21st Century German Literature

91 papers
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21st Century German Literature refers to literary works produced in Germany and German-speaking regions from the year 2000 onwards, characterized by diverse themes, styles, and genres that reflect contemporary societal issues, cultural shifts, and the impact of globalization, often exploring identity, migration, and technology.
Seit der Uraufführung 2012 in der Box des Deutschen Theaters begeistert das collagenhafte Kammerspiel deutschlandweit das Theaterpublikum. Drei Generationen jüdischer Frauen verhandeln in hitzigen Gesprächsfetzen und persönlichen... more
Beginning in the mid-1980s, and especially after the reunification of Germany, a new wave of German-Jewish literature began to emerge. Written primarily by second-and third-generation self-identified Jewish authors, most of whom were... more
What does it mean to be human in the 21st century? This profound question lies at the heart of Austrian author Olga Flor’s blog-novel "Ich in Gelb" (2015, "Me in Yellow"), a light-hearted yet intricately composed narrative about a... more
This article analyzes Sasha Marianna Salzmann’s debut novel "Außer sich" (2017) from a postidentitarian and intersectional approach. In particular, it examines how the text challenges and deconstructs traditional concepts of subjectivity... more
Der Beitrag präsentiert Bodo Kirchhoffs Annäherung an eine dokumentarische Schreibweise in seinem autobiographischen Roman Dämmer und Aufruhr. Roman der frühen Jahre (2018). Im Zentrum des Interesses steht seine experimentelle... more
Exactitude and Truth between Science and Literature : Norm and Critique of Late 18 th Century Dialectics in Daniel Kehlmann's Die Vermessung der Welt (2005) • This research examines the relationship between scientific and humanistic... more
In the last two decades, flight and expulsion have emerged as critical topics in contemporary German literature and culture, with authors exploring narrative modes in literary texts that open transnational perspectives. Reinhard Jirgl’s... more
Gabrielle Eckart Schrappel: Geschichten und Gedichte. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2023, 194 Seiten.
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Das Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzulässig und strafbar. Das gilt... more
Über die Bedeutung des geistigen Erbes von 68 wird 50 Jahre später trefflich gestritten. Mögen die politischen Ideen des Aufbruchs und das daran anknüpfende Handeln heute für Kontroversen sorgen, so erfreut sich hingegen der Sound der... more
The essay attempts to point out the benefits of reading Peter Sloterdijk's works from the perspective of German studies. In the course of the paper, Sloterdijk is introduced in his various individual roles. First, his early steps in... more
The article investigates the solidarity between minority groups as a catalyst of literary capital. Tomer Gardi’s novel Broken German (2016) was viewed enthusiastically by literary critics as a bold political statement, since it entertains... more
Die Pandemie hat die performativen Künste grundlegend verändert: Theatersäle wurden umgebaut, digitale und hybride Performance-Formate erfunden, Konzerte gestreamt, Quarantäne-Videos produziert und neue Möglichkeiten der... more
The present paper examines the innovative narrative strategies and forms of intertextuality in the novel Selbst (2016) by Suhrkamp pop author Thomas Meinecke. After briefly presenting the plot, the character interactions and narrative... more
This is a repository copy of Re-articulations of German-Jewish Identity in Adriana Altaras's titos brille and Dmitrij Kapitelman's Das Lächeln meines unsichtbaren Vaters.
de Greeff, Amour et crimes d'amour. 12 Vgl. die Darstellung bei Mendelsohn, Origin of Victimology, wonach er bereits 1937 bei seiner anwaltlichen Tätigkeit in Rumänien viktimologische Studien angestellt haben will. Biographisches zu... more
La lectura de la literatura clásica en los niveles de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y de Bachillerato es un tema que se viene tratando desde hace mucho tiempo y sobre el que han expresado su opinión, a favor o en contra, los diferentes... more
Verfahren, die Menschen anwenden, um eigenes wie fremdes Verhalten zu lenken, zu führen und zu regieren (Foucault), sind eng an die Subjektkonstitution sowie an Sprache, Diskurse und Leiterzählungen geknüpft. Die Studie analysiert die... more
Marking the end of the East German state and a turning point in German history, the events of 1989 and 1990 have provided an opportunity for taking a critical look at research results in literature scholarship and other disciplines.... more
The 32nd bibliography of 724 volumes added to Washington University Libraries' Mike Lützeler Contemporary German Literature Collection. All published in 2018, these acquisitions include novels, poetry, short story collections, essays,... more
The 31st bibliography of 828 volumes added to Washington University Libraries' Contemporary German Literature Collection. All published in 2017, these acquisitions include novels, poetry, short story collections, essays,... more
This article discusses images of a "European" or "Wild" East in German poetry after 1989, specifically the work of Gerald Zschorsch, Kurt Drawert and Brigitte Oleschinski. Do their texts confirm or challenge a dichotomy with a long... more
In der deutschsprachigen Literatur der Gegenwart findet das zuvor tabuisierte Thema ‚neurodegenerative Erkrankungen‘, das den globalen demografischen Wandel indiziert, nach der Jahrtausendwende insbesondere als Demenz-Erzählung Beachtung.... more
This article discusses images of a "European" or "Wild" East in German poetry after 1989, specifically the work of Gerald Zschorsch, Kurt Drawert and Brigitte Oleschinski. Do their texts confirm or challenge a dichotomy with a long... more
Sally Perel is a German-Jewish author and Holocaust survivor. During WW2, he tried to protect himself by camouflaging as an 'Arian' member of the Hitler Youth, thereby leading a double life as a perpetrator and victim in one person. In... more
This paper asks what has become of the distinctive tradition of GDR landscape poetry since reunification. It examines the representation of the physical changes which have come over the East German landscape in the work of older and... more
Professor in the Humanities. The Center promotes teaching and research of modern German literature through the University Libraries' Contemporary German Literature Collection. The largest of its kind in North America, this distinctive... more
The Max Kade Center for Contemporary German Literature was founded in 1984 at Washington University in St. Louis by Paul Michael Lützeler, Rosa May Distinguished University Professor in the Humanities. The Center promotes teaching and... more
The new Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für Kinder-und Jugendliteraturforschung (Yearbook of the German Children's and Young Adult Literature Research Society) is online! It succeeds the print annual journal Kinder-und Jugendliteraturforschung,... more
It is my firm belief that the period in which an author lived is of crucial importance 1 Heinrich Böll was born in Cologne on 21 December 1917, the youngest of six children. The German Kaiser was still in power, the First World War was... more
The essay demonstrates how the narratological theories developed in the field of literary studies can accomplish a better comprehension of journalistic narratives. As they have to accommodate the principles of journalism, these narratives... more
Seiltanz. Beiträge zur Musik der Gegenwart (hrsgg. v. Mathias Lehmann, Peter Jänisch et al.), Heft 22, 04/2021.
Journées d’étude jeunes chercheur.e.s à l’École normale supérieure Paris les 21 et 22 mai 2021 avec le soutien financier du DAAD (Office allemand d’échanges universitaires). Merci d’envoyer vos propositions de contribution (environ 300... more
Andreas Altmann fa parte della generazione dei poeti tedeschi che ha visto la caduta del muro e ha messo piede nel secondo millennio. Nasce nel 1963 a Hainichen, in Sassonia, vicino a Lipsia dove si trasferisce a metà degli anni ottanta... more
Maxim Biller schreibt seit dreißig Jahren an einem Werk, dessen Vielstimmigkeit in der deutschsprachigen Literatur nach 1945 ohne Vorbild ist. Sein bisheriges Werk umfasst diverse Gattungen, Stil- und Tonlagen – vom großen Zeitroman über... more