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An algorithm is described to estimate variance components for a univariate animal model using REML. Sparse matrix techniques are employed to calculate those elements of the inverse of the coefficient matrix required for the first... more
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      EMDairy ScienceAnimal ProductionAI
This paper introduces a new model of artificial cognitive architecture for intelligent systems, the Neuromodulating Cognitive Architecture (NEUCOGAR). It is biomimetically inspired and adapts the neuromodulators role of human brains into... more
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      Cognitive ModelingNeuromodulationNeurotransmissionAffective Computing
Mind<>Computer: Attempts to mimic human intelligence through methods of classical computing have failed because implementing basic elements of rationality has proven obstinate to the design criterion of machine intelligence. A radical... more
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      Computer ScienceQuantum TheoryTeleologyAI
Theophylline is effective in the treatment of central apneas and periodic breathing. In obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), results of pharmacological monotherapy with theophylline are inconsistent. The present study investigates... more
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      Respiratory MedicineCarbon DioxideAIObstructive sleep apnea
The design of #exible manufacturing systems (FMSs) is an essential but costly process. Although FMS design appears to be an excellent area for applying arti"cial intelligence (AI) and computer simulation techniques, to date there have... more
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      ProductionMulti Criteria Decision MakingAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessNeural Network
We present the development of an intelligent tutoring system for chess endgames, and explain in detail the system’s architecture that is comprised of five essential components. The rule-based domain model contains a conceptualized domain... more
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From cloud to the edge: On-device artificial intelligence boosts performance AI can boost performance, security, and cost savings-but building any AI-enabled product requires careful use of optimized computing.
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      Artificial IntelligenceAI
Mind<>Computer: Attempts to mimic human intelligence through methods of classical computing have failed because implementing basic elements of rationality has proven obstinate to the design criterion of machine intelligence. A radical... more
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      Computer ScienceQuantum TheoryTeleologyAI
Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are becoming useful as alternate approaches to conventional techniques or as components of integrated systems. They have been used to solve complicated practical problems in various areas and are... more
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      EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceFuzzy LogicNeural Network
Image recognition and understanding is one of the most interesting fields of researches. Its main idea is to bridge the gap between the high level human image understanding and the low level machine image representation. Quite a lot of... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingComputational IntelligenceNeural Network
We present evidence for the importance of low-level phenomena in dialogue interaction and use this to motivate a multi-layered approach to dialogue processing. We describe an architecture that separates content-level communicative... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingMachine Learning
Aging is a chronic oxidation process in which the immune system is involved. Because leukocyte function is a good health marker and longevity predictor, the effects of daily oral administration of N-acetylcysteine (NAC, 600 mg) on several... more
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From this description of CDPS, we might ask: If coordination among problem solvers is di cult, why not build a single, more powerful problem solver to perform the functions of a CDPS network? In short, why CDPS?
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      Distributed ComputingArtificial IntelligenceExpert SystemsControl
AI-based security systems utilize big data and powerful machine learning algorithms to automate the security management task. The case study methodology is used to examine the effectiveness of AI-enabled security solutions. The result... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer SecurityAIAdvanced Computing
Thalassaemia is a genetic blood disorder where the blood cells are unable to carry sufficient oxygen supply for the organs. The Thalassaemia has a distribution concomitant with areas where P. Falciparum malaria is common. The alpha... more
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      AIDSSCase Based Reasoningradio frequency identification (RFID)
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligencePhilosophy
Adaptive control in the face of uncertainty involves making online predictions about events in order to plan actions to reliably achieve desirable outcomes. However, we often face situations in which the effects of our actions are... more
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      ManagementEngineeringPsychologyCognitive Psychology
The use of artificial intelligence in science is happening more and more frequently, and often artificial intelligence can be seen in different approaches to creating music and art. In this paper, I will present some of the research that... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMusic EducationPerformanceAI
Abstract─ Ant Algorithms are techniques for optimizing which were coined in the early 1990"s by M. Dorigo. The techniques were inspired by the foraging behavior of real ants in the nature. The focus of ant algorithms is to find... more
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      Computer ScienceMachine LearningData MiningAI
PurposeThis research analyzed the existing academic and grey literature concerning the technologies and practices of people analytics (PA), to understand how ethical considerations are being discussed by researchers, industry experts and... more
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      PsychologyEthicsPrivacyHuman Resource Management
Higher serum levels of the main circulating form of vitamin D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), are associated with substantially lower incidence rates of colon, breast, ovarian, renal, pancreatic, aggressive prostate and other cancers.... more
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      EpidemiologyCancerBreast CancerCalcium
Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, business, education, medical, scientific etc. In this paper, discusses the concept of data mining, important issues and applications.
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      Artificial IntelligenceData MiningDatabase SystemsDatabases
House costs increment consistently, so there is a need for a framework to anticipate house costs later on. House cost expectation can assist the designer with deciding the selling cost of a house and can assist the client with... more
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      Machine LearningAIModelLinear Regression
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      NeurosciencePainNeural NetworkAI
Kecerdasan Buatan (Artificial Intelligence) merupakan salah satu bagian dari ilmu komputer yang mempelajari bagaimana membuat mesin (komputer) dapat melakukan pekerjaan seperti dan sebaik yang dilakukan oleh manusia bahkan bisa lebih baik... more
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      AIKecerdasan Buatan
CBCL Memo 256 © 2 0 0 5 m a s s a c h u s e t t s i n s t i t u t e o f t e c h n o l o g y, c a m b r i d g e , m a 0 213 9 u s a -w w w . c s a i l . m i t . e d u massachusetts institute of technology -computer science and artificial... more
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      Civil EngineeringMaterials ScienceDesignStructural Engineering
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      E-learningMobile LearningDigital MediaEducational Development
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceAI Planning (Artificial Intelligence)Neural Networks
During pandemic COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports suggest that the two main routes of transmission of the COVID-19 virus are respiratory droplets and physical contact. Respiratory droplets are generated when an... more
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      Computer VisionAICNNDeep Learning
Neural computation, also called connectionism, parallel distributed processing, neural network modeling or brain-style computation, has grown rapidly in the last decade. Despite this explosion, and ultimately because of impressive... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceAI Planning (Artificial Intelligence)AI
Internet has taken over the world. Everything today is online and data driven. Due to COVID-19, ecommerce has seen a boost like nothing else. With internet and its efficiency and effectiveness comes into play, cybercrimes. There are... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningSecurityEcommerce
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      EngineeringCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceProgramming Languages
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the hottest technologies of today and it's impacting several industries in major ways and the Fast-Moving-Consumer-Goods (FMCG) is one of them. Defined as technology that "ena-bles a digital computer... more
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      AIMarketing in Fmcg
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      Artificial IntelligenceAIK- nearest neighbour (KNN)
1 | P a g e Y o u t u b e. c o m / E n g i n e e r s T u t o r w w w. E n g i n e e r s T u t o r. c o m Chapter 8: Convolutional Codes Convolutional codes were introduced in 1955 by Elias as an alternative to Block codes. Convolutional... more
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      Communication EngineeringMachine LearningAIProgramming
Does this butcher knife handle frozen foods, too?" There was a time when children in grade school were required to parse, orally and on paper. Today, we study how to program computers to parse sentences in natural language and write books... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAICognitive Process
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      AITrí Tuệ Nhân Tạo
Neural computation, also called connectionism, parallel distributed processing, neural network modeling or brain-style computation, has grown rapidly in the last decade. Despite this explosion, and ultimately because of impressive... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceAI Planning (Artificial Intelligence)AI
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    • AI
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      EngineeringCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceProgramming Languages
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Situational awareness (SA) is defined as the perception of entities in the environment, comprehension of their meaning, and projection of their status in near future. From an Air Force perspective, SA refers to the capability to... more
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    • AI
हमारी वर्तमान प्रगति की ध्वजवाहक रचनाएँ, हमारे भविष्य के इतिहास के उस चरण का आधार बन रही हैं जहाँ इंटरनेट की चीजें, डिजिटल तकनीकी, आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस और रोबोटिक्स में तीव्र भूमण्डलीय विकास, समाज और उद्योग की निर्माणकारी शक्तियों में... more
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      Information TechnologyThe Industrial RevolutionAIBig Data
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Facility layout problems (FLP) are a family of design problems involving the partition of a planar region into departments or work areas of known area, so as to minimize the costs associated with projected interactions between these... more
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    • AI
Since the publication of William F. Albright’s 1924 watershed article “Ai and Beth-Aven”, the location of ‘Ai has been fixed at et-Tell and uncritically accepted by most scholars without question, so much so that if one wishes to read... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ancient IsraelIsrael/PalestineOld Testament
A brief exploration of artificial general intelligence and the "singularity," in which I address the problems artificial intelligence theories have had with explaining distributed cognition, consciousness, and various other things, as... more
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      Singularity TheoryAISociohistorical Psychology
Routing problems can be classified into two main categories based on their objectives and complexity. The first category, path finding problems, includes a set of problems whose main objective is to get the shortest path. These problems... more
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      AIRouting Problem