Emre Mulumulu1* , Çağlar Özer2 , Elçin Gök3 , Francisco J. Chavez-Garcia4 , Orhan Polat3 1The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir 35390 Turkey 2Earthquake Research Center, Ataturk University,... more
Bu makalede, elektronik mühendisliğinin birçok uygulamasında kullanım alanına sahip yinelemesiz sayısal süzgeçlerin tasarımı için yeni bir pencere fonksiyonu önerilmektedir. Adından da anlaşılacağı üzere bu pencere, literatürde Kaiser ve... more
This paper presents a tutorial on Kalman filtering that is designed for instruction to undergraduate students. The idea behind this work is that undergraduate students do not have much of the statistical and theoretical background... more
Geophysical analysis was carried out to evaluate the challenges encountered in land seismic exploration within the study area. This analysis cuts across various stages in land seismic acquisition. These stages include the following: the... more
The seismic reflection method has played a crucial role in geological exploration, spanning from petroleum to engineering investigations. This study aims to enhance seismic acquisition in the demanding Niger Delta terrain, particularly in... more
Simulating seismic chimney structures as potential vertical migration pathways for CO2 in the Snøhvit area, SW Barents Sea: model challenges and outcomes.
ÖZ Bu çalışmada Türkiye ve yakın çevresinin aktif fayları Uluslararası Ortadoğu'nun Depremsellik Modeli (EMME) projesinin bir alt çalışması olarak sayısallaştırılmış, coğrafi bilgi sistemi tabanlı ArcGIS yazılımı kullanılarak en güncel... more
Butterworth filtresi ile süzgeçlenmiş, sismogramların koda genliklerinin eğimlerinden koda kalite faktörü Qc(f)=45f 0.76 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Düşük Qo değeri ve frekansa fazla bağımlılık bölgenin yüksek tektonik aktivitesini karakterize... more
Öz: Jeolojik Zamanlar Çizelgesi'ndeki Orta Pleyistosen, Çibaniyen olarak tescillendi. Bu yeni Kat'ın zamanı 0,774 My ile 0,129 My arasıdır. Alt sınırı MIS (denizel izotop Katı) 19 ve Matuyama-Brunhes manyetik kutup terslenmesine karşılık... more
Öz: Jeolojik Zamanlar Çizelgesi'ndeki Orta Pleyistosen, Çibaniyen olarak tescillendi. Bu yeni Kat'ın zamanı 0,774 My ile 0,129 My arasıdır. Alt sınırı MIS (denizel izotop Katı) 19 ve Matuyama-Brunhes manyetik kutup terslenmesine karşılık... more
The paper examines ways of teaching wave pulses traveling on strings and wave fronts in two dimensional waves. The phenomena examined for pulses are: reflection, transmission and superposition. Two methods of finding the refracted wave... more
A receiver array is an arrangement of geophones used to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of seismic data. However, deviations from ideal array conditions can lead to the non-optimal performance of the array. This study... more
Doğrultu atımlı faylar jeolojik olarak bazen iki ayrı birimin arakesitinde bazen de bir birimin üzerinde meydana gelebilmektedir. İlk durumda iki farklı jeolojik birimin yan yana olmasından dolayı jeofizik yöntemler başarılı bir şekilde... more
The growing popularity of land nodes demands careful survey design practices to smoothly supersede cabled seismic acquisition with geophone arrays. Unfortunately, trace density is often used as a catchall proxy to describe survey quality,... more
Even after sophisticated processing, land seismic data in complex areas exhibit weak and distorted prestack reflections with low coherency. Usually, the local stacking methods reveal clear reflections. However, the absolute level of... more
Seismic speckle noise is the primary factor causing severe reflection distortions caused by small-scale near-surface scattering. As in the case of speckle noise in optics and acoustics, deterministic velocity model-building techniques... more
Social network is a collection of people generally called 'actors' who are connected to each other based on some association criteria like a friend, follow, co-authorship, co-workers, etc. Interaction networks are the generalization of... more
An MASW survey to produce a 2-D (surface and depth) shear-wave velocity (Vs) map involves the acquisition of multiple records (of twelve or more channels) with the same source-receiver configuration moved successively by a fixed distance... more
A 3D velocity model was created by using stacking velocity of 9 seismic lines and average velocity of 6 wells drilled in Iraq. The model was achieved by creating a time model to 25 surfaces with an interval time between each two... more
Variable-depth streamer acquisition is becoming a key marine solution for providing wide bandwidth seismic data. Varying the receiver depths creates wide receiver ghost diversity which allows a spectacular increase in the recorded... more
In this paper we present a new marine seismic acquisition technique initially developed to meet the imaging challenges of the Loppa High in the Norwegian Barents Sea. Two seismic vessels operate in tandem; one streamer vessel towing a... more
Çalışmanın amacı, 26 Eylül 2019 Marmara Denizi-İstanbul (Silivri) açıklarında meydana gelen Mw=5.8 büyüklüğündeki depremin, Türkiye Kuvvetli Yer Hareketi İstasyon ağına (TR-KYHA) ait kayıtlar ile zemin etkilerini incelemektir. Bu kapsamda... more
A grid of high-resolution, multichannel seismic profiles from the offshore Canterbury Basin, New Zealand, reveals that at least 11 large (up to 1000 m thick, s 50 km long, along-strike, and 20 km wide, down-dip) elongate sediment drifts... more
Tunnelling below water passages is a challenging task in terms of planning, pre-investigation and construction. Fracture zones in the underlying bedrock lead to low rock quality and thus reduced stability. For natural reasons they tend to... more
An increase in energy consumption of home appliances is a growing problem in distribution system. The Demand Response (DR) strategy for reducing the energy usage is the key for any energy management system (EMS). In order to minimize the... more
This paper addresses the issue of the sensitivity of 3‐D prestack depth migration (PSDM) with respect to the acquisition geometry of 3‐D seismic surveys. Using the theoretical framework of PSDM, I show how acquisition‐related imaging... more
Bu çalışmada Balıkesir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Ana Bina ve Ek Binası'nın bulunduğu alanda yüzeyleyen kaya/zemin birimlerinin litolojik, stratigrafik özellikleri ve ayrışma durumları incelenmiş; ayrıca temel zeminin türü,... more
We present a seismic and density model for the crust and the uppermost mantle of the Arctic Ocean offshore Chukotka down to a 40 km depth along a 740-km long latitudinal (at ca. 77°N) "Arctic-2012" wide-angle/MCS profile. Joint seismic... more
Over the recent years, there has been a significant amount of research and development related to marine broadband technology, both to remove the effect of the marine “ghosts” (reflections from the sea surface) and to obtain a broader... more
Geophysical analysis was carried out to evaluate the challenges encountered in land seismic exploration within the study area. This analysis cuts across various stages in land seismic acquisition. These stages include the following: the... more
We present a seismic and density model for the crust and the uppermost mantle of the Arctic Ocean offshore Chukotka down to a 40 km depth along a 740-km long latitudinal (at ca. 77°N) "Arctic-2012" wide-angle/MCS profile. Joint seismic... more
Broadband seismic data is the primary requirement for improving resolution, enhanced imaging of thin beds and stratigraphic features, seismic inversion etc. In recent past, advancements in marine seismic acquisition have evolved around... more
Bu çalışmada Orta Anadolu altında kabuk ve üst-manto hız yapısının tespiti için P dalgası alıcı fonksiyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Bu amaçla Bayındırlık ve İskân Bakanlığı Afet İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Deprem Araştırma Daire Başkanlığı... more
Injection of CO2 in subsurface reservoirs may cause overburden deformation and CO2 leakage. The aim of this study is to apply technologies for detection and monitoring of CO2 leakage and deformation above the injection reservoirs. The... more
High-resolution 3D site characterization can deliver reliable quantitative property volumes of the subsurface when based on seismic data able to image meter-sized objects. Following the theoretical analysis of seismic wave propagation in... more
In deep water the source-receiver offsets that are required for accurate velocity determinations cannot be achieved with single-ship multichannel seismic methods. Two ships, one equipped with a multichannel receiving array and the other... more
In this paper, Software is presented for teaching through interactive demonstrations about lenses. At first we explore lenses constructed by two spherical surfaces. We explore the ray diagrams and wave fronts. Then there is a page for... more
Geophysical analysis was carried out to evaluate the challenges encountered in land seismic exploration within the study area. This analysis cuts across various stages in land seismic acquisition. These stages include the following: the... more
Increasing cost and demand for energy is imposing us to find smart ways to save energy. To satisfy the energy requirement and at the same time to cut down the cost, consumption of energy must be monitored and controlled. Energy... more
During a geohazards evaluation of an area in deep-water Green Canyon, using standard exploration three-dimensional (3-D) seismic data, different features of significance to drilling operations and the planning of seabed installations were... more
Expanding spread profiles (ESP's) are spatially localized, wide-angle reflection/refraction surveys using two ships, a multichannel array, and Raydist ranging. The value of the data is primarily the fidelity with which the data are... more
Gunumuzde yeraltindaki madenleri kesfetmek amacli yapilan, sinyal gonderilerek yansiyan bu sinyaller uzerinden yapilan yorumlama analiz calismalarina sismik calisma adi verilir. Sismik Yansima Yontemi, yapay sekilde uretilen sismik... more
analysis of the data and wells onshore Kutch shows that the section beneath the traps should likely be of sub-trappean age i.e cretaceous and Jurassic. GXT shot similar SPAN data in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar and Seychelles)... more
provide a case study to show that processing techniques can realize broadband marine seismic results from conventional streamer acquisition data without the need for the emerging built-for-purpose broadband streamer technology.