... more
In Part I of this paper, we presented the fundamentals of the theory of IDA-PBC. In this part, we discuss the main new results and the practical applications of this control design approach as well as the current open problems and future... more
This work presents a novel predictive model-based proportional integral derivative (PID) tuning and control approach for unknown nonlinear systems. For this purpose, an NARX model of the plant to be controlled is obtained and then it used... more
This thesis is focused on modeling, control, stability, and power management of electronically interfaced Distributed Energy Resource (DER) units for microgrids. Voltage amplitude and frequency regulation in an islanded microgrid is one... more
In this paper we present a method for adaptive feedback linearization contorl of CSTR. Because of the nature of CSTR, the parameters of the system, like feed flowrate, feed temperature, concentration of components in the feed and inlet... more
The problem of balancing an inverted pendulum has been a benchmark problem in demonstrating various control design techniques. The principal reasons for it's popularity are its nonlinear and unstable characteristics. In this paper a... more
In recent years, it is remarkable to see the increasing number of studies related to the theory and application of fractional order controller (FOC), specially controller, in many areas of science and engineering. Research activities are... more