Abbasid Literature
Recent papers in Abbasid Literature
The mysterious description of the Basran philologist Abū ʿUbayda Maʿmar b. al-Muthannā (ca. 114/732—ca. 210/825) as a secret adherent of Khārijī doctrines has long been accepted as accurate. Although on rare occasion the plausibility of... more
Bu çalışmada, 7. - 12. Yüzyıllar arasında söylenmiş Şia'ya dair şiirlerden seçmeler yapılmış, şiirler kendi içinde konularına göre tasnif edilmiş; kitabın sonunda da seçme on kasidenin Arapça metni ve Türkçe çevirileri eklenmiştir.
Mika Paraskeva Universidad de Granada
This article studies the life and works of a hardly known littérateur and anthologist who lived in early Abbasid Baghdad and al-Fustat: Yusuf b. Ibrahim b. al-Daya. The first part of the article gives an attempted biography on the basis... more
Ce court ouvrage d’adab, écrit par Abū Hilāl al-ʿAskarī (m. vers 400/1010), marque une étape essentielle dans l’histoire des relations entre les pouvoirs politique et judiciaire. À travers une série de récits pseudo-historiques, l’auteur... more
Bu çalışma, Sadrulislâm Dönemi hiciv şairi el-Hutay'a ile Abbasi Dönemi hiciv şairi Beşşâr b. Burd'u hem kişilik hem de şairlik yönleriyle mukayese etmektedir.
Traducción al español, con comentario, glosario, índices y notas, de la epístola de al-Ŷāḥiẓ 'Mufājarat al-ŷawārī wa l-gilmān'. A translation into Spanish of the epistle 'Mufākharat al-jawārī wa l-ghilmān' by al-Jāḥiẓ, with... more
Abstract: This study analyzes the manuscript Lawāmi' al-anwār al-qulūb fī jawāmi' asrār al-muḥibb wa-l-maḥbūb (The brilliance of the lights of hearts in the series of secrets known by the lover and the beloved), by the jurist shafi'ī Abū... more
Rahman ve Rahim olan Allah'ın adıyla GİRİş Endülüs'te tarih ilminin doğuşu, gelişimini kendisine borçlu olduğu Doğu kökeninden kopuk değildir. Bununla beraber bu ilim, İslam'ın do-ğuşu esnasında hadis ilmine bağlı olarak ortaya çıkmıştır.... more
∵ Arnim Heinemann, John L. Meloy, Tarif Khalidi and Manfred Kropp (eds.) Al-Jāḥiẓ. A Muslim Humanist for Our Time. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2009. xii + 295 pp., ISBN 978-3-89913-678-4. Die Welt des Islams 55 (2015) 113-116 © koninklijke... more
This article is a small contribution to the work done at Yale to create wider access to the papyrus collection. It focuses on a single literary papyrus, P. CtYBR inv. 2597(A), which contains parts of an anecdote that involves the poetess... more
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021.
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30% pre-order discount with code "NEW30".
يسلّط هذا الكتابُ الضوء على مرحلةٍ في التراث الشعري العربي، تُعتبر ثوريةً في إنجازاتها، ومتميّزةً بوعي شعرائها بأنفسهم وبكونهم أصحاب مشروع إبداعي جديد. وعلى الرغم من الاعتراف بأهمّية التجربة العباسية، إلا أن معظم النقاد الأدبيين لا... more
This article examines the motif of a man being buried alive with his recently deceased spouse found in the Fourth Voyage of Sindbad (El-Shamy S123.2). In 1904, D. S. Margo- liouth noted that Sindbad’s Fourth Voyage shared this theme with... more
Saf ve temiz duyguların tahrikiyle, Arabistan’ın çetin çöllerinde filizlenen iffetli aşk şiirleri, İslam öncesinden itibaren klasik Arap edebiyatının dikkat çekici temalarından birisi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Emevî Dönemiyle birlikte... more
Written works created during the third Islamic century provide evidence of wide-ranging literary developments and innovations: a transition from a tradition of compilation and transmission to an era of independent and creative authorship;... more
This paper surveys and analyzes the written, oral, and aural sources of two major anthologies, the Yatımat al-dahr fı mahāsin ahl al-ʿasṛ and its sequel the Tatimmat al-Yatıma of Abū Mansur al-Thaʿālibı, which deal exclusively with... more
This paper aims to review the book titled "Creativity and Power in the Poetry of the Early Abbasid Era" authored by Issa Al-Masri. This comes in two axes: First: offering an overview on the chapters of the book and its contents in... more
Özet : Abbasî halifesi Harun Reşid, kendine halef olarak önce Muhammed’i, sonrasında Abdullah ve Kasım’ı veliaht tayin etti. Abbasî hanedanından Zübeyde’nin oğlu Muhammed Emin’in liyakatine inanmadığı halde, hanedanın baskısından... more
This paper explores how the ninth-century Muslim Egyptian scholar Ibn 'Abd al-Hakam presents traditions about the origins of the 'Copts' and their historical actions in his 'Conquest of Egypt'. I argue that he exerts authorial agency in... more
Abbasilerin kuruluşu , Emmevilerin yıkılışı
There is a frame of mind without which any discussion of individual points of Islamic doctrine or law risks running aground just as it sets sail: it is the conviction that the task for today's Muslims is not only to apply the right... more
The socio-political rise or fall of a culture necessarily goes with its moral rise or fall. But, the case seems to be different with intellectual development. A nation may decline in the socio-political sphere and yet its decline may... more
Orjinal olarak yazılan bu eserin ve üzerinde dönemin haritası mevcuttur The Dīwān Lughāt al-Turk (Arabic: ديوان لغات الترك , i.e., "Compendium of the languages of the Turks") is the first comprehensive dictionary of Turkic languages,... more
ترجمة إبراهيم عامر ل Suzanne Pinckney Stetkevych, "Performative Poetics in ʿAbbāsid Poetry: A Re-Reading of Abū Firās al-Ḥamdānī’s Rāʾiyyah: Arāka ʿaṣiyya al-damʿi.” Annals of the Japan Association of Middle Eastern Studies 29-2 (2013):... more
تستعرض هذه الورقة المصادر الشفاهيّة والمسموعة والمكتوبة لكتابَين في الاختيار الأدبيّ بارزَين هما يتيمة الدهر في محاسن أهل العصر وذيله تتمّة اليتيمة لأبي منصور الثعالبي. والكتابان يعنيان حصرًا بالنتاج الأدبيّ المعاصر للمؤلّف مرتّبًا حسب... more
This thesis is a study of the pre-Islamic passages of Abū Ḥanīfa Aḥmad ibn Dāwūd ibn Wanand Dīnawarī’s Kitāb al-Aḫbār al-Ṭiwāl. This is to say that it stops at the beginning of the Arab con- quest of Iran. It is intended for scholars of... more
I explore the presence of zahir and batin as guiding design principles of the Aljaferia-- an eleventh-century fortified palace of the Taifa Kings of Saragossa. By way of introduction, the paper also examines Taifa architecture in the... more
Sebagai sebuah dinasti, kekhalifahan Bani Abbasiyah yang berkuasa lebih dari lima abad, telah banyak memberikan sumbangan positif bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan peradaban Islam. Dari sekitar 37 orang khalifah yang pernah berkuasa,... more
Magic and the Marvelous The popular Persian television serial Imām ʻAlī, a production of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Channel, directed by Dāvūd Mīrbāqirī, premiered in 1997 with the story of the Companion Jundab b. Kaʻb... more
Mjölk är en vätska som produceras av däggdjurhonans mjölkkörtlar. För att man ska producera mjölk måste honan föda minst en kalv varje år, eftersom han enbart ger mjölk efter kalven blivit 10 månader. Svenska bönder får just nu rekord... more
Irak Türkmenleri denildiği zaman hafızamızda ilk olarak Kerkük ve Musul canlanır. Fakat Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun dağılmasından sonra maalesef Türkler için hüznün ve acının adeta merkezi haline gelmiştir. Bu acılar dokunaklı bir şekilde... more
This chapter describes and contextualizes the Islamic religiosity of al-Ḥasan b. Hāniʾ al-Ḥakamī, better known as Abū Nuwās (d. AH 198/813 CE or 200/815), popularizer of the Arabic wine song (khamriyya). Previous studies of Abū Nuwās's... more
This article is a case study in how to fruitfully read Muslim heresiology. I take as a case the classification of Muslim sects in the heresiology of Ismaili author Abū Ḥātim al-Rāzī (d. 322/933). Through a close reading of the text, and... more
Abbasid society in ninth-century Iraq faced the challenge of reconciling the role of its many non-Muslim citizens with Islamic norms and governance, as seen in “The Refutation of Christians” by al-Jāḥiẓ (d. 868/869 [255 A.H.]).... more
[Ахмад ибн Фадлан]. Книга Ахмада ибн Фадлана / Перевод с арабского и примечания Вяч. С. Кулешова // Путешествие Ибн Фадлана: Волжский путь от Багдада до Булгара : Каталог выставки / Государственный Эрмитаж. Государственный... more
One of the earliest Muslim authors to make use of biblical material in Arabic translation was ʿAmr b. Baḥr al-Jāḥiẓ (d. 868/9). In his " Refutation of Christians " (Al-Radd ʿalā al-Naṣārā), he attempts to discredit Jewish translations of... more
Forthcoming chapter in Walter Pohl and Rutger Kramer (eds.), "Empires and Communities in the Post-Roman and Early Islamic World" (Oxford UP)