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      Mechanical EngineeringAnsysCFXFluent
Selective laser melting (SLM) is an additive technology that allows for the production of precisely designed complex structures for energy absorbing applications from a wide range of metallic materials. Geometrical imperfections of the... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceMaterialsMedicine
This paper investigates the dynamic characteristics of pulley systems with different numbers of bolt holes. Models with four, six and eight bolt holes were chosen for the pulley. Three sets of cyclic pressure were applied to the pulley... more
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      Structural DynamicsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)AutomobileStructural Vibrations
Ansys programları son yıllarda mühendislik alanlarında kullanılan bir simülasyon yazılım programıdır. Bu program ile ilgili çalışmalar, tasarım aşamasından sonra kullanılır ve prototip üretilmeden önce, sanal ortamda test imkanı verir.... more
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      Urban PlanningModeling and SimulationMaterials Science and EngineeringANSYS (APDL)
The manuscript presents advanced coupled analysis: Maxwell 3D, Transient Thermal and Fluent CFD, at the time of a rated current occurring on the main busbars in the low-voltage switchgear. The simulations were procured in order to aid the... more
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      Finite Element MethodsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Finite element methodFinite Element Analysis (FEA)
The connecting rod was manufactured by forging process for enhancing high tensile and compressive load so that it was followed by the machining process and suite the IC engine as a part of the component. The main intern of our proposed... more
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Floor beam is a structural part of a fuselage which is used as floor space to passengers, cargo and fixed with fuselage skin. Here, the cross beam has taken as I-section and connected with attach bracket methods of joining. The design of... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringAerodynamicsFEA with ANSYSAircraft Structures
Inert gas shrouding in a tundish can result in the formation of a tundish open eye due to the presence of reversed flows on the upper surface of the tundish. Prolonged presence of open eyes promotes reoxidation of liquid steel and creates... more
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      Steel MakingComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationCFD AnalysisAnsys
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A piston is a component of reciprocating engines. Its purpose is to transfer force form expanding gas in the cylinder to the crank shaft via piston rod and a connecting rod. It is one of the most complex components of an automobile. In... more
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      CompositesStructural AnalysisCatia V5Ansys Simulation
The undesired stick-slip vibration is the main source of PDC bit failures, such as tooth fracture and tooth loss. Therefore, the study of PDC bit failure base on stick-slip vibration analysis is crucial to prolong the service life of PDC... more
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      MatlabMechanical VibrationsOil and Gas Drilling EngineeringANSYS WORKBENCH
Abstrak: Di zaman modern ini sudah sangat sering kita melihat banyak mobil, mulai dari mobil penumpang sampai dengan mobil sports dipasangkan spoiler dengan berbagai macam bentuk. Harus diketahui juga bahwa ke-aerodinamisan dari sebuah... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringFluid DynamicsComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulation
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The manuscript presents advanced coupled analysis: Maxwell 3D, Transient Thermal and Fluent CFD, at the time of a rated current occurring on the main busbars in the low-voltage switchgear. The simulations were procured in order to aid the... more
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      Computer ScienceFinite Element MethodsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Finite element method
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      Mechanical EngineeringSoftware EngineeringImage ProcessingComputer Engineering
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      Heat TransferAnsysCFXFluent
Hooks are employed in heavy industries to carry tonnes of loads safely. These hooks have a big role to play as far as the safety of the hoist loaded is concerned. With more and more industrialization the rate at which these hooks are... more
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      Finite Element AnalysisSolidWorksANSYS WORKBENCHCrane Hook
Centre and the Cranfield Impact Centre (CIC) inside Cranfield University. Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) tube is an important material for the lightweight design of automotive and aerospace structures. Simulation methods of... more
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      MatlabCrashworthiness and ImpactFEA with ANSYSLs-Dyna
Design a hallow PTO shaft with a GFRP and CFRP composite materials for a prescribed torque transmission requirements and geometric constraints and compare the efficiency of each other which is very important consideration in the design of... more
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      Finite Element MethodsComposite Materials and StructuresFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Nanomaterials
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      Computer EngineeringAnsysCFXFluent
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      Finite Element Analysis (FEA)FEA with ANSYSANSYS (APDL)ANSYS WORKBENCH
A pressure vessel is defined as a container with a pressure differential between inner and outer surface. The inside pressure is usually higher than the outside, except for some isolated situations. Pressure vessels often have a... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringANSYS WORKBENCH
In this project, the wing of a regional jet has been designed and structurally analysed with structural components by using finite elements method. “Catia V5 R.19” computer software has been used to create shapes of surfaces and... more
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      Finite Element Analysis (Engineering)Structural DesignAircraft Structural Design and AnalysisCatia V5
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      Heat TransferFluid DynamicsAnsysCFX
Muchos materiales se requieren para funcionar a altas temperaturas por lo que el conocimiento de sus propiedades mecánicas a dichas temperaturas es imprescindible. En este trabajo se muestra el método de selección del material para la... more
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      Materials EngineeringANSYS WORKBENCH
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Günümüzde gelişen teknolojiler ile daha az enerji kullanmak ve ısınma masraflarını azaltmak için yalıtım camları kullanılmaktadır. Yalıtım camlarında performansı artırmak amaçlı çeşitli kombinasyonlar uygulanmıştır. Cam sayısının... more
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      Thermal AnalysisANSYS SoftwareANSYS WORKBENCHSteady State Thermal Analysis
The Engine cylinder is one of the major automobile component, which is subjected to high temperature variations and thermal stresses. In order to cool the cylinder, fins are provided on the surface of the cylinder to increase the rate of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringPistonANSYS WORKBENCH
In this work a structural analysis to a cylindrical metal silo for cement was performed. Based on the dimensions and mechanical characteristics of the two models modeling silo structure for supporting the silo, which consists of a... more
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Floor beam is a structural element of fuselage which is mainly used for providing horizontal space to aircraft crew and is fixed with fuselage skin. In this I-section beam is picked for designing the fuselage floor beam which is better in... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringAeronautical EngineeringFEA with ANSYSAircraft Structures
The gearbox is the most important component in machine tools. It is contain several parts such as gears, shafts, bearing, keys and seals. Each part rotate with own frequency. Interaction of parts frequencies cause a complicated vibration... more
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      Programming LanguagesMachine DesignMachine ToolsCAD/CAM
Leaf spring is a simple form of suspension Spring used to absorb vibrations induced during the Motion of a vehicle. The automobile industry has shown Increased interest in the replacement of steel leaf spring (55 Si 7) with composite leaf... more
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      Innovation in Automobile technologyANSYS WORKBENCHStatical Analysis
The present work is focused on the design of vortex tube with dc = 5, 6, 7 mm. The investigation is carried out with double inlet vortex tube to increase the intensity of swirl by using vortex generator with eight tangential nozzle with... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsReferigerationVortex TubeANSYS WORKBENCH
The main objective of this work is to investigate and analyse the stress distribution of Spherical-S turbine. In this paper static analysis is done by using to different materials (Structural Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminium Alloy).... more
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      Turbulent FlowsComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationWind turbineANSYS WORKBENCH
Resumen En el presente trabajo se aplicaron las técnicas de simulación y conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo del curso de ANSYS, para el diseño de una tolva de alimentación. Esta tolva es parte de una máquina dispensadora y empacadora de... more
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— Connecting rod is the intermediate link between the piston and the crank and is responsible to transmit the push and pull from the piston pin to crank pin, thus converting the reciprocating motion of the piston to rotary motion of the... more
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      Finite Element MethodsConnecting Rod SimulationANSYS WORKBENCHSize and Shape Optimization
The three-dimensional model of a powered single acting disc harrow was created in SolidWorks 2013 and then the stress analysis was carried out using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) well before development of the designed tillage machinery... more
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      Finite Element Analysis (Engineering)SolidWorksFuel ConsumptionANSYS WORKBENCH
This presentation introduces the design optimization of ANSYS Workbench analysis using VisualDOC. VisualDOC is a powerful tool for multidisciplinary design process integration, execution and automation. It offers a friendly interface that... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmsHeat TransferResponse Surface MethodologyOptimization techniques
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AISI 310 quality austenitic stainless steel, C ratio less than 0.25, is one of the most widely used and most durable steels designed for industrial applications. Finite element method (FEM) is a metric that provides the solution of... more
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      Materials ScienceFinite Element MethodsUrban PlanningFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)
Increasing the efficiency of an internal combustion engine is very important in the present market by improving the combustion rate and 100% utilization of heat energy produced in the engine. It is very essential for us to utilize the... more
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      Thermal AnalysisANSYS WORKBENCH
ANSYS Workbench, parametrik CAD sistemlerini bir otomasyon ve performans ile simulasyon teknolojilerini entegre eden bir yazlım modülüdür.. ANSYS Workbench’in gücü yılların bilgi birikimi ile arkasında duran ANSYS çözücü algoritmalarından... more
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      ANSYS (APDL)Ansys SimulationANSYS modeling of RC beamsANSYS Software
The main objective in the "Structural Analysis of gate leaf of Automatic outflow regulating gate system" is to achieve suitable design for Gate leaf proper. Finite element analysis of Gate leaf proper is taken for the study. Structural... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringDesign AnalysisANSYS WORKBENCH
The manuscript presents advanced coupled analysis: Maxwell 3D, Transient Thermal and Fluent CFD, at the time of a rated current occurring on the main busbars in the low-voltage switchgear. The simulations were procured in order to aid the... more
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      Computer ScienceFinite Element MethodsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Finite element method
In this paper, a detailed three-dimensional, transient, finite element method of fuse link NH000 gG 100 A is proposed. The thermal properties during the operation of the fuses under nominal (100 A) and custom conditions (110 and 120 A)... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceDesign MethodsFEA with ANSYS