21st Century German Literature

91 papers
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21st Century German Literature refers to literary works produced in Germany and German-speaking regions from the year 2000 onwards, characterized by diverse themes, styles, and genres that reflect contemporary societal issues, cultural shifts, and the impact of globalization, often exploring identity, migration, and technology.
Wie digitale Vernetzung unsere Gesellschaft verändert, gehört zu den drängendsten Fragen der Gegenwart. Wie jedoch dieser Prozess die zeitgenössische Literatur prägt, erfährt seit der enthusiastischen Erforschung von Hypertexten um die... more
This article examines central tensions in literary works dealing with German–Israeli encounters, including memorialization, Germany’s purported "normalization" in the wake of its genocidal past, and the notion of a "negative symbiosis"... more
La dernière décennie a vu une prolifération de recherches sur le vieillissement dans plusieurs disciplines. En France, on a créé en 2002 au sein du CNRS l"Institut de la longévité et du vieillissement « destiné à fédérer des compétences... more
Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam (Ed.): Forschungsberichte (6), 2010. The article addresses the problematic relationship between the so-called 'Erinnerungsgebot' (the duty to remember) and the epistemological, psychological and ethical... more
The 31st bibliography of 828 volumes added to Washington University Libraries' Contemporary German Literature Collection. All published in 2017, these acquisitions include novels, poetry, short story collections, essays, autobiographical... more
Arne Höcker Der Gefängnisgeistliche I. In einer Passage aus Robert Musils Großessay Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften trifft der verurteilte Sexualverbrecher Christian Moosbrugger auf einen Gefängnisgeistlichen: [D]er [Anstaltsgeistliche] war... more
Bibliography of contemporary German literature volumes added the previous year to Washington University Libraries' Contemporary German Literature Collection. These acquisitions generally include novels, poetry, short story collections,... more
Review of Clemens Meyer's 'Bricks and Mortar', translated by Katy Derbyshire (London: Fitzcarraldo, 2017)
Literatuur zonder Leeftijd (88), 2012.

This paper is an analysis of Mirjam Pressler's 'Ein Buch für Hanna' (2011) in the context of Jean Améry's notion of 'Weltvertrauen' or 'confiance au monde' (trust in the world).
The 30th bibliography for 660 volumes added to Washington University Libraries' Contemporary German Literature Collection. All published in 2016, these acquisitions include novels, poetry, short story collections, essays, autobiographical... more
In the article I attempt to analyze Kathrin Röggla's "cinematic style" using a theory which assumes the simulation of media-related forms in literature (e.g. Philipp Löser's works). Her literary style is characterized by features such as... more
Seiltanz. Beiträge zur Musik der Gegenwart (hrsgg. v. Mathias Lehmann, Peter Jänisch et al.), Heft 22, 04/2021.
Journées d’étude jeunes chercheur.e.s à l’École normale supérieure Paris les 21 et 22 mai 2021 avec le soutien financier du DAAD (Office allemand d’échanges universitaires). Merci d’envoyer vos propositions de contribution (environ 300... more
Verfahren, die Menschen anwenden, um eigenes wie fremdes Verhalten zu lenken, zu führen und zu regieren (Foucault), sind eng an die Subjektkonstitution sowie an Sprache, Diskurse und Leiterzählungen geknüpft. Die Studie analysiert die... more