Acta Astronautica
Recent papers in Acta Astronautica
The space debris and micrometeoroid environment poses an increasing threat to operations in space due to the escalating quantity of debris in orbit. Particle impact detectors provide a low cost means to monitor and study this environment.... more
The work described in the present paper, performed as a part of the P²-ROTECT project, presents an enhanced method to evaluate satellite vulnerability to micrometeoroids and orbital debris (MMOD), using the ESABASE2/Debris tool (developed... more
This paper presents a computational methodology to predict the satellite system-level effects resulting from impacts of untrackable space debris particles. This approach seeks to improve on traditional risk assessment practices by looking... more
With regard to hypervelocity impact detection, a sensor network that can be applied on typical spacecraft structures is under development at Fraunhofer EMI (Ernst-Mach-Institut), supported by OHB-System. For impact detection, acoustic... more
The Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) will be exposed to natural and man-made particles (Meteoroids and orbltal Debris, MOD), impacting at hypervelocity at the vehicle surface during the ATV-mission. These particles can cause severe damage... more
Are we alone in the universe? It is an age-old question that continues to encourage interest and controversy among the public as well as academics. Development of explanations for life elsewhere ranges widely, but few mathematical models... more
Abstraet--A key prerequisite for the establishment of a permanent manned presence in extraterrestrial space is the attainment of a high degree of self-sufficiency using locally available resources. Potential uses range from low complexity... more
If a camera moves fast while taking a picture, motion blur is induced. There exist techniques to prevent this effect to occur, such as moving the lens system or the CCD chip electro-mechanically. Another approach is to remove the motion... more
Optical navigation for a lunar lander consists of estimating a lander's 3-dimensional (3-D) relative dynamic motion with respect to a preselected landing site using a passive 2-dimensional (2-D) video image sequence. Lunar landing... more
This paper highlights the challenging aspects of the Cluster II mission from both the operations and ight dynamics point of view. The ÿrst new aspect of the mission was the double dual launch using two Russian Soyuz rockets, especially... more
-Anewppdsion concept for high AV space missions, termed LABS (Liquid Annular Re&or System), uses liquid nuclear fuel elements to heat hyw ppllant to very high temperatures (4000 K). The molten fuel is contained in a lower-temperature... more
We discuss the general requirements for the solution of the problem given in the 1st ACT Global Trajectory Optimization Competition. We introduce some novel numerical methods used for multiple gravity-assist and low-thrust trajectory... more
This paper reports findings of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) Study Group (SG), International Cooperation for Space Life Sciences Knowledge Sharing and Development in Africa, (2013). The SG, established in 2010, is... more
Globalization is creating an interdependent space-faring world and new opportunities for international partnerships that strengthen space knowledge development and transfer. These opportunities have been codified in the Global Exploration... more
The objective of the Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment (CanX) program is to develop highly capable nanospacecraft, i.e. spacecraft under 10 kilograms, in short timeframes of 2-3 years. CanX missions offer low-cost and rapid access to... more
The NorSat-1 mission demonstrates a low-cost collaborative approach to science in space through the innovative integration of multiple payloads within a small microsatellite platform. Successfully launched on 14 July 2017 into a 600 km... more
AISSat-1 was launched on July 12, 2010 and is believed to be the first high performance nano-satellite to provide an observational service to governmental authorities. The primary mission objective is to perform maritime observation in... more
The objective of the Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment (CanX) program is to develop highly capable "nanospacecraft," or spacecraft under 10 kilograms, in short timeframes of 2-3 years. CanX missions offer low-cost and rapid access to... more
The objective of the Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment (CanX) program is to develop highly capable "nanospacecraft," or spacecraft under 10 kilograms, in short timeframes of 2-3 years. CanX missions offer low-cost and rapid... more
Asteroid 2024 YR4, measuring between 40 and 90 meters in diameter, presents a 2.3% chance of impacting Earth by December 22, 2032. Existing asteroid deflection methodskinetic impactors (Daly et al. 2023; Li et al. 2019; Chagas et al.... more
Aerothermal heating of hypersonic reentry bodies can generate significant radiation of visible light. Here, we investigate the conditions for ground-level visibility and what we term noticeability of that radiated light to the unaided... more
An aerobraking orbital transfer vehicle (AOTV) concept, which has an aerobrake structure that is integrated with the propulsion stage, is discussed. The concept vehicle is to be assembled in space and is space-based. The advantages of... more
Based on the jet transport technique, this paper proposes a novel nonlinear Kalman filter for simultaneously estimating the spacecraft state vector and uncertain parameters, either physically related with the spacecraft or with the... more
In 1995, Mayor and Queloz [a] detected for the first time a planet orbiting a nearby star (15.4 parsecs). Since then, the interest in the detection of extra-solar planets, in order to learn about the origin, evolution, and composition of... more
The propellant used in space programs creates exclusively three ecological concerns: Ground-based Impacts which vary from groundwater contagion to explosions caused by inconvenient management of fuels. Atmospheric Impacts are generally... more
This study presents evidence of structured anomalies in radio, infrared, and gravitational signals from Proxima b. Using a refined recursion intelligence stabilization model, we identify patterns that strongly correlate with expected... more
In response to the scientific interest in Jupiter's moons, NASA and ESA have recently decided to target in priority Jupiter's largest moons for the next outer planet flagship missions. For those missions inter-moon transfers of the Jovian... more
For the Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle (IXV) the deflection of the highly loaded body flap is performed by an actuator system which is connected to the body flap by a rod. Besides the thermal and mechanical loads the sealing of the... more
Satellite operators utilize a two-stations turn around ranging (TAR) system to reduce the ground station measurement system's complexity and cost while having the same or better orbit determination accuracy for communication satellites... more
Urban growth and population dynamics are among the most critical information needed for future economic development planning, natural resources allocation and environmental management. In the present work, two methods, the first based on... more
Issues about commercialization of space have been a growing concern in the past decade for the space comnluni~. This paper focuses on the work from a temn of 51 students attending the Summer Session Program of the International Space... more
A novel approach to improve the performance of supersonic and hypersonic intake systems with nano-particle injection has been studied. A parametric study using Mach number (M ∞ ), Stokes number (Stk), particle Eckert number (Ec p ), and... more
A new approach based on use of special "super heterogeneous" propellants that generate during combustion the model agglomerates with given reproducible size and structure has been elaborated for study of model agglomerate evolution. The... more
With an array of Indian Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS), a wide variety of national applications have been developed as an inter-agency effort over the past 20 years. Now, the capacity of the programme has been extended into the global... more
PLATO stands for PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations and it is the forthcoming third Medium sized mission of ESA, planned to be launched in 2024. Its optical payload is an ensemble of 34 small telescopes that mimic a single one meter... more
On January 22, 1990, Ariane V-35 placed four Microsat spacecraft into orbit. The orbit achieved is nearly perfectly sunsynchronous at 800 km altitude. The satellites, cubic structures measuring only 23 cm per side, were developed by the... more
Tech Briefs are issued to summarize specific innovations derived from the U.S. space program, to encourage their commercial application. Copies are available to the public at 15 cents each from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and... more
One of the cutting-edge technologies involved in BLSS operations is hydroponics and aquaponics. These soil-less farming techniques allow astronauts to grow food in space without the need for traditional agriculture, ensuring a constant... more
The present study is concerned with setting up and solving the transonic quasi-onedimensional equations of a flow with chemical reactions. Particular solutions are examined for such a flow when two-dimensional. The equations are written... more
Research has demonstrated that the motive triad of needs for achievement, power, and affiliation can predict variables such as occupational success and satisfaction, innovation, aggressiveness, susceptibility to illness, cooperation,... more
proposed a theoretical basis for healthy psychosocial development. His theory posits eight critical conflict situations throughout one's lifetime, each of which can result in a favorable or unfavorable resolution. Autobiographies,... more