Most downloaded papers in Abkhazia
The competing theories of state recognition and their failings actively demonstrate that recognition of a state does not have any normative content per se, but rather, that the rules of state recognition, although legal rules, are legal... more
This article is dedicated to the Novorossiyan political myth among the populations of Southeastern Ukraine, Transnistria, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia. The author analyzes this myth in terms of the peculiar transnationalism and political... more
This is the proceedings of the Regional Stability in the South Caucasus Study Group workshop that took place in Reichenau, Austria, 9-11 November 2017. It focuses on problems of media bias, information operations, psychological... more
This paper examines the impact of Soviet nationality policy in the region of Abkhazia, de jure a part of modern Georgia, between the years of 1921 and 1953. They years selected, which begin with the onset of Soviet rule in the area and... more
Review of Svante E. Cornell, Small Nations and Great Powers: A Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict in the Caucasus. Richmond, England: Curzon Press, 2001, 480 pp., in Nationalities Papers, Vol. 30, No. 4, December 2002, pp. 703-705.
This article sheds light on the Euro-Atlantic discourse in Georgia by situating it in a wider frame. It provides an analysis of its Euro-Atlantic orientation by presenting it as a continuation of past efforts to involve European powers in... more
This article examines aspects of cultural exchange between the Middle East and the West in which Sufism, Christianity, the traditions of the Circassians and New Age concepts played a central role. It focuses on the teaching of Murat... more
While working to seal off Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia after the 2008 war, Russia promised to play a constructive role in Nagorno-Karabakh and the Transnistrian conflict. This paper aims to assess how Russia delivered on its... more
Abkhazia during the Stalin era was at the same time a subtropical haven where the great leader and his lieutenants built grand dachas and took extended holidays away from Moscow, and also a key piece in the continuing chess match of... more
This article investigates the intersection of Soviet nationality policy, ethno-federal territorialism, clientalism and the creation of new administrative institutions and in the course of the establishment of Soviet power in Abkhazia, an... more
Book Review Essay - Geopolitics of the Caucasus. Geopolitics, Vol. 7, No. 1, Summer 2002, pp. 193-200.
Bu çalışma, Rusya'nın Güney Kafkasya ile ilgili hedeflerini sağlama çerçevesinde bir uluslar arası hukuk kurumu olan UCM 2 'yi nasıl kullanmak istediğini incelemektedir. Bu çerçevede self-determinasyon ile ilgili mevcut uluslararası hukuk... more
Looking, then, at the recent history, we may, without exaggeration, consider the last two decades to be the re-birth of the state of Abkhazia, even if the bulk of the international community (notably the USA and EU) persists in the... more
This book is the proceedings of the 8th RSSC SG workshop, held November 2013. It discusses alternative models of statehood, sovereignty definition, including federalism, applicable in the South Caucasus.
National elections have remained, surprisingly, largely absent in most nation- building debates where focus has tended towards either the instrumentalism of political elites and/or much wider structural explanations (Gellner 1983,... more
Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, there remains a number of protracted conflicts, within and between the successor states, concerning irredentist entities. This article examines four cases of such de facto states, the... more
The people of Abkhazia have a long history of nationhood: a Kingdom in 8th – 10th centuries, a Principality in 13th – 19th centuries, a Soviet Republic in 1921 – 1931, on par with Georgia, an autonomous State within the Georgian SSR in... more
In many respects, de facto states play a highly specific role as actors within the international system of sovereign states. The lack of international recognition has tangible political and economic impacts on the functioning of de facto... more
The roots of today’s Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-South Ossetian conflicts can be traced to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the civil war that followed. Locating these origins in revolutionary times is not just a temporal exercise.... more
Книга посвящена мало известной истории и искусству христиан- ской державы — северокавказской Алании, и охватывает Χ–ΧV вв. В монографии разбирается история аланского христианства, цер- ковная архитектура и монументальная живопись.... more
In August 2008 Russia recognized the independence of the separatist Georgian province of Abkhazia invoking the right of self-determination of peoples. Moscow's move was a response to the recognition of Kosovo's independence by some... more
This thesis will attempt to explain what were the most determinant factors which led to outbreak of August War 2008. In theory of peace and conflicts studies researchers underline that is possible to highlight many different aspects... more
This article assesses the EU’s impact and effectiveness in promoting peace in its neighbourhood through the use of its contractual relations. It does so by focusing on two conflict zones at the EU’s doorstep: Turkey’s Kurdish question and... more
This essay proposes the notion that there are many similarities between the 2008 war in Georgia and the 2014 conflict in Ukraine yet there are obviously cosmetic differences too. The Russian motivations for aggression remain constant, and... more
"Long before the demise of the USSR, Western Sovietologists had noted the fact that in the Soviet Union the official version of history changed frequently. However, there is something that has passed almost unnoticed by the majority of... more
In this article the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” and the “Circassians” who commemorated 147th year’s of the “Circassian exile” and their relatives living in Abkhazia; and also Armenians who resettled in Abkhazia after 1915 and... more
While various debates have arisen on the relationship between non-recognition and democratisation, empirical case studies on elections in de facto states are extremely rare. This article examines recent presidential and parliamentary... more
Executive Summary 1. Territorial conflicts in Southeastern Europe have hampered the implementation of international agreements on arms control and confidence- and security-building measures (CSBMs) in disputed territories under the... more
This paper proposes a theoretical framework for explaining the democratization dynamics in unrecognized states. It is argued that lack of recognition and pressure from the parent state oblige de facto states to depend on a patron state.... more
PhD dissertation, introductory chapter.
В архитектуре грузинских и абхазских земель в послеарабское время не наблюдалось не только общего единства, но даже единства внутри каждого из регионов. Их взаимовлияние не привело к созданию архитектурной школы, общей для всех регионов.... more
With the ratification of the Association Agreements with Georgia and Moldova in 2014, the European Union (EU) has been confronted in its integration policies with several post-Soviet de facto states (Abkhazia, South Ossetia and... more
Focusing on the diasporic characteristics shown by ancestral return migrants, this case study looks at the Abkhaz-Adyge (Circassian) returnees from Turkey to the Caucasus and how they become the “diaspora of the diaspora.” The next... more