Satyagraha and Open Animal Rescue



What follows will be part argument and partly an exercise in attending to concepts. The first section will attempt to say something about Gandhi's concept of satyagraha, the second section will provide an outline of open animal rescue, and the final section will consider what we gain from associating the latter with the former. (A move which is familiar in some animal rights circles.) All three sections will also include a certain amount of 'thinking out loud'. I. Satyagraha Gandhi remains a key figure in the development of the concept of civil disobedience. However, he referred frequently to a rather different concept, satyagraha a conjunction of Gujurati terms that may be translated into English as 'truth-force' or 'love-force'. (Satya can mean truth or love or both but it is, above all, that which endures). His appeal to satyagraha represented the type of protest for which he served as a figurehead, as a spiritualized practice. Civil disobedience, in turn, was taken to be a branch of satyagraha, and so too was non-compliance. (Roughly, if I fail to buy a TV license because I disapprove of the emblems on the license then I am engaging in non-compliance. But if I then go out into the street and, in an otherwise peaceful manner, burn my old license I am engaging in civil disobedience.)