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Publication des actes de ce colloque consacré à Corot, dont j’étais avec V. Pomarède le directeur scientifique pour la partie parisienne. Je suis le directeur de l’édition scientifique de cette première partie. -- LE PDF CONTIENT : -... more
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      Painting19th century France19th-Century French PaintingPeinture
"The Russian Gérôme" – thus was Vereshchagin dubbed by English critics in 1872 and the comparison was repeatedly to be made by contemporaries. This article looks at where the two artists really do reveal similarities and at the... more
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      19th-Century French Painting19th- 20th- century Russian ArtOrientalism (Art History)19th Century Imperial Russian Turkestan
Today serial imagery dominates all forms of visual media, from advertising to conceptual sculpture. In this innovative project, the authors show that the phenomenon of repetition appears as a radical element in early modern painting, long... more
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      19th-Century French Paintinglate 19th century/early 20th century French painting
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      Portraiture19th-Century French PaintingFrench ImpressionismRealism
Carnet de dessins Description Le mu sée des Tissus conserve un carn et de dessins de la main de Jean-François Bo ny (17 54-1825), célèbre dessinateur de fabriqu e, brod eur, fab ricant d'étoffes de soie et peintre de fleurs, d ont la... more
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      EmbroideryDecorative Arts19th-Century French PaintingDecorative arts 19th century
In 1834, Anatoly Demidov gave Karl Brullov’s The Last Day of Pompeii to Nicholas I as a gift. The article interprets this incident in the context of Demidov’s complex relationship with the emperor, understood as an implicit polemic... more
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      Russian History19th-Century French PaintingRussian Art19th century Russian History
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      19th-Century French PaintingFrench ImpressionismEdouard ManetImpressionism
La produzione di Gauguin del 1890, stretta tra i capolavori bretoni come Il Cristo giallo, Visione dopo il sermone, Ondina e La bella Angèle (dell'anno prima) e la svolta tahitiana del 1891, ha ricevuto scarsa attenzione da parte della... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingCultural Transfer StudiesSymbolism
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      Oscar Wilde19th-Century French PaintingAubrey BeardsleyMedusa
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryVisual AnthropologyVisual Culture
Google Arts & Culture ofrece una serie de recursos interactivos que pueden ser utilizados para la mejora de la docencia en Historia del Arte. A través del presente texto mostramos la aplicación que dicha plataforma ha tenido en nuestras... more
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      Art HistoryDidacticsHistory of Art19th-Century French Painting
Ouvrage présentant l’œuvre peint de Corot d’une manière thématique pour faire pendant au catalogue de l’exposition et à la monographie de V. Pomarède publiée en même temps. Ce dernier ouvre mon livre par une présentation du contexte... more
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      Landscape HistoryLandscape19th-Century French PaintingPaysage
Edgar Degas je bio francuski slikar koji je djelovao sedamdesetih godina 19. stoljeća. Djela s temom balerina najviše su bila zaslužna za njegovu popularnost. No, je li prikaz balerine uistinu predstavljao samo ljepotu te umjetnosti?... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistoryPainting
Este artigo pretende situar o pintor francês Jean-François Millet na tradição da pintura francesa considerando sua produção segundo a ótica da representação do trabalho campesino, estabelecendo alguns paralelos com o processo de... more
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      Art HistoryArt Criticism19th-Century French PaintingJEan Francois Millet
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      Reception Theory19th-Century French PaintingParisEdouard Manet
Text: Cours Elementaire- Unseen Influence: Romain-Julien and 19th C. Drawing Pedagogy By: E. Daniel Fogel ©2014 Illustration: “Cours Elementaire Profile Study, copy after Romain-Julien” Charcoal on paper 18" x 24” By: E. Daniel... more
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      ArtArt TheoryArts EducationIllustration
In 1832 Eugène Delacroix travelled to North Africa for six months as part of an official French mission, recording his encounter in numerous drawings and notebooks. I argue that these drawings differ from his other orientalist imagery,... more
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      Gender StudiesRomanticismFrench StudiesEarly Modern History
В 1830-е гг. в творчестве Поля Делароша складывается историческая картина нового типа. Для понимания специфики этой картины ключевой является категория нарратива. В статье на избранных примерах обозначена модель повествования в... more
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      Historicism19th-Century French Painting19th-Century Art
Im Pariser Salon von 1881 stellte Édouard Manet die Porträts zweier Männer aus, die als Hasardeure in der ganzen Stadt bekannt waren: Während das Bildnis des Schriftstellers, Journalisten und Politikers Henri Rochefort 1 (Kat. 47) jedoch... more
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      History of photography19th-Century French PaintingPainting, PhotographyEdouard Manet
Traduction en anglais de l’ouvrage paru dans la collection Découvertes Gallimard. Une édition britannique et une édition américaine. -- POUR CITER CE LIVRE : G. de Wallens, Corot. The poetry of landscapes (New horizons), Londres et... more
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      Landscape HistoryLandscape19th-Century French PaintingCorot
New interpretation of van Gogh's painting Pair of Shoes, which was discussed by Heidegger, Schapiro and Derrida.
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      Philosophy of ArtMartin HeideggerJacques Derrida19th-Century French Painting
Η δημιουργία της σύγχρονης μεγαλούπολης και του σύγχρονου αστικού τρόπου ζωής είναι αποτέλεσμα κοινωνικών, πολιτισμικών και οικονομικών αλλαγών, που διαδραματίζονται ήδη από τις αρχές του 19 ου αιώνα, και συνδέονται με την αστικοποίηση,... more
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      European HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistorySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Dans le cadre de la sixième séance de l'Atelier du XIX e siècle « La culture visuelle du XIX e siècle : high and low », cette intervention propose une étude de cas représentatif consacré à l'évolution iconographique de la Bacchante dans... more
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      RomanticismNineteenth Century StudiesNineteenth-Century MusicGreek Myth
Presentación de la charla sobre el pintor Eugène Delacroix, sexta y última entrega del ciclo de charlas "Grandes pintores del Romanticismo europeo", celebrado en mayo-julio de 2015 en el Museo del Romanticismo de Madrid.
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      Romanticism19th-Century French PaintingPedagogía De La Historia Del ArteHistoria del Arte
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      Art History19th-Century French PaintingPeintureHistoire de la Peinture
En este ciclo de charlas "¿Y después, qué?" (octubre-diciembre 2015) del Museo del Romanticismo, se analizan los movimientos pictóricos del siglo XIX posteriores al Romanticismo, y que heredaron en menor o menor medida su influencia. Esta... more
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      19th Century (History)19th-Century French PaintingPedagogía De La Historia Del ArteHistoria del Arte
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      Art HistoryReception TheoryNineteenth Century Academic PaintingArt Criticism
In the present study I aim to examine the condition of the fictional artist in Goncourt brothers’ "Manette Salomon" (1867) in the framework of the most recent studies on modernism in French literature. Also, I will reinterpret the... more
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      French LiteratureArt TheoryLiterary TheoryColour Theory
(version 2022-09-16) Alors que les Mille et Une Nuits ont diffusé une idée sublimée de l’Orient dans l’imaginaire occidental, les milieux intellectuels du XVIIIe siècle et les événements historiques du début du XIXe siècle ont développé... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtOrientalism in art19th-Century French Painting
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      Black/African DiasporaNineteenth-century ArtFrench art19th-Century French Painting
Victorien Sardou's Theodora (first staged in 1884) introduced mass audiences to Byzantium and literally created Byzantine realities for its spectators. This play was the most successful collaboration between Victorien Sardou and the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedieval HistoryLiteratureMedievalism
RENÉ PUAUX ET LE CHRONIQUE DE SA COLLECTION René Puaux (1878-1936), journaliste français d’une certaine renommée, nourrissait un grand amour pour la Grèce. Il a entreprit la collection des oeuvres d’art de la période de la Révolution... more
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      19th-Century French PaintingPhilhellenismPylosNavarino
Degas's Petite danseuse de quatorze-ans as an sculpture aporie
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      19th-Century French Painting19th Century French Art
This article offers an investigation of the motives behind Jean-Léon Gérôme’s foray into sculpture towards the end of his career. By way of an exploration of Gérôme’s treatment of the Pygmalion myth, so closely tied to artistic rivalry... more
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      Paragone19th-Century French PaintingThe Pygmalion mythJean-Leon Gérôme
The purpose of this project in computer vision is to expand my knowledge of digital image processing through a review of mathematical techniques used by academic researchers in the work in multi-dimensional — i.e., colour — images. A... more
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      Matlab19th-Century French PaintingHSVGeorges Seurat
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      French art19th-Century French PaintingHistory PaintingAcademic art
Гистав Моро је француски сликар симболизма који је стварао у другој половини XIX века. Теме и мотиви његових слика превасходно су преузети из античке историје и митологије. У његовом раду често се среће мотив хероја, којем Моро даје... more
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      19th century France19th-Century French PaintingMitology
s In the Waves (1889) in the Cleveland Art Museum evinces both his embrace and rejection of the academic tradition of painting women in the water ( . Salon entries abounded with nude women on the shore. While having the anonymity of... more
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      Gender StudiesArt HistoryWomen's StudiesSymbolism
in: Sandra Gianfreda (ed.): Praised and Ridiculed. French Painting 1820-1880, exhibition catalogue (Kunsthaus Zürich), Munich 2017, S. 32-43 u. 226-229.
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      Art HistoryReception TheoryNineteenth Century Academic PaintingNapoleonic Wars
Although duelling was considered a male monopoly, from time to time there have been women who defended their honour in single combat. However, the stories about them are often unreliable if not demonstrably fabricated. Some of these myths... more
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      History of Feminism19th-Century French PaintingHoax LiteratureDueling and Codes of Honor
In this article, I shall consider the newly resurgent and visible feminist movement in France, ca. 1878-80, as a context for understanding the sometimes ambiguous and much debated meanings of many of Edgar Degas's works of this period,... more
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      Art HistoryGenderFrench FeminismHistory of Art
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      19th-Century French PaintingFrench ImpressionismFrench Paintings
During Napoleon III’s Second Empire (1852 to 1870), Georges Haussmann renovated medieval Paris into a modern metropolis. This urban renewal, Haussmannization, impacted not only city infrastructure, but also the fine arts. Painters of the... more
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      19th-Century French PaintingFrench ImpressionismGustave CaillebotteHaussmannization
Monographie de poche. Je suis l’auteur de la partie documentaire et du texte qui a l’apparence de légendes des illustrations, mais qui est en réalité un discours complémentaire au corps du texte (23.000 exemplaires vendus). Modification... more
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      Landscape HistoryLandscape19th-Century French PaintingCorot
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      Spanish painting19th Century SpainSpain (History)19th-Century French Painting
In 1923 Frank Rinder, the international Felton Adviser for the National Gallery of Victoria, discovered a painting titled The wave (La vague) at Barbizon House in London. The work, which belongs to a series of marine pictures by the... more
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      19th-Century French PaintingGustave Courbet
Depicting the charged theme of a king’s imminent death, Delacroix’s work issued from a visual culture in which representation of the royal body was highly susceptible to attacks, slanderous interpretations, and seditious acts. The... more
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      Cultural HistoryCaricature (Visual Studies)Art HistoryFrench History
De la sfârșitul secolului al XVIII-lea până la începutul secolului XX, raportul dintre text și imagine pe pagina tipărită se modifică treptat. Delimitarea netă a neoclasicismului e abandonată pentru a face loc vinietei xilografiate 1 ,... more
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      French art19th Century French Literature19th-Century French PaintingBook Illustration
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      Italian artHistory of CollectionsItalian Renaissance Art16th Century Italian Art
Author: Luigi Gallo Year: 2017 Publisher: L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER Series: L'ErmArte, 19 ISBN: 978-88-913-1241-9 ISBN: 978-88-913-1243-7 (e-book) Binding: Paperback Pages: 356, 20 ill. B/N, 54 ill. Col., 35 tav. f.t Size: 17 x 24 cm... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryPaintingHistory of Art