Konsep Kebebasan Beragama dan Implementasinya dalam Dakwah Islam

El Madani : Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Islam


Da'wah and freedom of religion are separate problems in social life. Especially after the entry of thoughts that come from outside Islam. For this reason, it is important to conduct this research to provide a theological understanding of the implementation of da'wah in the realm of religious freedom. With a qualitative approach, this study tries to answer several questions: First, how is the concept of Islam and religious freedom as contained in QS Al Baqarah, 256. Second, how is Islam regulating people of other religions in the context of Islamic society. The results of the study show that: (1) Islam is a religion of da'wah but prohibits every Muslim from forcing non-Muslims to convert to Islam. (2) Islam recognizes the terms kafir dhimmi and kafir muahad to create a peaceful society among human beings. (3) The concept of the relationship between Islam and other religions has several lessons; the creation of relations between Muslims and non-Muslims and the maintenance ...