Acta Astronautica
Recent papers in Acta Astronautica
This paper shows the effect of self-shadowing on the coupled attitude-orbit dynamics of objects with high area-to-mass ratios (HAMR) in simulating standard multi layer insulation materials (MLI) as tilted single rigid sheets. Efficient... more
Optical surveys have identified a class of high area-to-mass ratio (HAMR) objects in the vicinity of the Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) ring n . The exact origin and nature of these objects are not well known, although their proximity to... more
The space segment of NASA's Earth observing system (EOS) includes three series of intermediate-sized spacecraft, plus two smaller spacecraft. The EOS-AM spacecraft is the first of the intermediate-sized spacecraft. EOS-AM accommodates... more
The intention of the NETLANDER mission is to establish for the first time a Network of stations on the surface of Mars. Four identical surface modules are equipped with science payloads dedicated to study the atmosphere and geosphere of... more
Aerogravity assistcan significantly reduce therequired launch energy and timeof flight to the outer planets. An automated trajectory design program provides a thorough search of the near-future trajectory space for missions to Jupiter,... more
This paper aims to present a set of lost-in-space star identification algorithms that works effectively for small satellites. Several algorithms are investigated for both phases of star identification: feature extraction and catalogue... more
A major goal of NASA's In-Space Propulsion Program is to shorten trip times for scientific planetary missions. To meet this challenge arrival speeds will increase, requiring significant braking for orbit insertion, and thus increased... more
Anecdotal evidence and qualitative research attest to the importance of work-family interactions pre-, during and post-missions. This study uses thematic content analysis to quantify characteristics of work-family interactions and how... more
This paper highlights the design, qualification and mission performance of a comprehensive tethered momentum transfer technology on ESA's second Young Engineers' Satellite (YES2), aiming specifically on the tether deployer. The deployer... more
In early December 2003, the first Delta IV Heavy launch vehicle was successfully rolled out of the Horizontal Integration Facility (HIF) and erected on Space Launch Complex (SLC) 37 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The... more
The use of orbital solid rocket motors (SRM) is responsible for the release of a high number of slag and Al 2 O 3 dust particles which contribute to the space debris environment. This contribution has been modeled for the ESA space debris... more
This work presents the design of a robust control law, and the related control system architecture, for the Vega launcher ballistic phase, taking into account the complete six degrees of freedom dynamics. To gain robustness a non-linear... more
The newly qualified IRS facility for the determination of total and spectral emissivities and its recent numerical optimization is described. Values of measured total emissivities of the ceramics HfO 2 , Al 2 O 3 , Yt 2 O 3 and the... more
A number of interpersonal issues relevant to manned space missions have been identified from the literature. These include crew tension, cohesion, leadership, language and cultural factors, and displacement. Ground-based studies by others... more
In this article, after describing a procedure to construct trajectories for a spacecraft in the four-body model, a method to correct the trajectory violations is presented. To construct the trajectories, periodic orbits as the solutions... more
ensuringopeninvolvementof the scientificcommunity,industryandthe public in the Institute's activitiesandfosteringa robustcollaborationwith NASA, particularlythrough JSC. NSBRI is governedby a consortiumof 12institutions-
Many governmental space activities need to be planned with a time horizon that extends beyond the comfort zone of reliable technology development assessments and predictions. In an environment of accelerating technological change, a... more
The implementation and results from thermal mathematical modelling of a Stavroudistype reflective baffle for the BepiColombo laser altimeter (BELA) are presented. BELA and other instruments on board the European Space Agency's Mercury... more
Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) is an ESA mission in fundamental physics based on a new generation of clocks operated in the microgravity environment of the International Space Station. Installed at the external payload facility of... more
The satellite OTS-2, ESA's first communication satellite, has now been in orbit for more than six years. After completion of its operational service period with Eutelsat, OTS was released at the end of 1983 for an end-of-service test... more
There is widespread investment of resources in the fields of Computer Science, Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (CS-STEM) education to improve STEM interests and skills. This paper addresses the goal of revolutionizing... more
Human astronauts have unique capabilities that could greatly facilitate scientific exploration of other planets. However, when searching for life beyond Earth, these capabilities can be utilized effectively only if the biological... more
Space exploration is a multifaceted endeavor and will be a ''grand challenge'' of the 21st century. It has already become an element of the political agenda of a growing number of countries worldwide. However, the public is largely... more
The Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) is a joint response of German space industry, Earth observation research institutions and value-adding (VA) resellers. EnMAP fulfills the increasing demand on accurate, quantitative... more
The magneto-plasma sail (mini-magnetospheric plasma propulsion) produces the propulsive force due to the interaction between the artificial magnetic field around the spacecraft inflated by the plasma and the solar wind erupted from the... more
Presently, most spacecraft are one-of-a-kind or few-of-a-kind creations, optimized for some particular task, and containing as much functionality as is feasible. While components or subsystems may be re-used from one spacecraft to the... more
In a little over four decades, the Indian Space Program has carved a niche for itself with the unique application driven program oriented towards National development. The end-to-end capability approach of the space projects in the... more
This paper presents the strategy for the development of TOPMEX-9, an innovative concept for Earth observation based on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and nanosatellite clusters. The concept is intended as a, as a start up project for... more
As countermeasure to heavy workloads or monotony, astronauts have drawn on leisure activities imported from Earth or invented in situ. Aside from consumption of media, physical exercise, Earth observation, communication with ground or... more
Some major risks-of-failure issues for the future manned missions to Mars are discussed, with an objective to address criteria for making such missions possible, successful, safe and cost-effective. The following astronautical and... more
A prerequisite to accomplish a system simulation is to have a system model holding all necessary project information in a centralized repository that can be accessed and edited by all parties involved. At the Institute of Astronautics of... more
Blood pressure stability may be jeopardized in astronauts experiencing orthostatic stress. There is disagreement about cardiovascular and endocrine stress responses that emerge when a critical (presyncopal) state is reached. We studied... more
In recent years an increasing interest in the Moon surface operations has been experienced. In the future robotic and manned missions of Moon surface exploration will be fundamental in order to lay the groundwork for more ambitious space... more
The application of BE-FE acoustic-structure interaction on a structure subject to acoustic load is elaborated using the boundary element-finite element acoustic structural coupling and the utilization of the computational scheme developed... more
This Note is based on a presentation made at the special session "Tribute to John Breakwelr' of the 42nd IAF Congress (Montreal, 7-11 October 1991) recalling the outstanding achievements of J. V. Breakwell in theoretical Celestial... more
In this paper we address the feasibility of capturing small Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) into the vicinity of the Sun-Earth L 2 libration point using a continuous-thrust propulsion system assumed to be attached to the asteroid. The... more
A~traet--The people of Earth will need more than 20,000 billion watts (GWe) of electric power by 2050 for a high level of prosperity. Power needs in the 22nd Century could exceed 100,000 GWe. The Lunar Power System (LPS) can provide solar... more
cost-saving management and engineering methods with relevance to mission operations will be evaluated.