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For work submitted up to 24 hours after the agreed submission deadline, a penalty of 10 marks out of 100 (or 3 marks out of 20) from the mark the student would have received applies; for work submitted after 24 hours and up to, and... more
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      Abstract ArtAbstractionRussian & Soviet ArtRussian avant-garde art
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      Contemporary ArtModern Arab ArtAbstractionModern Arabic Poetry
Tasarım tabanlı disiplinlerde temel tasarım dersi genel olarak; tasarım ögeleri, ilkeleri, Gestalt algı kuramlarını içeren teorik anlatımlarla verilmekte, sonrasında öğrencilere yaptırılan iki ve üç boyutlu soyut tasarımlarla... more
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      CreativityBasic DesignFurniture DesignArt and Design Education
How can one read an abstract graphic narrative? Under what conditions do we cease to view a set of images as static representations, or as marks on paper existing for their own sake, and begin to read them as the story of a changing world... more
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      NarrativeAbstractionComics and Graphic Novels
Deadline-sensitive workflows require careful coordination of user constraints with resource availability. Current distributed resource access models provide varying degrees of resource control: from limited or none in grid batch systems... more
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      Distributed ComputingGrid ComputingService QualityModeling
In this paper, we investigate the integration of virtual knowledge communities (VKC) into an ontology-driven uncertainty model (On-toBayes). The selected overall framework for OntoBayes is the multiagent paradigm. Agents modeled with... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceOntologyModelingAbstraction
Overmann, K. A., & Coolidge, F. L. (2011). Numerosity, abstraction and the evolution of symbolic thinking (poster). In Proceedings of the 119th American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 4–7, 2011. APA PsycEXTRA.
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      Embodied CognitionAbstractionNumerositySymbolic Thinking
For a long time, one of the major research goals in the computer science research community has been to raise the level of abstraction power of specification languages/programming languages. Many specification languages and formalisms... more
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      Computer ScienceSemanticsModelingAbstraction
The researcher provides the keys of the work Without Title (1941) by Vasily Kandinsky, belonging to the permanent collection of the Museo Universidad de Navarra (MUN). The lecture takes place beside the work, in the exhibition room. La... more
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      ArchivesHistory of ArtModernismAbstraction
l inicio de la formación del artista donostiarra Rafael Ruiz Balerdi, fue academicista, aunque pronto buscó nuevas vías de expresión de manera autodidacta. A lo largo de su trayectoria fue evolucionando desde la pintura figurativa hacía... more
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      Contemporary ArtPaintingAbstractionAbstract Painting
The current version of the Teaching Machine supports a usable subset of C++. A version that also supports Java is under development. The Teaching Machine itself is written in Java for ease of distribution over the World Wide Web.
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      AlgorithmsComputer Science EducationVisualizationAnimation
The system building process should start with a model of the relevant part of the real world, but most O-O systems work is concerned with the later stages, taking O-O languages as a given and looking at how to use them to build the... more
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      AbstractionConceptsObject-oriented languagesReal World
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      AbstractionGeometric abstractionLyrical Abstractionart belge
Il paper è dedicato all'analisi delle vicende del Groupe de Grasse (1940-1942), variamente composto da perseguitati politici e artisti in esilio in attesa di un visto per emigrare negli Stati Uniti, trovatisi a condividere a stretto... more
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      Contemporary ArtAbstract ArtModern ArtDegenerate Art
The Internet computing model with its ubiquitous networking and computing infrastructure is driving a new class of interoperable applications that benefit both from high computing power and multiple Internet connections. In this context,... more
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      Distributed ComputingGrid ComputingModelingPervasive Computing
This essay, included in the first reprinting of Color Problems, a Practical Manual for the Lay Student of Color, By Emily Noyes Vanderpoel, 1902, introduces Vanderpoel's pedagogy of color theory and the color abstraction works and... more
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      Women Artists - ModernistModern and contemporary crafts (Art)AbstractionTheory of ornament
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      Performance StudiesTransgender StudiesContemporary ArtQueer Theory
In this paper, we aim to contribute to the discussion of the role of the human body and of the concrete artefacts and signs created by humankind in the constitution of meanings for mathematical practices. We argue that cognition is both... more
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      SemioticsMathematicsSpecial EducationMathematics Education
This research aims to model the process of data visualization (DV) and design to facilitate computational thinking (CT) of secondary-level students. As an interdisciplinary method for visualizing complex data, creating data visualizations... more
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      Pattern RecognitionDecompositionAbstractionDesign-based research
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      Comics StudiesComicsComics/Sequential ArtAvant-Garde
It is generally agreed today that the single most important progress which needs to be made to improve the quality and naturalness of synthetic speech is towards a better understanding and control of prosody. This is true even for those... more
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      LanguagesSpeech SynthesisAbstractionSymbolic Representation of Drugs
In this chapter I consider ways in which contemporary graphical causal models can be extended to model systems with complex temporal dynamics. I propose that the present limitations of many contemporary causal models in representing such... more
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      EconometricsPhilosophy of ScienceDynamical SystemsTime Series
Zasadniczym celem mojej pracy jest zapoznanie z procesem abstrakcji, który w myśl filozofii realistycznej (Arystoteles, św. Tomasz z Akwinu) jest częścią procesu poznania. Aby to zrobić przedstawiam wizualny model, który nazwałem „Model... more
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    • Abstraction
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      Women's StudiesCommunismAvant-GardeAbstraction
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceDesign
In de periode 1922–23 kende de onderlinge samenwerking van abstracte kunstenaars in België haar hoogtepunt. Om de rol die Victor Servranckx binnen deze beweging had te kunnen inschatten, volgen we het traject dat hij in deze eerste jaren... more
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The question of abstract landscape in contemporary painting: Cy Twombly and Gerhard Richter Si la peinture abstraite n'a pas bien sûr fait mourir la peinture figurative qui existe après elle, si elle n'a pas supprimé le paysage... more
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      AbstractionRussian & Soviet ArtRussian avant-garde artRussian Civil War
본 연구는 혁신제품 개발을 위하여 관심 산업의 핵심 디자인특허를 네트워크분석을 통하여 추출하고, 정의된 핵심 디자인특허와 그 특허를 기반으로 하는 제품의 추상화 기능분석 (Abstraction Hierarchy)을 수행하였다. 그리고 추상화 기능분석에 해당하는 기술특허를 다시 접목함으로써, 기술특허와 디자인특허의 융합개발 방법론을 제시한다. 영국 다이슨社의 ‘날개없는 선풍기’의 사례를 기술-디자인 융합방법론에 대입하여... more
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      PatentsNetwork AnalysisAbstraction
Maracaibo 06 de julio de 2018 Resumen: La edificación se desarrolla operando en el perímetro por la agrupación de elementos servidores, y como consecuencia de ello resulta un vacío (patio) por explorar, en el cruce de tiempos adversos... more
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Interview exploring abstraction's use as a resource for artists working from transgender and queer perspectives. Focus is placed on the resistance to compulsory self-disclosure and to protocols of surveillance and voyeurism. Also... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesTransgender StudiesContemporary Art
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      Area StudiesCase StudiesAbstractionGeneralization
The early twentieth century revolutionised painting as new understandings of humanity were discovered, interpreted and expressed. These transformations introduced and developed trends which steered processes, aesthetics and concepts away... more
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      Art HistoryAbstractionPrimitivism (Art History)Pablo Picasso
Le capitalisme est un objet de haute abstraction, le commun est une force d'abstraction supérieure. La notion marxienne de « travail abstrait » a identifié le moteur interne du capitalisme, à savoir la transformation du travail, en un... more
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      Immaterial LabourBiopoliticsAbstractionFinancialization
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      ArchitectureMaterial Culture StudiesModeling and SimulationAbstraction
In this study, Josefine Wikström challenges a concept of performance that makes no difference between art and non-art and argues for a new concept. This book confronts and criticises the way in which the dominating concept of performance... more
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      Performance StudiesTheodor AdornoGilles DeleuzeJohn Dewey
These Pixelscapes were found within a photograph of Kazimir Malevich (Ukranian-born artist, 1878-1935) via magnification, filter treatment (halftone) and isolation of the pixel(s) in Photoshop. Malevich founded the art movement,... more
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      Art HistoryAvant-Garde CinemaArtArt Theory
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      AbstractionKazimir Malevich
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      AbstractionAbstract PaintingModernist PaintingReal Abstraction
"The article seeks to study Beckett’s (in)famous abstractionism in the light of his engagement with the discursive borderline of philosophy and literature with recourse to Alain Badiou’s texts on Beckett and his meditations on the... more
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      PhilosophyLiteratureCritical ThinkingSamuel Beckett
In this chapter I consider a particular conception of the role of language in promoting human freedom. We know the strength within Western thought of the belief in language as the source or location of the power of reason. But there is a... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsHegelAbstraction
This paper identifies aspects of computational thinking and proposes a description that meets the needs of teachers and academics reflecting upon the developing UK curriculum. Since Jeanette Wing's use of the term computational thinking... more
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      Computer ScienceDecompositionEvaluationAbstraction
A review of the New York Guggenheim Museum's 2018-2019 exhibition on the artist Hilma af Klint, and its accompanying catalog.
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesAbstract ArtMuseums and Exhibition Design
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      SurrealismAbstractionDadaism & SurrealismWolfgang Paalen
Since the nineteenth century, artists, art theorists and art historians have dreamed of a Japanese material aesthetic—of the beauty of the formless, the ephemeral and the processual. This book is the first to explore this history:... more
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      Material Culture StudiesModern ArtMaterialismHistory of Art
Gestalt psychology was the foundation of Rudolf Arnheim’s approach to art. Reviewing Arnheim’s long and productive career, it becomes useful to assess his relationship to the evolving theory. By paying special attention to the issues of... more
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      Gestalt PsychologyAbstractionVisual Expression
An exploration of Pythagorean-Platonic and Aristotelian-Thomistic Accounts of mathematics and science. This paper argues that mathematics is a specific form of abstraction. It concludes that science remains authentic when it maintains an... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsMetaphysicsPhilosophy of Science
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      ArchitectureDesign educationArts EducationFrank Lloyd Wright