14C dating (Archaeology)
Recent papers in 14C dating (Archaeology)
A research question posed in the archaeological investigation of Site 20M723 in 2013 was whether the recovered culturally modified timber is associated with LaSalle's Le Griffon, lost in 1679. This paper summarizes the requirements of... more
Caia, João Gabriel. 2025. "A «Coleção do Hospital de Évora»: valorização arqueológica e de comunidade no Museu Nacional Frei Manuel do Cenáculo". In Cenáculo: Boletim Ilustrado, 1: 7-26. Abstract: During the 1960s, a group of workers from... more
CAST: Los paisajes aldeanos se construyen a partir de superposiciones materiales que se estratifican a través de largos periodos, pero tienden a caracterizarse desde una imagen que es el resultado final y acumula-do de heterogéneas... more
After 70 years we still have very little knowledge about the Epi-Paleolithic, Prepottery Neolithic (PPN), and Pottery Neolithic (PN) periods in the eastern Mazandaran plains. Unreliable excavation methods, the application of personal... more
This database in CSV-Format is a stand-alone version of the same (Excel-) database integrated in CalPal (Edition 2025.2). It contains 56031 dates for Europe & Near East and parts of West Asia. This database is intended for use (in terms... more
Göbekli Tepe is a unique site both in terms of its monumental architecture and the fact that it appears to be a memorial site, which together makes interpretation of the site particularly challenging and therefore especially interesting.... more
On the south coast of Peru, the famous geoglyphs carved into the desert surface of the Nasca region constitute a dominant feature in the prehistoric landscape. In a joint archaeological-geodetic project we used photogrammetry to map more... more
ABSTRACTRadiocarbon (14C) ages cannot provide absolutely dated chronologies for archaeological or paleoenvironmental studies directly but must be converted to calendar age equivalents using a calibration curve compensating for... more
Radiocarbon dating has become a standard method used to determine the absolute age of artifacts and features. In archaeology, the method is often used to confirm or refine an estimated chronology that was built up on archaeological and/or... more
Au gré de ses recherches dans le domaine de la protohistoire européenne, Eugène Warmenbol a été confronté à des objets du Néolithique qu’il a pris soin d’analyser en les propulsant à la pointe de l’actualité scientifique. Nous retiendrons... more
The fifth season of excavations of Oponice Castle in 2020 was located in the lower castle’s courtyard. The research led to discovery of an original clay floor being heavily burned with charred plank and a rectangular stone-brick... more
The Apocrypha were Jewish writings that were excluded from various compilations over the centuries.
Over the course of 150 years, a misinterpretation of time has developed an incorrect hypothesis and has become so established that it is considered a self-evident truth. After many years of historical research into the source and cause of... more
The key to understanding the hitherto difficult A.1123 and Chronicle 25 lines 19-21 is a noncanonical Babylonian king allied with Assyria, who overthrew Enlil-nādin-apli (lines 20-21) after he attacked Assyria (line 19), and was... more
Kehidupan manusia didunia merupakan anugrah dari Allah swt, dengan segala pemberiannya kepada manusia dapat menikmati segala kenikmatan yang bisa dirasakan oleh dirinya tetapi anugrah tersebut kadang kala manusia lupa akan dzat Allah Swt... more
Assyrian Inscriptions of Distanzangaben or 'designations of distance' are of significant interest to Assyriologists and Mesopotamian historians. The 289 years cited between Naplanum of the Larsa Dynasty and Samsu-iluna is reviewed
Assyrian Inscriptions of Distanzangaben or 'designations of distance' are of significant interest to Assyriologists and Mesopotamian historians. This review examines the 696 years cited for the period from Gulkishar to Nebuchadnezzar I.
Assyrian Inscriptions of Distanzangaben or 'designations of distance' are of intense interest to Assyriologists and Mesopotamian historians. This review looks at the period from Samsi-Adad I to Tiglath-Pileser I.
Assyrian Inscriptions of Distanzangaben or 'designations of distance' are of intense interest to Assyriologists and Mesopotamian historians. This review looks at the period from Shagarakti-Shuriash to Nabonidus regarding the Eulmas temple... more
Sejarah peradaban manusia adalah sejarah pencarian akan kebenaran. Dari filsafat kuno hingga ilmu pengetahuan modern, manusia terus berupaya memahami alam semesta dan tempat kita di dalamnya. Ilmu pengetahuan telah memberikan kita... more
The Pampas and Patagonia are the geographical representations of the nomadic forager societies in the Southern Cone of South America. These people lived almost exclusively by hunting, gathering and fishing, from their primary dispersal... more
The currently available astronomical evidence relevant for the absolute chronology of the late third and early second millennium BC has five independent parts: (a) OB Venus data linked to Ammis aduqa year 1 (b) OB month-lengths about 400... more
“Such representations … are found in the palace of Khorsabad, where the co-regent Sennacherib is facing king Sargon”.
Gerard Gertoux.
Gerard Gertoux.
In this paper, the theology of the ages at death is reviewed with special reference to the characters from the Old and New Testaments, the patriarchs and the prophets, apostles, and other significant characters. This paper aims to use an... more
The necropolis from Țițești (23 km northeast of Pitești) was one of the earliest discoveries that would furnish the distribution map of Fergile archaeological group. Rescue excavations were carried out there in the 60s and 70s of the last... more
: Two different archaeological entitities, the phase A of the Petrești culture and the Foeni cultural group were defined in the second half of the XXth century and, respectively in the first two decades of the XXIth century. At some point... more
Lokalizace a okolnosti výzkumu V červenci až listopadu roku 2000 proběhl v blízkosti Staroměstského náměstí záchranný archeologický výzkum, který provedlo archeologické oddělení PÚPP (dnes Státní památkový ústav v hl. m. Praze).... more
- by Jan Havrda
IZVLEÈEK-Dolga arheološka razprava o procesu neolitizacije Evrope se je, zahvaljujoè raziskavam stare DNK in drugim znanstvenim raziskavam, konèala v korist velikih migracij. Vzporedno so bile vzpostav ljene bolj robustne in na splošno... more
In his Ages in Chaos, I (Chapter 5: “Ras Shamra”), Dr. I. Velikovsky
elaborated upon his choice of the physically strong pharaoh, Amenhotep II,
for the biblical “Zerah the Ethiopian”.
elaborated upon his choice of the physically strong pharaoh, Amenhotep II,
for the biblical “Zerah the Ethiopian”.
A short presentation of how can timing to date the chronologies of the Near East using the Bible's chronology and solar eclipses.
Le 8e séminaire scientifique et technique de l’Inrap sera organisé par la direction scientifique et technique (DST) de l’Inrap, en partenariat avec le Laboratoire de Mesure du Carbone 14 (LMC14), plateforme nationale rattachée au... more
The supposed C3rd BC Greek mathematician, Archimedes, has been accredited with an invention that the neo-Assyrians were already using centuries before that time: the screw pump.
This paper presents Bronze Age settlement remains, which were discovered at the Slivnica 1B site before the construction of the A1 highway near Maribor in 1996 and 1997. Based on the analysis of finds discovered in the settlement pits, it... more
In western Romania, there exists a notable concentration of over 600 earthen mounds across approximately 320 distinct sites. These mounds, as indicated by archaeological scholarship, encompass a wide range of chronological periods and... more
Archeologiczny projekt NAHLA prowadzony jest na terenie Autonomicznego Regionu Kurdystanu w Iraku, w prowincji Duhok (Zbadanie strategii zasiedlania peryferyjnych mikroregionów irackiego Kurdystanu na przykładzie paleolitycznych i... more
“In the 9th year of Samsu-iluna's reign a man calling himself Rim-sin … and thought to perhaps be a nephew of the Rim-sin who opposed Hammurabi … raised a rebellion against Babylonian authority …”.
O cumprimento do acordo ortográfico de 1990 foi opção de cada autor. Os autores são responsáveis pelos seus originais, respeitando-se a sua autoria e não sendo responsável a editora por quaisquer elementos que, de alguma forma, possam... more
The Bidong shipwreck, discovered in 2012, is like a time capsule with much information. A total of 306 ceramics and some wood samples were recovered during the first (2017) and second (2022) phases of excavation. Three main dating... more
The study of the origin of underwater artefacts is a crucial and relevant topic to be highlighted, especially in the Southeast Asia Region, due to the active trading route during the Age of Sail. In the present study, we aim to discover... more
Es handelt sich um eine aktualisierte Fassung eines ursprünglich bereits 2017 publizierten Artikels. Sinngemäß gelten hier die in den einleitenden Anmerkungen des Feldforschungsberichtes „Siedlungsfunde der jüngeren Bandkeramimk und des... more