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bahan kuliah untuk mahasiswa D3 Desain Interior Sem 1 (Nirmana 2 D) dan Sem 2 (Nirmana 3 D), Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, Institut Sains dan Teknologi TD.Pardede
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      3 DimensiónNirmana
Museum Sang Nila Utama is a cultural museum which has 3,819 collections covering geology, biology, ethnography, archeology, historica, numism, philology, ceramics, art and technologics. This museum as one of the cultural center and... more
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      Mobile ComputingVirtual Reality3 Dimensión
İnsanların görme duyusu, çevrelerindeki ışıksal titreşimleri algılama ve değerlendirme konusunda ilerleme kaydettikçe çevresini çok daha iyi görmeye ve tanımaya başlamıştır. Bu süreçte kendini, doğayı, diğer canlıların inceliklerini fark... more
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The resurgence of stereoscopic 3D technology is analyzed in this article. The author points out the effects of this 3D upon spatial perception as well as its impact on audiovisual language. The article offers two strong conclusions:... more
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      Stereoscopic 3-DStereoscopicProfundidad3 Dimensión