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      Analytical ChemistryLeachingFluidizationSample Preparation
Polarimetric SAR interferometry (Pol-InSAR) is a radar remote sensing technique, that allows to extract forest heights by means of model-based inversion. Recently, there have been plenty of research on the retrieval of vegetation... more
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      ForestryInterferometryImage fusionEstimation
This paper describes a model of heat transfer for the convection section of a biomass boiler. The predictions obtained with the model are compared to the measurement results from two boilers, a 50 kW th pellet boiler and a 4000 kW th wood... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryBiomass
Conventional mechanism (i.e. rigid link mechanisms) has limited accuracy and repeatability because of friction, backlash. Mechanism offers a relative motion between rigid links via joints. Conventionally these joints are pin, sliding,... more
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      System IdentificationMechatronicsControl SystemsFinite Element Analysis (FEA)
Emotion recognition is one of the important highlights of human emotional intelligence and has long been studied to be incorporated with machine intelligence argued to make machines even more intelligent. This paper aims to contribute to... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceEmotional intelligenceBiosensors
In recent years, there are many great successes in using deep architectures for unsupervised feature learning from data, especially for images and speech. In this paper, we introduce recent advanced deep learning models to classify two... more
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      Support Vector MachinesAffective ComputingEntropyImage
The direction-of-transmission (DOT) resolution of a digital time-delay beamformer (DTDBF) is directly related to sampling intervals. In fact, the smaller the sampling intervals the better the DOT resolution and the larger the number of... more
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      DSPTime DelayPDLResolution
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      Neural NetworksNeural NetworkSensor ArraysConcentration
This study examined the effectiveness of implicit and explicit learning methods on the acquisition and retention of the decision-making skill in low and high complexity situations. 60 novice students were divided into explicit, implicit,... more
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      Decision MakingAttentionSpeedAccuracy
Multimodality PET/CT of the liver can be performed with an integrated (hybrid) PET/CT scanner or with software fusion of dedicated PET and CT. Accurate anatomic correlation and good image quality of both modalities are important... more
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      OncologyNuclear medicinePositron Emission TomographyMedicine
Across 11 experiments, motivation to be accurate on a test of interpersonal sensitivity was manipulated using five methods for increasing motivation (monetary incentive, ego motive, forewarning that accuracy would be tested, exhortation... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMotivationMeta Analysis
Background: Different laboratory assays are used to detect and measure specific IgE antibodies. No standard exists to assess their analytic performance. Objective: We sought to analyze reported specific IgE results from different... more
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      ImmunologyAir pollutionMultiple Instance LearningStandardization
Thermal cameras are used in research laboratories to measure tissue temperature during laser irradiation. This study was an evaluation of the accuracy of a 3–5 μm thermal camera and two 8–12 μm cameras in detecting the maximum... more
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      ThermodynamicsBiomedical EngineeringThermographyInstrumentation
In this work we present topic diversification, a novel method designed to balance and diversify personalized recommendation lists in order to reflect the user's complete spectrum of interests. Though being detrimental to average accuracy,... more
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      MetricsDiversificationCollaborative FilteringUser satisfaction
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      Computer ScienceEmpirical Software EngineeringMeasurementEmpirical Study
Multimodality PET/CT of the liver can be performed with an integrated (hybrid) PET/CT scanner or with software fusion of dedicated PET and CT. Accurate anatomic correlation and good image quality of both modalities are important... more
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      OncologyNuclear medicinePositron Emission TomographyMedicine
A new graphical technique is developed that takes advantage of time-subsidence data collected from either traditional extensometer installations or from newer technologies such as fixed-station global positioning systems or... more
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An active end effector is developed to improve precision in robotic deburring. The design objectives are obtained from a dynamic analysis of the combined system of robot arm, end effector, and deburring process dynamics. The unit allows... more
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In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach of Arabic scripts web page language identification based on decision tree and ARTMAP approaches. We use the decision tree approach to find the general identities of a web document, be it an... more
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      ArabicPattern RecognitionNeural NetworkAlgorithm
Objective To compare semi-quantitative visual and automated methods of urine testing with fully quantitative point of care urinalysis for the detection of significant proteinuria (0.3 g/24 hours) in pregnancy complicated by hypertension.... more
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      ObstetricsProspective studiesPregnancyROC Curve
The assessment of seismic design codes has become the subject of intensive research work which revealed several weak points of the codes that originated from the limitations in predicting with acceptable precision the response of a... more
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      Civil EngineeringPhilosophyEarthquake EngineeringSeismic Design
We advocate the use of point sets to represent shapes. We provide a definition of a smooth manifold surface from a set of points close to the original surface. The definition is based on local maps from differential geometry, which are... more
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      Computer GraphicsAnimationComputational GeometryImage-based Rendering
Background: Italian Nursing Faculties use a range of tutorial strategies (laboratory sessions, intensive clinical tutoring, weekly tutoring) aimed to enhance nursing students' diagnostic reasoning: these strategies have different impacts... more
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      NursingReflective PracticeCritical ThinkingClinical Reasoning
Purpose Despite the ubiquitous use of manual goniometry in measuring objective outcomes of hand surgery and therapy, there are limited data concerning its accuracy or repeatability for wrist motion. The purpose of this study was to... more
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Biological applications like vesicle membrane analysis involve the precise segmentation of 3D structures in noisy volumetric data, obtained by techniques like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or laser scanning microscopy (LSM). Dealing... more
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      Pattern RecognitionImagingConvex OptimizationFixed Point Theory
Objective To compare the diagnostic accuracy of contrast enema (CE), anorectal manometry (ARM), and rectal suction biopsy (RSB) for the detection of Hirschsprung's disease (HD).
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      PediatricsComparative StudyBiopsyProspective studies
The purpose of this study was to validate the use of digital dental study casts obtained from Cone beam CT Scan (CBCT) against gold standard; that is traditional dental study cast measured with digital caliper.
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      Biomedical EngineeringValidationCBCTCt Scan
This article addresses issues of ecological safety in conditions of intensive development of radio-television systems and cellular communications. The main purpose of the article is to develop an algorithm for determining the accuracy of... more
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      Climate Change and coastal zonesElectromagnetic RadiationAccuracyBoundary Layer
This study investigated the wind characteristics of the island of Lesvos, Greece, with the objective of providing the necessary data for identifying the wind power production capabilities of the island. Weather patterns were examined... more
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      EngineeringCartographyEarth SciencesEnvironmental Science
Research Paper No. 17 MBUTION STATEMENT A Approved (or public rolonse; Distribution Unhmitod i "i" l ■" ,l^,ll ■ n ' »NI.TO"'-...». .11. i ii ■ isi nwvsa^mi n nmmi n ■ ■ iim*-^^^m^m^mm\i 11 M... i i iijni.i.m IIJI.
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      International RelationsMethodologyPolitical ScienceTheory
The key issue of the localization study is that how we can minimize the energy consumption of devices with guaranteeing high degree of accuracy. In this paper, we show that the collaboration among proxy devices with short range... more
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      Computer ScienceTopologyGlobal Positioning SystemOptimization
Stereo vision is a well-known ranging method because it resembles the basic mechanism of the human eye. However, the computational complexity and large amount of data access make real-time processing of stereo vision challenging because... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingComputational ComplexityStereoscopy
C ontinued fluctuations in the price of gold and other metals have prompted intense interest in the use of base metal alloys. Over the past decade, numerous base metal alloys designed for use in the ceramometal technique have been marketed.
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      DentistryBiomedical EngineeringCastingAccuracy
The potential of a ground-based microwave temperature profiler to combine full tropospheric profiling with highresolution profiling of the boundary layer is investigated. For that purpose, statistical retrieval algorithms that incorporate... more
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      GeophysicsAlgorithmsInformation RetrievalRemote Sensing
Pulmonary embolism is an avoidable cause of death if treated immediately but delays in diagnosis and treatment lead to an increased risk. Computer-assisted image analysis of both unenhanced and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT)... more
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      AlgorithmsRadiologyVisualizationWavelet Analysis
The paper presents the latest results of sensing the cutting process on the basis of AE signals and some particularities in further development of the monitoring model for the finish turning process. Due to non-linearity, the large number... more
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      Signal ProcessingAcoustic EmissionSurface RoughnessArtificial Neural Networks
This article proposes a method that can calculate the blocking probability of multi-service cellular systems with Wideband Code Division Multiple Access radio interface. The method considers a finite and an infinite source population and... more
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      Computer ScienceRadio Resource ManagementSimulationUMTS
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      Measurement ErrorsAccuracy
Things are sold at a substantial discount on the eve of Black Friday, resulting in sales that are 30 times larger than on normal flash sale days. Customers' data from purchases made on this day can be examined, resulting in a quick... more
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    • Accuracy
Purpose To determine what research evidence exists to support the use of voice measures in the clinical assessment of patients with voice disorders. Method The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) National Center for... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAcousticsSpeech Language PathologyEvidence Based Practice
1. To assess the accuracy of the gestation-adjusted projection method in estimating birth weight in Thai pregnant women. 2. To determine the efficiency of the gestation-adjusted projection method for the detection of low actual birth... more
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      PhysiologyAnthropometryBiologyDeveloping Countries
Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a technology that has been used for years with the variety of applications including the production of digital terrain models (DTMs), and high-accuracy mapping. LiDAR offers a very detailed... more
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      Computer ScienceSignal ProcessingDigital PhotographyProduction
The increasing demand for up-to-date 3-D geographic information systems (GIS) in planning, transportation, and utility management applications poses significant challenges to the Geomatics community. Of all the challenges in acquiring,... more
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In silico experimentation has opened new ways to analyze biological systems behavior under different conditions. The incorporation of an outer optimization loop may help to find the right operation conditions to achieve specific goals... more
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      Partial Differential EquationsOptimal ControlBiologyNumerical Analysis
The results of several research eld studies were evaluated to estimate the precision and bias of various designated PM 2:5 Federal Reference Method (FRM) samplers. Precision was favorable in these carefully conducted research studies... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesPerformanceComparative Study
This study focuses on developing methodologies to predict the service life of a pavement marking material based on its retroreflectivity. Data from the 2002 National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) pavement marking... more
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      MethodologyCase StudiesForecastingTime series analysis
Solar energy applications require readily available, site-oriented, and long-term solar data. However, the frequent unavailability of diffuse irradiation, in contrast to its need, has led to the evolution of various regression models to... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiasRegression ModelsDatabases
This paper focuses on respiratory phase detection and classification without the help of the airflow measurements. Instead of using the airflow measurements to identify breathing phases, the proposed work depends on advanced digital... more
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      Support Vector MachinesFeature ExtractionSupport vector machineAccuracy
Among 30 Hong Kong Chinese fourth graders, sensitivities to character and word constructions were examined in judgment tasks at each level. There were three conditions across both tasks: the real condition, consisting of either actual... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDecision MakingCognitionLanguage Development