14C dating (Archaeology)
Recent papers in 14C dating (Archaeology)
The 19th century was an era of increasing mechanization and globalization, which transformed maritime networks and shipbuilding in and beyond the Mediterranean. Shipwrecks offer valuable physical evidence of such maritime connectivity and... more
A series of 50 AMS dates on charred cooking residues removed from the interiors of pottery sherds is reviewed. The sherds were recovered from many of the key sites and components used by Ritchie and Funk to create the Woodland Stage of... more
This archaeological report describes the excavation of a Mesolithic shore-bound settlement site in Tyresö, south of Stockholm, Sweden. At the time of occupation, between 10 000 and 9500 cal BP, the site was located on a tiny rock island.... more
Radiocarbon dates obtained for the coastal hilltop settlement of Aghios Antonios Potos in south Thasos are statistically treated to define the absolute chronology for the start and the end of the various habitation and cultural phases at... more
Archaeologically monitored topsoil stripping of the site of a waste water treatment works at Ballywilliam, Donaghadee, Co Down, led to the identification and excavation of a burnt mound and a number of associated pits. Some are... more
"The Hillforts of Strathdon Project explored the chronological relationships between the various hill-forts (Cook 2010). The aim was to undertake keyhole excavation, with local volunteers on a range of these sites to recover dating... more
Based on the Zsóa von Torma’s private collection, the early cultural stage, named Vinca-Turdas, of Vinca culture (phases A and B) was defined. Later, was proved that the Turdas site provide only elements contemporary to Vinca C phase... more
В работе обсуждается типология и хронология курганов с «усами» урало-казахстанских степей. Разнообразие архитектурных форм показывает, что данные памятники часто строились вблизи объектов более ранних эпох, что повлияло на их первичную... more
E-book version of the printed book "Archaeology and Ethnography of Forest and Wood." The Working Committee on Industrial Archeology and Archeometry of the Veszprém Academic Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – together with... more
Radiocarbon dates for the Early Bronze Age of Northern England are presented, these provide an independent chronology for the Collared Urns of the region together with associated Accessory Vessels and grave goods. The results indicate... more
The pivotal date of 465 BCE for the death of Xerxes has been accepted by historians for many years without notable controversy. However, according to Thucydides, a historian renowned for his high chronological accuracy, Themistocles met... more
Historians consider the biblical account of the Deluge as a myth. However, this famous event occurred at the earliest times of recorded history (Sumerian King List). Today scientists believe in the last ice age called Pleistocene ending... more
"The traditional date of 1595 BCE for the destruction of Babylon by the Hittite king Mursili I is accepted by most historians for many years despite notable controversies. This pivotal date is considered crucial to the various... more
The "Dark Ages" during which there are few or no written records are common in history and can even last for several centuries as the Greek Dark Ages (1200-750). They are a major obstacle to get an accurate reconstruction of ancient... more
The legends on sherds from the archaeological site Tissamaharama in southern Sri Lanka are presented and their contents examined with regard to the composition of laypeople and Buddhist clerics from the late 3rd century BC onwards. The... more
The traditional date of 701 BCE for Sennacherib's campaign to Judah, with the siege of Lachish and Jerusalem and the Battle of Eltekeh, is accepted by historians for many years without notable controversy. However, the inscription of... more
The traditional date of 945 BCE to anchor the beginning of the 22nd dynasty, as set forth by K.A. Kitchen, was accepted by Egyptologists for many years without notable controversy. However, this pivotal date is based on the biblical... more
please refere to: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus-168688 This essay presents an attempt to fix the development of ceramics in Central Europe during the first half of the 5th millennium with absolute dates. This relates... more
Rössener Kultur (4700 – 4400) Referat im Kompaktproseminar Am 5. 12. 2007 vorgetragen von Manfred Bundschuh Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität Köln Inhalt: Seite •1. Zur Forschungsgeschichte 1 •2.... more
Vor-und Frühgeschichte, Frühmittelalterarchäologie Institution:
The objective of this study was to develop, test and evaluate a specifically defined interdisciplinary approach—the human-centred approach—as applied to a case study, Iron Age Öland. Four themes were selected to highlight different... more
Recent fieldwork in the main excavation area at Göbekli Tepe has focused on the excavation of deep soundingsto reach the natural bedrock in preparation for the construction of a shelter, urgently required for the protection of the exposed... more
Krus, Anthony M. 2016 The Timing of Precolumbian Militarization in the U.S. Midwest and Southeast. American Antiquity 81(2):375-388. Bayesian chronological modeling is used to investigate the chronology of bastioned palisades during the... more
Archaeologically monitored topsoil stripping at the site of Oakgrove Integrated College, Gransha, Co Londonderry, in 2002 led to the identification and investigation of a number of archaeological sites, including two areas of Early... more
Dans cette étude, nous proposons une analyse critique des différentes phases de constructions et d’occupations des secteurs résidentiels et cérémoniels de Tiwanaku. La méthodologie employée se focalise exclusivement sur des... more
Investigations in the 1960s and 1970s showed the Irvine site (CA-ORA-64) to be among the oldest shell middens known from the Pacific Coast of North America. The site chronology, based on conventional analysis of mixed shell samples... more
Abstract – The Mesolithic-Neolithic bog site Friesack 4 in Brandenburg (Germany) reveals the most detailed stratigraphy from the Mesolithic in Europe known so far. From 100 Mesolithic layers – covering a time span of approx. 3200 years –... more
La arqueología es una ciencia que permite, por medio de los vestigios naturales de las épocas pasadas, comprobar datos históricos y sustentar los datos prehistóricos, obteniendo así el conocimiento de las artes, técnicas y modos de vida... more
Die Idee, diese Ausstellung zu organisieren, entstand bei einem Gespräch im Kaffeehaus nach einem festlichen Anlass. Am 24. April 2007 wurde meinem Freund László Horváth, einem Archäologen aus Zala, eine Festschrift zu seinem 60.... more
This paper synthesizes the currently available data on the radiocarbon chronology of the south-western Iberian Bronze Age. First, the bulk of c. 1000 existing dates for southern Iberian Late Prehistory is analysed, and its main issues... more
The volcanic mega event of the Minoan Santorini eruption constitutes a time anchor in the 2nd millennium BCE that is inherently independent of archaeology and political history. It was a geological event. Yet the dimension of time in... more