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This dissertation explores the rich Sephardic Art Song repertoire. It comprises a geographical and historical overview of the Sephardim; an introduction of the Ladino (Judeo-Espagnol) language; a musical overview of traditional Sephardic... more
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      20th/21st Century Vocal musicSephardic StudiesSephardi/Mizrahi StudiesArt Song
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      Early MusicContemporary MusicOpera,Choral And Vocal Music20th/21st Century Vocal music
Performance: The doctrine you desire, absolute, perfect, dogma that alone provides wisdom, does not exist. Nor should you long for a perfect doctrine.... Rather, you should... more
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      MusicPianoStrings, Harp, And GuitarSongwriting
In The 21st-Century Voice: Contemporary and Traditional Extra-Normal Voice, Michael Edward Edgerton considers contemporary vocal techniques within an acoustic and anatomical framework. Throughout, he proposes new directions for vocal... more
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      AcousticsMusicPerforming ArtsComposition (Music)
Term paper submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course on  Proseminar Music 20th Century as part of the DMA in Choral Conducting at the University of Alabama
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      Music History20th/21st Century Vocal music20th Century Music20th/21st Century Orchestral Music
The lecture aims to present an overview of 20th century Brazilian vocal music, focusing on art song, folk and popular song and also choral music. To examine these distinct genres of vocal music, we analyse the song as the locus of... more
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      Opera,Choral And Vocal Music20th/21st Century Vocal musicChoral MusicBrazilian Music
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      Latin American Music20th/21st Century Vocal musicSacred MusicContemporary Art Music
This paper examines the aesthetic impetus for Milton Babbitt’s rhythmic systems of composition and his use of complex rhythmic strata. The author examines the history of two of Babbitt’s early works including synthesizer with live... more
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      Music HistoryComposition (Music)Electroacoustic MusicAnalysis of Electroacoustic Music
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      MusicologyRussian Music20th/21st Century Vocal music20th/21st Century Orchestral Music
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      MusicMusicologyNineteenth-Century MusicTwentieth-century Music
Il ruolo di Claude Debussy nella nascita del flauto del Novecento
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      Music EducationMusical TheatreMusic and LanguageComposition (Music)
African-American pianist and composer John Daniels Carter (1932Carter ( -1981 is widely recognized for his Cantata for voice and piano (also arranged for voice and orchestra), Carter's only published work. However, relatively little... more
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      Opera,Choral And Vocal Music20th/21st Century Vocal musicAfrican-American MusicArt Song
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      12-tone CompositionOpera and classical music in film20th/21st Century Vocal musicEarly 20th-century Music
Nicht nur für das Theater geschriebene Musik verfügt über eine theatrale Schicht. Diese nicht als etwas der Musik Hinzugefügtes, sondern als etwas genuin Musikalisches zu begreifen, ist das Hauptanliegen dieses Buches. Der zweite... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyMusic TheaterAutobiography
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      Orchestral ConductingEarly MusicMusic EducationMusic History
Il mistero pastorale delle Chansons de Bilitis
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      MusicMusicology20th/21st Century Vocal musicEarly 20th-century Music
Sed Libera Nos a Mari (Ma liberaci dal Mare) is a composition for mixed choir (16 voices, S3S3A4T4BB) dedicated to migrants who die crossing the "Mare Nostrum".
Lyrics from "Katabtu Fawqa ar-Rih" by Nizar Qabbani.
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      Arabic LiteratureMigrant LiteratureSyriaContemporary Music
For a complete performance recording see: A work for thee unaccompanied voices - male or female - that are low, medium, and high. Work premiered by Quince Ensemble in March, 2022. Text... more
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      MusicAtheismComposition (Music)Gay And Lesbian Studies
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      Italian Music20th/21st Century Vocal music20th and 21st-Century MusicLuigi Dallapiccola
Cataloguing the musical compositions of Robert Murrell Stevenson (3 July 1916, Melrose, New Mexico - 22 December 2012, Los Angeles, CA; musicologist, hispanist, educator, composer and pianist), in the legacy of his library (1993) at the... more
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      Latin American StudiesAmerican StudiesMusicMusicology
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      MusicologyElectronic MusicOpera,Choral And Vocal Music20th/21st Century Vocal music
Este es mi Trabajo de Final de Máster, valorado con Sobresaliente por el comité evaluador de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Utilizando como punto de partida el Ciclo de Música Judía op. 79 de Shostakovich, se realiza una reflexión... more
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      MusicMusicologyJewish StudiesCultural Musicology
The starting point of this paper is György Kurtág's ambivalent relationship to the stage and to the musical theatre. On the one hand, we have the prohibition of theatrical gestures and the commandment to express everything by purely... more
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      Musical TheatreTheatre StudiesLiterature and MusicMusic Theater
This chapter draws on an interview with mezzo-soprano Lotte Latukefu, an Australian of Tongan heritage, to discuss the preparation and performances of Daragang Magayon Cantata by Bruce Crossman. The interview revealed cultural,... more
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      Reflective PracticeContemporary MusicPerformance Practice20th/21st Century Vocal music
Avant-garde vocalist, composer, and music critic, Joan La Barbara occupied a central role in late twentieth-century American experimentalism. Her early musique concrète piece Cathing (1977) features both her voice and that of Cathy... more
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      Music CriticismCultural MusicologyElectronic Music20th/21st Century Vocal music
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      MusicologyMusical TheatreTheatre StudiesPerformativity
Ensayo en torno al papel de las estrellas del canto como referentes axiales para la reconfiguración de la tradición lírica decimonónica en una nueva cultura de masas durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX en España. (Dosier sobre "La... more
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      Popular MusicPop CultureHistory of Popular MusicPhonography
The recent loss of composer Robert Ashley (1930–2014) prompted in some of us a grab-bag of reflections – private but perhaps peculiarly shareable. My first encounter with Ashley's music was when I was working in college radio in Chicago.... more
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      Creative WritingPost Modern LiteratureMusicMusicology
Comisiynwyd gan Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yn y Bala yn 2009, cyfansoddwyd y gwaith hwn i'w berfformio ar y cyd â gosodiad celf Christine Mills dan yr un teitl. Mae'n adwaith cerddorol i'r traddodiad Cerdd Dant. Commissioned by the... more
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      Chamber MusicComposition (Music)Contemporary Music20th/21st Century Vocal music
В тезах висвітлюються деякі стилістичні, виразні та вокально-технічні особливості сучасного естрадного вокального мистецтва та вплив фольклору, джазу, соулу, ритм-н-блюзу та кантрі на становлення його засобів виразності.
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      Contemporary Art20th/21st Century Vocal musicVocal performance
Relato das práticas musicais desenvolvidas durante 35 anos junto ao Coro Feminino Cantares: ensino de técnica vocal, escolha de repertório, dinâmicas de ensaio e uso de aplicativos musicais. No texto, esses assuntos são relacionados à... more
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      Voice (Music)Opera,Choral And Vocal Music20th/21st Century Vocal musicClassical Vocal Technique
Arranjo para trio masculino, Tenor, Barítono e Baixo, e violão para "Num cantinho qualquer", bossa nova de Zininho.
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      20th/21st Century Vocal musicOrchestration and ArrangingVocal PolyphonyMúsica Popular Brasileira
International Conference
Akademia Muzyczna im. Feliksa Nowowiejskiego w Bydgoszczy
November 26th-28th, 2019
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      MusicMusicology20th/21st Century Vocal music
Rebecca Saunders’ Komposition »Skin« fokussiert jenen Bereich, in dem die Stimme sowohl klangliches Erzeugnis als auch Kennzeichen des sie hervorbringenden Körpers ist und damit den Ort des Übergangs von der Physis in den Klang markiert.... more
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      MusicologyBreath - Body - VoiceContemporary Music20th/21st Century Vocal music
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      Contemporary MusicOpera,Choral And Vocal Music20th/21st Century Vocal musicChoral Music
The music of Salvatore Sciarrino’s opera Luci mie traditrici (1996-98) is based on the continuous (re-)combination and metamorphosis of vocal and instrumental »modules« – short musical elements that can be very flexibly cross-related and... more
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      Musical Semiotics20th/21st Century Vocal musicMusical Syntax
Britten turned forty years of age in 1953 and, like most of us, this landmark no doubt gave him cause for pause, reflection and a stocktake of his life, work and mortality. The success generated by the London premiere of Peter Grimes in... more
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      Benjamin Britten20th/21st Century Vocal musicArt Song
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      Contemporary MusicOpera,Choral And Vocal Music20th/21st Century Vocal musicChoral Music
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      Creative WritingPost Modern LiteratureMusicMusicology
Рецензия на концерт к столетию композитора, состоявшийся 7 ноября 2019 г. в Санкт-Петербурге. Исполнители: Ефим Черный и Сюзанна Гергус (Кишинев)
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      MusicologyYiddishContemporary Music20th/21st Century Vocal music
Η ιδιαίτερα μικρή έκταση που καταλαμβάνει η σύνθεση φωνητικής μουσικής στο έργο του Νίκου Σκαλκώτα, καθιστά ιδιαίτερα ενδιαφέρουσα την ερευνητική ενασχόληση με το εμβληματικότερο δείγμα της, τα 16 Τραγούδια για μεσόφωνο και πιάνο,... more
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      Musicology20th/21st Century Vocal musicHistorical MusiclogyModern Greek Art Music
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      Contemporary MusicOpera,Choral And Vocal Music20th/21st Century Vocal musicLuca Marenzio
For performance recording with score-video see: Jordan Alexander Key (b. 1990): "Meditation after the Death of Stephen Hawking," trio for soprano, flute, double bass, and fixed media on digital... more
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      MusicChamber MusicMusic HistoryMusicology
European history has rarely met changes as rapid, dense and radical as those that have taken place in the regions of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire over the past hundred years. This cultural area has experienced political conflicts,... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusic HistoryIdentity (Culture)20th/21st Century Vocal music
Neste artigo, apresentamos dois exemplos do tratamento composicional da direcionalidade de leitura encontrados no repertório coral brasileiro do século XX que faz uso da notação não tradicional. A partir de metodologia que incluiu... more
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      Notation (Music)20th/21st Century Vocal musicChoral MusicBrazilian Music
The final article in this volume turns to a more conventionally understood expression of Antisemitism, the Holocaust. However, Galit Gertsenzon contributes a perspective often overlooked when people think about Jewish responses to... more
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      MusicAntisemitism (Prejudice)20th/21st Century Vocal musicEarly 20th-century Music