Recent papers in AA
El criticismo es un término filosófico que plantea el estudio de las bases del conocimiento como requisito para cualquier reflexión filosófica. Esta doctrina epistemológica ideada por el filósofo Immanuel Kant busca fijar límites al... more
Estados Unidos ha sido descrito como una "Nación de inmigrantes", como un "mosaico" o, más tradicionalmente, como un "crisol de culturas". De hecho, la diversidad cultural es una hebra común en el tejido de la sociedad norteamericana. La... more
1 2 1 2 n n n u TRẦN DUY SƠN Xuân kỷ sửu 2009 Đi tìm công thức tổng quát dãy số Trần Duy Sơn 2 ______________________________________________________________________________ The love makes us stronger
Demikian proposal ini kami susun dengan harapan mendapatkan dukungan dan bantuan dari berbagai pihak. Semoga acara yang akan kami selenggarakan bisa berjalan lancar tanpa ada halangan.
Zaman dulu orang membeli makanan hanya berpedoman pada rasanya yang enak dan harganya yang murah, ini terutama bagi kalangan masyarakat menengah kebawah. Mereka tidak begitu memikirkan kandungan gizi dan nutrisi yang terkandung didalamnya.
Pengawasan mutu selama proses yaitu pemeriksaan dan pengujian yg ditetpkan n dilaksanakan selama proses pembuatan produk. Untuk memastikan seseragaman bets dan keutuhan obat, pengujian atau pemeriksaan yang dilaksanakan hendaklah sesuai... more
Penyebab cacar adalah virus Variola.Virus penyebab cacar ini adalah anggota dari genus orthopoxvirus, yang juga termasuk virus seperti cacar sapi, cacar monyet, dan kontagiosum moluskum. Tidak ada hewan reservoir atau vektor serangga... more
Pembantu Rumah Tangga (PRT) berhak mendapat kondisi kerja yang layak. ILO menghasilkan Konvensi ILO No. 189 mengenai Kerja Layak Pembantu Rumah Tangga (PRT). Konvensi ini merupakan perlindungan bagi pembantu rumah tangga di seluruh... more
ÖZET Bu çalıĢmada Türkiye"de Batılı yaĢam tarzının doğuĢ, geliĢme ve yayılma aĢamalarının tarihsel olarak resmi çizilmeye çalıĢılmıĢtır. Türk toplumunda yaĢam tarzının dıĢsallaĢma biçimlerinin görünümleri, Batılı/alafranga ve... more
Sosyal değişme; derece derece değişerek tahakkuk eder. Belirli bir dereceden sonrada bunun bütünü ile bir bünye değişikliği haline geldiği görülür. Onun için belirli anlarda toplumda bazı özellikler derece, bazıları da bünye farklılığı... more
- by buket sert
- AA
Testing dan implementasi system informasi -Melakukan pengujian terhadap system informasi / program aplikasi/aplikasi sebelum digunakan -Menguji dan membandingan dengan system sebelumnya, untuk memunculkan keunggulan pada system yang lama... more
The paper presents a test used to estimate the predictive accuracy of a few yield criteria for anisotropic materials. The study is focused on the yield criteria developed at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, by the members of the... more
A model for the dynamics of a four rotor vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) vehicle known as an X4-flyer is proposed. The model incorporates the airframe and motor dynamics as well as aerodynamic and gyroscopic effects due to the rotors... more
Lines are the interconnections that convey power and information such as speech, music, pictures and data. They can be modeled as infinite ladder structures. Therefore analysis of the infinite ladder networks may be important to describe... more
- by Ali Keskin
- AA
GOALS Hyperspectral imagery provides high spectral and spatial resolution that can be used to discriminate between object and natural clutter in environmental monitoring applications such as coastal and coral reef monitoring. In this... more
Pendahuluan Telekomunikasi, Internet, dan Teknologi Nirkabel 7.1. TELEKOMUNIKASI DAN JARINGAN DALAM DUNIA BISNIS DEWASA INI Dalam dunia bisnis sekarang ini banyak pebisnis baik usaha kecil, usaha menengah maupun usaha besar menggunakan... more
Cet article présente un logiciel convivial qui permet d'effectuer un suivi automatique des paramètres modaux de structures dont les paramètres structuraux varient dans le temps. Les mesures temporelles sont modélisées par un modèle... more
Filtering noise in real-time image sequences is required in some applications like medical imaging. The optimum approach in this case is in the form of adaptive 3-D spatial-temporal filter, which is generally very complex and prohibitive... more
Two dimensional principal component analyses (2DPCA) is recently proposed technique for face representation and recognition. The standard PCA works on 1-dimensional vectors which has inherent problem of dealing with high dimensional... more
Integral balance solution to start-up problem of a second grade viscoelastic fluid caused by a constant surface stress at the surface has been developed by an entire-domain parabolic profile with an unspecified exponent. The closed form... more
The value of overall oxygen transfer Coefficient (K L a), which is the best measure of oxygen transfer in water through aeration, is obtained by a simple approach, which sufficiently explains the utility of the method to eliminate the... more
Keseluruhan tingkat harga dalam perekonomian dapat dipandang dari 2 sisi.
Fourier transform analysis has been proposed for calculating band structure with high accuracy and low processing time. This method utilizes sampling of potential energy in some points of crystal's unit cell with Dirac delta functions,... more
The viscoelastic response of a novel composite (A356 aluminum alloy matrix with ceramic reinforcement particles developed from colliery shale waste) is measured with dynamic-mechanical analyzer, and is compared to pure aluminum, aluminum... more
Chile ¿Cómo citar? Fascículo completo Más información del artículo Página de la revista Arq, ISSN (Versión impresa): 0716-0852