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Historically, the role of drawing in traditional animation was unequivocal. How has this role been affected or changed by the advent of computer animation, and the increasingly widespread use of digital tools in animation? Can the... more
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryComputer AnimationDrawing
In this PDF, prominent types of animation used in multimedia and career opportunities associated with them are detailed.
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      Animation3D animation2D animationStop Motion
Facial Expressions - A multidisciplinary approach:
Psicology: Universal Emotions
Animation: 2D and 3D Animated Characters
Content Analysis: Method proposal for animated characters analisys
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      AnimationContent AnalysisImage AnalysisEmotions (Social Psychology)
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      Animation1960s (U.S. history)Graphic DesignIllustration
VR has brought with it new possibilities in storytelling, alternative approaches to building narrative structures, and unique ways of creating immersive experiences. Meanwhile, a relatively new possibility which has become available... more
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      Animation3D animationVirtual Reality2D animation
Formation Python - Le module turtle en Python - Yassine Ben Salah - Yassine Ben Ghriba
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      AnimationComputer AnimationMotion Graphics2D animation
In this paper, a procedural model has been developed for synthesizing cyclic horse motion through trigonometric functions. The system has been developed and implemented using mathematical model derived from trigonometric cyclic equations,... more
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      3D animation3D, 3D Movies, computer games, simulation, virtual reality, web 22D animation3d Modeling
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      AnimationPhotographyCinema3D animation
دکتر بابک صفاری متولد 1358، دانش‌آموختۀ کارشناسی برق از دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان و کارشناسی ارشد و دکترای توسعه و برنامه‌ریزی اقتصادی از دانشگاه اصفهان است. صفاری که عضو هیأت علمی گروه اقتصاد دانشگاه اصفهان است، مشاوره با سازمان‌ها و... more
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      Game studiesArt Economics and MarketsAnimationAnimation Theory
This is 12 months course in which you will learn about modeling, texturing, lighting, rigging, rendering and character animation. After successful completion of this course you can go for Digital Artist, Animator- Rigging Artist, Light &... more
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      AnimationComputer AnimationVideo Game Art and AnimationMotion Capture (Animation)
The article offers a cross-media definition for animation, arguing that animation can be defined across history based on common traits that exist in puppet theatre, flip-books, film, television and digital media.
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryStop-motion AnimationComputer Animation
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      2D animation2D and 3D Animations
Historical analysis of independent animation short film "The Employment" by Santiago Bou Grasso and Patricio Plaza. Argentina, 2008.
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      Latin American StudiesAnimationComputer AnimationExperimental Animation
I will be taking into account the various levels of realism and considering two central questions: Whether the perpetual quest for replication and the pure form of realism that some 3D animators explore, is the way forward for 3D... more
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      AnimationDigital Media3D animation2D animation
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      Animation1950s (U.S. history)Walt Disney Company2D animation
A animação facial 3D é um processo minucioso que requer especial atenção e dedicação por parte de todos os envolvidos. No caso de personagens humanoides, todos os comportamentos assemelham-se aos humanos incluindo a face, logo, o estudo... more
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      AnimationFacial expressionFacial Action Coding System (FACS)3D animation
The goal of this research is to develop IP characters for “Maple” web series animation about some kind of fruits that lives in the same town named Kampung Rujak. Maple itself was from writer's line sticker back then in 2015. Writer got a... more
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      AnimationResearch MethodologyPapers2D animation
From the viewpoint of Drawing Contour constitutes the line that defines and contains the shape and volume of any drawn object. From a perceptual standpoint, it is what distinguishes a shape from its background. In the past hundred years... more
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryComputer AnimationDrawing
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      Television StudiesAnimationPhotographyCinema
Character rigging is a process of endowing a character with a set of custom manipulators and controls making it easy to animate by the animators. These controls consist of simple joints, handles, or even separate character selection... more
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryComputer AnimationVideo Game Art and Animation
A painting animation experiment exploring neurophenomenology and the problem of consciousness as it relates to the viewer experience of a virtual art space. Lucy Keeler BDA MFA
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      AnimationInstallation ArtAnimation TheoryContemporary Art
El presente ensayo pretende explicar de manera concisa el vasto campo de la animación, enfocándose en dos asuntos: 1) ¿Qué es la animación y cuál es su influencia en el mundo actual? 2) ¿De qué manera un proyecto de animación tradicional... more
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      Animation2D animation
As artistic mediums have developed through history, each have held an integral function in mimicking a specified part of reality, and through its origin in both Eastern and Western culture, animation has simulated motion in a host of... more
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      Animation3D animation2D animation
Rotoscoping can produce believable 2D animation and movements when the process is done correctly. However, not all live-action footage can be easily rotoscoped due to scenes or fictional designs that are impossible to shoot. To overcome... more
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      Animation2D animationRotoscoping
Aplikasi rekayasa multimedia dalam membangun sebuah animasi dengan tema animasi diri
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryMultimediaComputer Animation
2 ABSTRAK Animasi The Adventure of Awang Khenit terbitan Sead Studio yang telah ditayangkan di TV9 pada tahun 2015 merupakan siri animasi dua dimensi yang mengisahkan penceritaan seorang kanak-kanak yang mempunyai kekuatan luar biasa.... more
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      Character Design2D animationAestetics
The fundamental principles of animation were developed at the Disney studio in the 1930s and when applied to animation result in a recognisable"Disney" style of motion. By adhering to these fundamental principles of animation, Animators... more
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      Computer AnimationVideo Game Art and AnimationMotion Analysis3D visualisation
For more animation article visit: Layout merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dalam menentukan kualitas visual dalam setiap adegan yang akan muncul dalam sebuah film animasi. Pembuatan layout... more
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      AnimationAnimation Theory2D animationLayout
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      Computer GraphicsAnimationGraphic Design2D animation
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      AnimationPhotographyCinema3D animation
Contemporary Irish Animation is renowned worldwide for a distinct and recognisable aesthetic design. From the earliest stop frame productions commissioned by national broadcaster Raidió Teilifís Éireann, to large scale animated features... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnimationCultural HeritageContemporary Art
Analysis of how the editing choices in the animation feature film "Perfect Blue" are accurately studied and performed to reflect the psychological crisis the protagonist faces. Published on "First Frame" (Spring 2021), BFE (British Film... more
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      Film StudiesAnimationJapanese AnimeManga and Anime Studies
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      Computer Graphics2D animationGeometri TransformasiGrafika Komputer
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      AnimationPhotographyCinema3D animation
The combination of body and facial animation achieves significant results. While the main actions focuses on body movement and silhouette, the facial animation explores intention and emotion, though there are also emotions related to... more
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryDigital MediaComputer Animation
El método de producción tradicional 2D está estudiado en libros, artículos, manuales, cursos especialización o referencias en internet. Pero el proceso adaptado a las técnicas gráficas vectoriales, son escasos o son tratados en apenas 4... more
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      AnimationComputer AnimationCharacter Design2D animation
De-problematising animation through a critical examination of Aristotle’s philosophy of motion. The academic side of the animated world is small and seems to be making little-to-no progress in terms of theorising. The major issue faced... more
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      Animation TheoryDigital Media2D animationMotion Capture
Street Harassment has always been a serious issue in Jakarta. The goal of this research is to create educational animation which to inform people upon the harmful effect, hence, street harassment should be stopped. Research method used by... more
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      AnimationMotion Graphics2D animation
Animasi, terutama animasi 2D merupakan awal dari perkembangan animasi seperti saat ini. Salah satu sumber kebudayaan nasional adalah kebudayaan daerah. Cerita rakyat di Indonesia merupakan bagian dari kebudayaan bangsa Indonesia.... more
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      FolkloreArt2D animation
Resumo: Este artigo propõe uma análise sobre como determinadas configurações estéticas dentro da ani-mação japonesa vieram a determinar as características distintas do que convencionamos a chamar de Anime. Será abordada a história... more
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      Manga and Anime Studies3D animation2D animationAnime
Nostalgia in The Princess and the Frog (2009), both at the level of form and text, will be the focus of this paper. As Disney’s first animated film featuring an African American heroine, its depiction of race has attracted much critical... more
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      Film StudiesAnimationWalt Disney CompanyContemporary Hollywood
In 2020 it was the 70th anniversary of the première of Érase una vez... (1950), an animated film that blossomed in the final period of the Golden Age of Spanish animation. Walt Disney feared this film would compete in the European market... more
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      AnimationFilm History2D animation
There is an increased realization that computer animation models proving to be an ef ective tool in mass communication. In an ef ort to test the ef icacy of animated model, an empirical study was conducted at the doctoral level and this... more
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      2D animationSocial awareness
2017 Ekim ayında Kocaeli Wellborn Luxury Hotel'de düzenlenen 2. Uluslararası İletişim, Edebiyat, Müzik ve Sanat Çalışmalarında Güncel Yaklaşımlar Kongresinde " Üç Boyutlu (3D) Dijital Animasyon Teknolojisinin TV Yayıncılığında Kullanımı"... more
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      Film StudiesMotion Capture (Animation)3D animation2D animation
Post Production Institute in Delhi offers you vfx or visual effects training institute in Delhi under expert trainers.  In our vfx effects master course you will learn about basics of lighting, animation, modelling and  texturing.
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryStop-motion AnimationComputer Animation
Algorithms for drawing smooth curves and surfaces are well-known but may be too expensive in CPU time to use for certain high speed interactive graphics applications. This paper looks at some new geometrically-based smoothing algorithms... more
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      Computer GraphicsAnimationSurfaces and InterfacesAnimation Theory
an1magine vol 1 no 8  Oktober  2016
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
This article suggests a discussion on the reconfiguration of the 12 principles of animation and their necessary refinement for contemporary animation to address the growing complexity and expansion of the animation industry. The expansion... more
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      Animation TheoryCharacter DesignFilm HistoryDrawing
Survival Kit a Quiero que este libro sea el medio para compartir los que desde mi punto de vista son los mejores métodos de trabajo, para que la tarea de animar se convierta en algo mejor y más fácil de hacer.
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryStop-motion AnimationExperimental Animation