Academic achievement
Recent papers in Academic achievement
Purpose: Research shows that trust is significantly related to academic achievement. This study expands knowledge of this connection in two ways. First, because a stratified, random sample of elementary schools from an entire state was... more
Previous studies of the influence of family support on college students' academic performance have yielded inconsistent results. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine the link between family support and students' university-level... more
Demographically, mainland Hispanic Americans constitute a population that is eco ically and educationally diverse. Nonetheless, a cluster of related findings indicates that Hispanic students are more poorly prepared for college than... more
The purpose of this research study was to investigate the effects of parental socioeconomic status on the academic achievement of secondary school students in District Karak (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) Pakistan. The objectives of the study were:... more
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the schools and young people who participated in this study, as well as the Principal Educational Psychologists who helped with recruitment.
Czech and Slovak educational systems stand at the doorstep of the fundamental reforms, accentuating the development of psychosocial qualities of all stakeholders engaged in education as determinants of a successful educational process.... more
Across the United States, community colleges offer millions of students an open-access, low-cost postsecondary education. However, of the students who enroll in community college hoping to earn a credential or transfer to a four-year... more
• All three measures of teacher effectiveness being developed by the Pittsburgh Public Schools-professional practice, student surveys, and value-added measures-have the potential to differentiate teacher performance.
Since the early 1930s, elementary and secondary students have learned through the use of electronic distance learning systems. Several benefits have been reported for K-12 distance education: increased access to education for students... more
This paper critiques instructional leadership and the notion of pedagogic leadership is proposed as an alternative, broader conception of the principalship. Pedagogy concerns enabling the learning and intellectual growth of students in... more
Adult-child Interaction Observed in Study ECS Children's Behaviour Observed in Study ECS Types 43 Average ECS Quality Ratings 44 Self-esteem Ratings Programme/activity Focus 46 Staff-child Interaction Ratings
Gresham, F. M. & Elliott, S. N. (2016). Inventário de Habilidades Sociais, Problemas de Comportamento e Competência Acadêmica para Crianças: SSRS Manual de aplicação, Apuração e Interpretação [Del Prette, Z. A. P., Freitas, L. C.,... more
The Diagnostic Analysis of Nonverbal Accuracy (DANVA) was designed to measure individual differences in the accurate sending and receiving of nonverbal social information. The DANVA consists of four receptive and three expressive subtests... more
"Okul başarısızlığının nedenleri üzerine bir değerlendirme : Sorgun ilçesi örneği" Özet: Eğitim ve öğretim etkinliklerinin temel amacı; öğrencilerde istendik yönde davranış değişikliklerini sağlamaktır. Eğitim amaçları yönündeki davranış... more
This study exploits a unique policy environment and a large panel dataset to evaluate the impact of school crowding on student achievement in Wake County, NC. We also estimate the effects of two education policy initiatives that are often... more
There are similarities and differences in the concept of respect as it develops in American children and adolescents whose families came from Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, and the Philippines. In addition, respect has different... more
This research derives from the most recent wave of a longitudinal study of nearly 500 families in urban Philadelphia neighborhoods collected over a 9-year time span. Earlier findings revealed remarkable continuity in success trajectories... more
This study investigated the degree of agreement between adolescents' and parents' perceptions of the adolescent-parent relationship, and the links between these perceptions and adolescents' school achievement and personal... more
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
A study of 401 Chicago State University (Illinois) undergraduate students in elementary Spanish courses investigated the relationship between students' completion of homework assignments, both brief and lengthy, and student achievement on... more
The purpose of the current study is to determine the relationship between secondary and high school students' ecocentric, anthropocentric and antiphatic attitudes towards the environment and their academic achievement. The study was... more
Background: Approximately 55,000 children in New Zealand do not eat breakfast on any given day. Regular breakfast skipping has been associated with poor diets, higher body mass index, and adverse effects on children's behaviour and... more
Debate about teacher supply, demand, retention, and attrition has been renewed in recent years by an increased concern about the reduced numbers of prospective teachers entering teacher education programs, the high attrition rate of... more
This study analyzed what graduate student assistants believed they needed to persevere and graduate. Most participants were graduate students serving assistantships at the University of Alabama in 1998. The Graduate Student Services... more
The impact of class size on student achievement remains an open question despite hundreds of empirical studies and the perception amongst parents, teachers, and policymakers that larger classes are a significant detriment to student... more
Cultural differences in the amount of time spent on homework and in beliefs and attitudes about homework were investigated through interviews with more than 3,500 elementary school children, their mothers, and their teachers. The children... more
The contents of this document were developed under a grant from the United States Department of Education (PR/Award Number R306S000012). The contents, however, do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and... more
As an educational intervention, academic acceleration is decidedly effective for high-ability students. The research support for acceleration that has accumulated over many decades is robust and consistent and allows us to confidently... more
THIS QUALITATIVE STUDY EMPLOYED a constructivist, case study approach to explore how faculty made meaning of their experiences in a newly developed residential college at a large, land-grant research university in the Midwest. Findings... more
Revoicing" by teachers in classroom group conversations creates participant frameworks that facilitate students' "alignment" with academic tasks and their socialization to roles and iden tities in intellectual discourse. Three examples... more
ABSTRACT Children with motor difficulties are a very varied group. In order to target interventions more effectively researchers have attempted to identify specific sub‐groups; however, attempts to identify sub‐groups and provide... more
1150 Seventeenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 202 .862.5800 We should know by now that chronically failing schools cannot be fixed or turned around without improving school districts. Yet for years, education reform... more
Two self-report measures of technology integration are introduced along with a formal model illustrating their utility as outcome measures for level of technology infusion in classroom environments. Findings from two Texas studies... more
Even though marks in different subjects are substantially correlated, the corresponding self-concepts often display a very weak association. The ''InternaleExternal Frame of Reference Model'' (I/E-model; Marsh, H. W. (1986). Verbal and... more
Regional accrediting bodies require evidence that higher education institutions are meeting their stated goals. Institutions have answered this call for accountability by assessing student learning. Managing change in order to implement... more
Jeon Yohan. 2017. 3. 31. A study on the effects of Korean language competence on academic achievements in international students: focusing on the mediating path analysis among the learning variables. Bilingual Research 66, 131-158. This... more
Resumen: En este artículo se analiza la relación entre la realización de deberes escolares y el rendimiento académico en una muestra de estudiantes de los tres últimos cursos de Educación Primaria. Las variables vinculadas con la... more
What's so inclusive about an inclusion room? Staff perspectives on student participation, diversity and equality in an English secondary schoolb jsp_534 39..48
This study examines the female postsecondary advantage in matriculation among Hispanic and white youth with the goal of exploring whether social capital, in addition to academic performance and orientation, function similarly to help... more
This study examined demographic, behavioral, and academic contributors to inner-city children's grade retention prior to third grade and at the end of the fifth year of school. Subjects were 138 children who were enrolled in 63 public... more