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Design activism is referred to as the use of design as a vehicle for activism . This mode of expression is fast gaining momentum in countries and organizations worldwide, with the aim to sustain future and social change. Design activism... more
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      IllustrationsPolitical CampaignsGraphic DesignPoster Design
The industry of real estate is rapidly growing and its competition rises every year. This occurrence adds pressure to real estate agents and causes confusion to regular people who want to buy a property of their own. Of all the... more
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      Real EstateVirtualizationGame Development Studies3D visualisation
El presente trabajo contiene el rediseño de un marco estereotáxico aplicando tecnología de impresión 3D. Un marco estereotáxico es un instrumental quirúrgico para neurocirugías, utilizado para guiar una aguja hacia un punto deseado... more
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      NeuroscienceNeurosurgeryProduct Design3d Modeling
Beginning in the 1970s, Linotype, a leading type foundry and manufacturer of phototypesetting equipment, undertook the design of new Latinised types designed by applying Latin type design topology to other non-Latin scripts. In return for... more
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      Virtual Art & Virtual RealityNon Latin Typeface DesignExperimental Design3d Design
Eğer 3D (üç boyutlu) animasyon işine girmek, 3D tasarımlar, animasyonlar yapmak istiyor ve nereden başlayacağınızı bilmiyorsanız ben de aynı durumdayım. İşte size genel bir tablo, konuyla ilgili fikri olan varsa yorum kısmında tartışıp... more
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      3D animation3d Modeling3d Design3D Character animation
Los grandes avances en el campo de la informática que se han producido en los últimos años, han posibilitado el desarrollo de aplicaciones de diseño, cada vez más potentes, que se han convertido en una herramienta fundamental para el... more
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      Stereotomy, Descriptive Geometry, History of Masonry ArchitectureGeometria3d DesignDescriptive Geometry
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      DesignErgonomicsErgonomics & Human FactorsMental workload measures
In this work we studied the available techniques for mapping prototyping. The study focus on methods controlled by computer especially additives methods 3D print and material removal methods by machining. It is necessary comment about the... more
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      Rapid PrototypingDigital Terrain ModelsMock-Up3d Design
Theatre design is not a linear process and each production is different from another. Harnessing visualisation as a process and a tool enables designers to engage with each other and collaborate to produce strong, story driven designs... more
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      Theatre StudiesDesign (Theatre Studies)3D visualisationSet Design (Theatre Studies)
This paper presents a theoretical model based on a formula that combines three theoretical factors which – it is argued - significantly contribute to the process of designing 3D avatars. These factors are aesthetics, user experience and... more
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    • 3d Design
We develop a polygonal mesh simplification algorithm based on a novel analysis of the mesh geometry. Particularly, we propose first a characterization of vertices as hyperbolic or non-hyperbolic depending upon their discrete local... more
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      Computer GraphicsVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Meshfree MethodsRendering (Computer Graphics)
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureDacian civilizationDacians
من أهم التطورات التکنولوجية في مجال التصميم هو الطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد من خلال بعض البرامج مثل الفوتوشوب، والذي يستطيع المتعلم من خلاله ان يصمم ويبتکر أشکالا ثلاثية الأبعاد أو يحول أشکالا ثنائية الأبعاد ويحولها إلى مجسمات افتراضية يحذف... more
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      Creative Problem Solving3d Design3D Printing Process
Özet:Tasarlama sürecinin ilk aşamasında eskiz yaparak tasarımın kavramsal arayışının tamamlanmasının ardından, tasarımın detaylandırılması, geliştirilmesi ve üretime hazırlanması aşamalarında üç boyutlu modelleme teknolojileri hali... more
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      Design educationIndustrial DesignArt and Design EducationSketching
In this paper, we have talked about the technological development related to 3D printing. In which we have explained how 3D printing works and how it will affect our lives in the future. As we all know that 3D printing is going to be... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringTechnologyInnovation statistics3D Shape
Furthering gasification technology is an essential part of advancing clean coal technologies. In order to seek insight into the appropriate operations for the formation of synthetic gas (syngas) a numerical simulation was performed to... more
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      Mechatronics & RoboticsMechanical Behavior Of MaterialsComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationMechanical Engineering Design
Àáñòðàêò: Â ïðåäñòàâåíèÿ äîêëàä å ðàçãëåäàíî ñúâðåìåííî ïðîåêòèðàíå íà 15 ìåñòíà çàêðèòà âåëîñèïåäíà ñïèðêà. Ñúîðúaeåíèåòî èìà çà öåë äà ïðåäïàçè ñïðåëèòå âåëîñèïåäè â íåãî îò ñëúíöå, äúaeä èëè ñíÿã.
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      CAD3d DesignBicycleSolidWorks
In the biomedical sector, bio-fabrication is a practical guide to the new inherently transdisciplinary scientific field that focuses on bio-production processes and a related range of emerging technologies. Tissue engineering has emerged... more
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      Tissue EngineeringAdditive ManufacturingAdditive Manufacturing and 3D printing3d Design
Basic Design, the rst year foundation course of METU’s Industrial Design Department, leads students gradually from two-dimensional to three-dimensional abstract compositions. As the assignments gain volume, students experiment with the... more
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      Basic DesignLighting Design3d DesignLight and Shadow
in: M. Berti & F. Naether (Hrsg.), Altertumswisenschaften in a Digital Age: Egyptology, Papyrology and beyond. Proceedings of a conference and workshop in Leipzig, November 4-6, Leipzig 2015
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      Digital Humanities3d Design
Fairly complete evidence of adequate principles, if Newtonian mechanics is taken into account.
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      Mechanical EngineeringPhysicsRenewable EnergyEnergy
Replication of the self and engagement with liminal spaces has informed our collaborative practice. 3D body scanning, processing and digital printing proffered new methods of engagement as yet uncharted to capture ourselves faithfully.... more
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      Anthropometrics3d DesignFashionBody Scanning
Bilişsel yük kuramı öğrenenlerin eşzamanlı olarak belleğinde işlemesi gereken bilginin sayısına ve bu bilgilerin etkileşimleriyle ortaya çıkan karmaşık bilişsel görevlerin nasıl gerçekleştirileceğine odaklanmaktadır. Ek olarak, bilişsel... more
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      Instructional DesignVirtual EnvironmentsInstructional Design & TechnologyVirtual Learning Environments
How to integrate Augmented Reality in art education? These Prototypical projects explore potential of the technology in several contexts, from memorial to city guide and museum pedagogy. Finally the Designapp DesignAR is a quite broad... more
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      Philosophy of ArtDigital Media & LearningMixed RealityMobile Augmented Reality
Mapping Turkish design scene
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      Industrial DesignProduct DesignTurkeyModern Turkey
"Viviamo della forma e su questa sembra che l'attuale rifletta: architettura, moda, il design del prodotto, l'arte in genere contaminano le geometrie dei modelli di riferimento, sperimentando inedite figure che mirano alla liquefazione... more
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