In recent years, in the wake of protests by climate activists targeting artworks, many museums worldwide are seeking to redefine their role in an era of global warming. While current museological discourse primarily focuses on developing... more
[...] A exposição neoconcreta de março de 1959, viria ampliar nele essa divergência com a concepção concretista o que lhe permitiu voltar, já dentro de outra visão espacial, à exploração da cor, que o rigor concretista o fizera abandonar.... more
This is my review of Andy Warhol's BLUE MOVIE, a film with an explicit scene of sexual intercourse, which was seized by the Manhattan District Attorney and, as far as I know, never again screened in a theater.
Jean-Jacques Tatin-Gourier-La lanterne magique: pluralité des imaginaires et des formes d'écriture. < < "; ("' Cathenne Velay-V allantin-Les contes mis en scèrie pour la lanterne magique. ... Ségolène Le Men-• La lanterne magique de Fr.... more
de mehr Entfremdung Kunst leistet, desto mehr entbehrt sie des Umgangs mit Unerwartetem, ist letztlich altbekannt - und muss erst wieder verfremdet werden, um unerwartet zu wirken.
Mit Beitragen von Hans Ulrich Reck, Kendy Garcia Puyen, Solveig Klasen, Luis Negron van Grieken, Beate Gutschow, Tobias Hartmann, Milica Lopicic
This expansive new body of work comprises of sculpture, animation, installation and this publication, in graphic novel format, written in collaboration with Esther Leslie. We are taken on a journey of lactic abstractions, through the webs... more
Confrontation is Revolution: Figurative Pop and Kitsch as Reclamation in the Work of Rosalyn Drexler
In Eros Presumptive, Lucy Lippard argues how “ would seem that an audience visually sophisticated enough to appreciate and times prefer non-objective works of arts as concrete objects in themselves, rather than associative... more
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das künstlerische Werk von Francis Alӱs auf "Strategien des Unproduktiven" sowie auf das Verhältnis zwischen Arbeit und Nicht-Arbeit. Unproduktivität wird hier auf zweifache Weise verstanden:... more
The SAMMLUNG VERBUND collection was founded in 2004 by VERBUND. It aspires to uniquely position itself, both nationally and internationally, in the area of contemporary art and to create an unmistakable identity. Maxim: The collection's... more
Nous sommes aujourd'hui conscients de la possibilité de façonner l'environnement humain entier comme une oeuvre d'art ».-Marshall McLuhan, Le medium est le MASSAGE Le dadaïsme a entamé ce que, à travers l'interprétation de l'essaimage de... more
Sommario-Il Landfill Mining (LFM) è una tecnologia di intervento su discariche poco utilizzata in Italia; tuttavia, con il diffondersi del concetto di economia circolare, il LFM potrebbe trovare nuovo slancio, dal momento che consente di... more
From the Body of Ruin to the Ruin of Body: On Materiality and the Iranian New Wave Cinema, 1960–1979
The expansion of the temporality of destruction across the ages means opening the door to another form of allegorical arrangement, that of the slow destruction, the decay. Differentiated from abrupt "destruction by man," the decay (in a... more
This feature article details the history of Dwellings (1981), Charles Simonds's permanent installation for the Whitney Museum's former home on Madison avenue, completed by Marcel Breuer in 1965. In showing how Simonds's work slyly... more
Katalog retrospektivne izložbe "Đorđe Ivačković: Gest u belom kvadratu", Muzej savremene umetnosti, Novi Sad, 2014. Organizacija: Galerija RIMA, MSUV Autori i kustosi izložbe / autori tekstova u katalogu: dr Ješa Denegri, Nevena... more
Autoritratto paraît en Italie en 1969 (De Donato, Bari). Traduit par Autoportrait, il est publié pour la première fois en France en 2012 1. C'est un livre exceptionnel tant dans sa forme que dans son contenu qui doit être considéré comme... more
Mit Beiträgen von Karin Michalski, Lilian Haberer, Faubel & Jendreiko, Thomas Hawranke, Andreas Henric
in: Jae Kyung Kim (ed.), ein Buch in Form einer Ausstellung, Berlin:, 2021, pp. 18-25 (German: pp. 7-17). Das Programm der Berliner Künstler*innenbuch-Plattform einBuch.Haus beruhte in den Jahren 2018 -2021 auf einer so... more
Pratiche di autorappresentazione nella fotografia italiana contemporanea.
This talk introduces the art of Renate Bertlmann by way of her discomfiting performances as a "pregnant bride." If these can be seen, as the artist suggests, as a restaging of Bertolt Brecht's comedy Die Hochzeit (The Marriage, 1919),... more
Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der Frage, wie die zeitgenössische polnische und russische Literatur von Frauen das Problem der Abtreibung darstellt. Diskutiert werden zwei literarische Fallbeispiele - »Ślad po mamie« (Spur einer Mutter,... more
The paper examined the work of Franki Raffles (1955-1994), a feminist social documentary photographer, drawing on research from The Raffles Archive Project which gathered together Raffles’ complete photographic practice, together with her... more
Seit dem Ende der 1960er Jahre setzt innerhalb der konzeptuellen Kunsttendenzen eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem neuen Paradigma der Informationsgesellschaft ein. Vorstellungen von den neuen elektronischen Kommunikationssystemen finden... more
This expansive new body of work comprises of sculpture, animation, installation and this publication, in graphic novel format, written in collaboration with Esther Leslie. We are taken on a journey of lactic abstractions, through the webs... more
La merde, dans le domaine de la recherche en sciences humaines, est pour ainsi dire à la mode-voir, par exemple, Fecal Matters in Early Modern Literature and Art, sous la direction de Je Persels et Russell Ganim (2004); Cacaphonies: The... more
This paper examines three exhibitions at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam that are related through their ludic art and exhibition tactics: Die Welt als Labyrinth (1960, canceled before it opened), Bewogen Beweging (1961), and Dylaby... more
In Bochner Boetti Fontana (Cold Spring, NY: Magazzino Italian Art, 2021), 40–47. Exh. cat.
Walter De Maria's creation, The Lightning Field, differs from other works of land art in a profound way: The Lightning Field has been designed as an experience with ritual-like qualities. De Maria has made a space and an order of... more
Catálogo da exposição Panorama da arte brasileira - MAM/SP
Aucune étude française n’analyse de manière aussi approfondie la presse espagnole d’opposition à Franco au cours de la période 1966-1982 que l’ouvrage d’Isabelle Renaudet, ancienne membre de la Casa de Velázquez et actuellement maître de... more
Norbert Jocks in Kunstforum seine kuratorischen Verfahren: "Es sind auch dramaturgische Einfälle, mit denen ich der Ausstellung einen anderen Atem gebe." 1 Den Atem-Begriff hatte er schon einmal im selben Jahr in einem Interview mit der... more
Exhibition booklet accompanying Nancy Holt: Massachusetts at UMass Dartmouth. November 11, 2021-January 23, 2022
Direktor der Philagraphica 2010, eines Stadtestivals in Philadelphia, das der zeitgenössischen Druckgrafikkunst gewidmet ist, est. "Zwischen Video und Druck besteht ein demokratisches Gleichgewicht," ügte Julien Robson, Kurator ür... more
The purpose of this critical article is to analyse how and why the artist Heidi Bucher united built space, body and time through Häutungen (Skinnings). By charting her personal life, it has enabled me to recognise notable changes in her... more
This essay focuses on the increasingly short-circuited relationship between art, criticism and publicity in French-speaking countries in the 1960s. Zooming in on the case study of the exhibition catalogue to Marcel Broodthaers' solo-show... more