The Formation of the Talmud

2021, The Formation of the Talmud

Finally, I would like to recognize, and express my deepest thanks to, my true partner in this project, Adina Yoffie, my editor, without whom this dream would not have come to fruition. Her incisive questions, insightful advice, and invaluable edits really transformed my work. This book would not have become a reality, nor conveyed its message, without her input and partnership. I look forward to working with her on many future projects. I have had the great pleasure of teaching academic Talmud to many smart and insightful students throughout the years, both in my earlier scholarly homes at Columbia University and the University of Pennsylvania and at my current academic base, Yeshiva University. My students' insightful questions, thirst for knowledge, and enthusiasm have inspired many of the ideas in this book. The words of the rabbinic sages, umitalmidai yoter mikulam, "And from my students [I have learned] more than from all [others]," especially resonate with me. I am very pleased that this volume will be part of De Gruyter's Perspectives on Jewish Texts and Contexts series. I have received great encouragement and assistance from the entire team at de Gruyter throughout the entire process, and especially from Vivian Liska, the series editor. It has been a delightful experience working with them. This book is dedicated to Iona, my wife and partner of the last 37 years. Her unwavering support, encouragement, and selfless patience have made this entire odyssey possible. Her care, love, and dedication have been the guiding light of my life. About her I can truly say what Rabbi Akiva said of his wife: "What is mine is really hers." XIV Acknowledgments Contents Foreword IX Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Y.I. Halevy: The Traditionalist in a Time of Change 6 Chapter 2 Halevy and the Historiography of the Talmud 64 Chapter 3 Halevy the Historian of the Talmud 91 Chapter 4 Halevy and the Politics of the Talmud 131 Conclusion 183 Bibliography 197