17th Century French Baroque Artist Nicolas Poussin
Recent papers in 17th Century French Baroque Artist Nicolas Poussin
Review of the exhibition "Peupler les cieux. dessins pour les plafonds parisiens au XVIIème siècle" at the Musée du Louvre
I consider how masculinity and femininity operated in the household of Cassiano dal Pozzo and use women’s correspondence from Cassiano's mother and sister to interpret Poussin’s 'Mars and Venus' in Boston.
I explore the analysis of painterly marks in the Social History of Art particularly in the works of T. J. Clark and Thomas Crow
Nicolas Poussin meurt à Rome le 19 novembre 1665. Il demande à être enterré avec la plus complète humilité et de manière anonyme. Cela n’empêche pas ceux qui l’admirent de chercher à fonder et transmettre la mémoire du peintre par un... more
Une scénographie et une muséographie renouvelées Chantal ROUQUET 7 TROYES. Musée des Beaux-arts Six siècles de peintures -de Giotto à Corot -à redécouvrir au musée Olivia VOISIN 10 ORLÉANS. Musée des Beaux-arts La refonte d'un parcours... more
Poussin's landscapes that have been characterised as stoic, and therefore secular in the eyes of some scholars, do, in fact, deal with specifically Christian themes. This chapter will in part develop new research on Christian themes in... more
Parigi, per l'impagabile disponibilità. Mentre il saggio attendeva di essere pubblicato è scomparso Michael Kitson del Paul Mellon Center (Università di Yale, Londra), uno dei più autorevoli studiosi del Gellée che mi espose la sua... more
Between 1624 and about 1635, Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665) produced a series of mythological paintings that depict women looking at passive men. Read by modern commentators as a sign of the painter's fear of women, these pictures have... more
Dies beruht auf der dem dritten Buch von Ovids Metamorphosen, in welchem zu lesen ist: "Kadmus entsandte unbewaffnete Diener mit Krügen um Wasser zu suchen. Sie fanden eine Quelle, störten aber dabei ein Schlangenungeheuer auf "Sie mordet... more
Il s'agit de montrer le passage de la "grande bacchanale" à la petite ou fête galante.
Somos como el pastor de túnica roja del que solo se puede observar medio cuerpo. Aquel que, sorprendido, parece preguntar a una presencia superior por un misterio que no logra comprender. Como él, nos enfrentamos a una imagen enigmática.... more
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Nicolas Poussin's Tancred and Erminia centres on a woman's gaze. In its reference to noblewomen watching jousting knights, a motif present in the source poem, I argue that the format of the painting drew on ritualized practices of... more
Abstraction et Liberté
The abridged version of Leonardo’s Treatise on Painting, disseminated between 1570 and 1630, mostly in Florence, Milan and Rome, is published by the French Royal Printing in 1651, in Italian and in French. A sumptuous graphic... more
The objective of this “Master’s thesis” is to study a painting by Alessandro Bonvicino, better known as Moretto da Brescia (c. 1498-1554): Portrait of Fortunato Martinengo Cesaresco, c. 1542, also known as “NG 299” - according to its... more
Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere riprodotta o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro senza l'autorizzazione scritta dei proprietari dei diritti e dell'editore.
On Poussin's Rape of the Sabines, Plague at Ashdod, and Blind Orion, with reference to the artist's ethical conception of pictorial representation and its relation to the history of science.
Będąca owocem benedyktyńskiej pracy i umiejętności pokonywania niebagatelnych trudności organizacyjnych, źródłowa monografia Barbary Hryszko wprowadza do obiegu naukowego sylwetkę znaczącego artysty, dotąd niemal zupełnie zapomnianego,... more
Nicolas Poussin's "Hannibal Crossing the Alps," long considered one of his earliest surviving works, is here recognized as a portrait of a historical elephant who visited Rome in 1630 and re-dated accordingly. The article tells the story... more
BARBARA HRYSZKO Alexandre Ubeleski (Ubelesqui): The Œuvre of the Painter and the Definition of his Style (pp. 226-280) Summary The purpose of this article is to identify the undisputed works of Alexandre Ubeleski (1649/1651–21 April... more
ARTÍCULOS 1) Viviana Suñol (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata) La educación musical en Aristóteles: su correspondencia con la vida mejor en el mejor régimen Resumen... more
Nel 2005 il Museo del Prado ha organizzato una * Desidero ringraziare Mario Epifani per l'aiuto ed i suggerimenti nella preparazione di questo testo.
Visual representations of plague offer rich insights into pre-modern conceptions of epidemic disease, including its presumed causes, consequences, and remedies, in the collective imaginary.1 This chapter examines a few key artworks made... more
in: Ekphrastic Image-making in Early Modern Europe, 1500–1700 (=Intersections. Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture 79), hrsg. von Arthur J. DiFuria und Walter S. Melion, Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2022, 370–409.
της έννοια, ταυτίστηκε με τις Καθολικές χώρες και ιδιαίτερα με την Ιταλία. Αποτέλεσε το κέντρο της παπικής εξουσίας σε όλη τη διάρκεια της Μεταρρύθμισης και της Αντιμεταρρύθμισης, και κατόρθωσε να παραμείνει ο σημαντικότερος... more
essay [composed 2002, notes of 2005]: begins with a close-up of Poussin's colourings in the 'Ordination' painting; segues to discussion of importance of seeing material practice, as against ignoring it in favour of subject-content & the... more
En 1989, dans Sens et Textualité, François Rastier écrivait « Les mots, les phrases et les textes sont encore dans les faits l'objet de disciplines distinctes que séparent des frontières académiques plutôt que scientifiques » (p. 5) et il... more
in Atti della giornata dedicata al volume Bernini in Francia. Il Journal de voyage du Cavalier Bernin en France de Paul de Chantelou, INHA, Parigi, 26 novembre 2007, pubblicati in «Confronto, ricerche di storia dell’arte europea », n.... more
La préparation du second volume du Catalogue raisonné des peintures italiennes du XVII e siècle du musée du Louvre 1) a permis d'identifier deux oeuvres importantes de Pierre de Cortone (1597-1669) et de Giovanni Francesco Romanelli... more
Acest articol analizează maniera în care asimilarea de către pictorul Nicolas Poussin a conceptelor și principiilor tradițiilor Ut pictura poesis și Ut rhetorica pictura (i.e. relațiile de omologie pictură / poezie și pictură / retorică)... more
Introduction to the patronage of the two sets of 'Sacraments' paintings -- Dal Pozzo, patron of the 1st set, in Poussin's studio, sees the unfinished underpainting for 'Extreme Unction' of the 2nd set, painted for Paul de Chantelou. Sir... more
This paper aims to examine some examples of Diego Velázquez’s oeuvre that could be interpreted as genre violations. From a metapictorial point of view, his Sevillian bodegones will be elucidated neither as “pictures of everyday life” nor... more
On Poussin's theory of representation and its relation of early Modern notions of Judaism—particularly the usefulness, for Poussin and others, of Judaism as a figure of literalist reading.
A study of Giovan Battista Marino's collection of drawing, his relationship with Nicolas Poussin, and Poussin's interactions with Peter Paul Rubens
These chapters examine the codes transmitted by Western artists to design the pose of Humanist figures in Classical and Renaissance art - specifically the figure's will and repose to express soul, life-likeness, and the passions. Types of... more