AMS 14C dating

311 papers
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AMS 14C dating, or Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Carbon-14 dating, is a radiocarbon dating technique that measures the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12 isotopes in a sample. This method allows for precise dating of organic materials up to about 50,000 years old, significantly improving the accuracy and efficiency of traditional radiocarbon dating methods.
The article presents five gold artifacts from the Chalcolithic (fifth millennium BC) layer at tell Yunatsite, southern Bulgaria. The analyses focus on the technology of manufacture, chronology and provenance of the gold. The stratigraphic... more
Ancient Chinese documents-ranging from oracle bone scripts and bamboo slip writings to paper-based Dunhuang manuscripts-represent a rich cultural and linguistic heritage that spans millennia. Their diverse materials (bone, silk, bamboo,... more
This study of beads from the site of Barikot, Pakistan provides new perspectives on the typological and tech nological methods of bead production in use during the mid-3rd BCE – 1st century CE. Through the analysis of raw materials and... more
The fifth season of excavations of Oponice Castle in 2020 was located in the lower castle’s courtyard. The research led to discovery of an original clay floor being heavily burned with charred plank and a rectangular stone-brick... more
Poster presentation of the lithic inventory of the Paleolithic cave
site Martinshöhle at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier
Society for Quaternary Research and Archaeology of the Stone Age
in Berlin (2022)
Compared to the increasing number of radiocarbon dates from the Early and Middle Bronze Age in the Carpathian Basin, 14 C measurements published from the Transdanubian region are particularly underrepresented, and there was a maximum of... more
This paper from the 2024 published volume "Project Borđoš -Ten Years of Research" summarizes the work of the international project at sites around Borđoš.
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo dar a conocer los primeros resultados obtenidos a partir de dos métodos de análisis térmicos —Calorimetría Diferencial de Barrido (DSC) y Termogravimetría (TGA)— en fragmentos cerámicos recuperados... more
A detector find of a Tréboult type spearhead from Twist (West-Friesland) is discussed. It is dated by its wooden ash (Fraxinus) shaft preserved to to c. 1867-1542 BCE. The composition of the alloy was determined with pXRF analysis of the... more
This study presents new (n=32) and previously published (n=35) human bone 14C AMS dates from 54 individuals interred in 50 burials in the Plinkaigalis cemetery (3rd-7th century AD, Lithuania). The aim of this study is to establish... more
The site has been known since 1871 from an archaeological perspective, thanks to the information provided by F. Rómer, the father of Hungarian archaeology. The first excavations, made by A.D. Alexandrescu and M. Rusu in 1954, established... more
Recensión de la obra "Atlas de la grotte Chauvet-Pont d’Arc: Volume 1 de la monographie de la grotte Chauvet-Pont d’Arc"
Results of R adiocarbon A ges from Previous Excavations in Košice-Barca I and Košice-Barca II Pits and other associated features found at sites along Hornád Valley of Eastern Slovakia have been put forth as examples of early settlement... more
Los Tolmos, en Caracena, provincia de Soria, es un yacimiento de referencia para el estudio del Bronce Medio en la Meseta Norte. Su excavación durante las décadas de los 70 y los 80 del pasado siglo conllevó el hallazgo de varias tumbas... more
The Mesolithic burial site Groß Fredenwalde, NE-Germany, discovered in 1962, had remained a poorly understood part of the Mesolithic burial record for decades. Since 2012, the site has been under reinvestigation. New discoveries confirm... more
New research at the Mesolithic burial site Groß Fredenwalde, NE-Germany, has yielded exceptional evidence of Late Mesolithic burial ritual in north-central Europe. Besides newly discovered graves from around the main phase of the cemetery... more
We review the initiation of palisade enclosed village communities in central southwestern Ontario, using data from a series of related early Late Woodland sites that we interpret as showing an east to west settlement sequence. New AMS... more
Qu a rtä r In te rn a tio na le s J a hrbu c h z u r Eis z e ita lte r-u nd Ste C and OSL dating, as well as for malacological, micromorphology, microtephra and magnetic susceptibility analyses were collected from the entire stratigraphy.... more
El Cierro Cave (Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain) possesses one of the most complete Upper Palaeolithic stratigraphic sequences in northern Spain. Magdalenian occupations, particularly the lower Magdalenian, are well represented in its full... more
To build an understanding of meat consumption during the failed Luna expedition, I sent a cow tooth sample to be Strontium tested and radiocarbon dated. In getting both radiocarbon dates and Strontium levels, we are able to pinpoint... more
El Cierro Cave (Ribadesella, Asturias, Spain) possesses one of the most complete Upper Palaeolithic stratigraphic sequences in northern Spain. Magdalenian occupations, particularly the lower Magdalenian, are well represented in its full... more
The method of determining the biobased carbon content in liquid fuel samples is standardized, but different laboratories use different protocols during sample preparation and perform the measurements using different machines. The... more
ABSTRACTThe method of determining the biobased carbon content in liquid fuel samples is standardized, but different laboratories use different protocols during sample preparation and perform the measurements using different machines. The... more
ABSTRACTA coupled accelerator mass spectrometer–gas interface system has been successfully operating at the Hertelendi Laboratory of Environmental Studies, Debrecen, Hungary, since 2013. Over the last 6 years more than 500 gas targets... more
The chemical diagenesis and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Palaeolithic sequence of Theopetra Cave have been studied extensively, but little information is available regarding the details of its combustion structures. The cave... more
by Emil Podrug and 
1 more
The open-air archaeological site of Konjevrate-Groblje was discovered in 1988 and subsequently partly excavated in four campaigns. In preliminary reports, the site was interpreted as being a Neolithic Impressed Ware settlement. Several... more
Extended, completed review of the theses of the PhD dissertation completed under the supervision of Tivadar Vida and submitted to the Archaeological Doctoral Programme, Doctoral School of History, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest,... more
encompasses 2.5m east-west by 3.1m north-south and contains three steps (U.5-7) that ascend from south-to-north in increments of 0.22m, 0.2m, and 0.14m from bottom to top. These risers are 0.73m, 0.78m, and 1.31m wide, the broadest... more
Preparation of bone material for radiocarbon dating is still a subject of several investigations. Development of preparative methods requires sufficient amounts of bone material, proper sample pre-treatment methods as well as the... more
An automatic water sampling unit was developed to monitor the radioactive emission (radiocarbon and other corrosion and fission products) from nuclear facilities into the groundwater. Automatic sampling is based on the principal of ion... more
Coímbre cave (Peñamellera Alta, Asturias) is an Upper Palaeolithic site in Northern Spain, spanning an occupation sequence from the Gravettian to the Magdalenian periods. The upper layers-layer I and II-, corresponding to the Upper... more
This article presents a set of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates derived from human bone within burial contexts at CA-NAP-399 in Napa County, California, USA.
Skelettfunde aus der Jungsteinzeit fehlen im Rheinland erhaltungsbedingt fast völlig. So können Fragen, die naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung erfordern, wie zum Beispiel zur individuellen Mobilität und Ernährung, kaum beantwortet... more
Skelettfunde aus der Jungsteinzeit fehlen im Rheinland erhaltungsbedingt fast völlig. So können Fragen, die naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung erfordern, wie zum Beispiel zur individuellen Mobilität und Ernährung, kaum beantwortet... more
Archaeological investigations in the Iron Gates reach of the Lower Danube Valley between 1964 and 1984 revealed an important concentration of Stone Age sites, which together provide the most detailed record of Mesolithic and Early... more
This study presents the results of stable isotope analyses performed on human tooth enamel (δ 13 C), bone collagen (δ 13 C and δ 15 N), and animal bone and tooth dentine collagen (δ 13 C and δ 15 N). We sampled archaeological material... more
El Palacio magazine. ISSN: 0031-0158. Petroglyphs Pueblo textile fabrics Pajarito Plateau (N.M.) Bandelier National Monument (N.M.) Rito de los Frijoles (N.M.) Lectures Speeches, addresses, etc. New Mexico Association of Science... more
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) measurements were made on individual, sand-sized grains of quartz from Middle Palaeolithic deposits at three sites (Pech de l' Azé I, II and IV) located close to one another in the Dordogne region... more
This manuscript explores the potential of macro-X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) for the non-invasive analysis of heritage textiles. XRF, especially with the portable instruments, is a well-known technique for the non-destructive examination... more
Cet article rend compte d'avancement du projet GeoDOAD, qui associe une cartographie dynamique a une courbe statistique pour des datations d'objets de fouilles issues notamment de fouilles preventives. Le projet, assez bref... more
Modern humans replaced Neandertals ∼40,000 y ago. Close to the time of replacement, Neandertals show behaviors similar to those of the modern humans arriving into Europe, including the use of specialized bone tools, body ornaments, and... more
A more developed and modern technology replaced the old radiocarbon measuring methods in Hungary, based on isotope separation by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) and not on activity measurements. In summer 2011, the EnvironMICADAS was... more
The Late Upper Palaeolithic (Epigravettian) sequence at Badanj has yielded an important dataset about the occupation of the hinterland of the Eastern Adriatic catchment zone in the late Pleniglacial. The site also harbors one of the rare... more
A collection of 141 bone and antler tools and debitage pieces recovered from the River Užava at the village of Sise constitutes the largest Mesolithic osseous assemblage in western Latvia. Radiocarbon dating of 12 pieces suggests that... more