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Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE
8 pages
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Adaptive is a strategic step taken in conservation activities in heritage buildings. This strategy is considered to be wiser in to maintaining heritage buildings, that can also provide solutions for their sustainability. The adaptive strategy also applied to one of the heritage buildings in the city of Surakarta, Dalem Wuryaningratan. The building which has unique architectural and interior forms, considerate as a attraction for visitor of the Danar Hadi Batik museum. This study aims to determine conservation and transformation measures are applied to these heritage buildings. The research method used a qualitative descriptive method. The adaptive strategy is a solution in the conservation steps of Dalem Wuryaningratan. Not only improving the visual appearance of the building, but also for fullfill current building function. Through this paper, it is hoped that it can reminded to the public and policy makers the importance of preserving heritage buildings. The adaptive approach is a creative solution for designers and architects in accomodating sustainability issues in heritage building. Addaptive aproach can also be a source of inspiration for other cities in dealing with the conservation of their heritage buildings.
Journal of Architectural Research and Education, 2020
Abstact – Indonesia is an archipelago that is located between two continents, Asia and Australia, also between two oceans, the Pasific and the Indian ocean. This prospers in the commercial activity. Because of the location, costal cities are more easy to reach, foreigner that drop in have significant impact to these cities, for example Cirebon, a costal city that lies in the north east part of West Jawa. Various foreigners that drop in and also stay in Cirebon could be seen by the heritage, one of them is the Vihara Dewi Welas Asih. The temple as a house of worship for Konghucu religion is easy to be known by the colour and Chinese specific architectural style. The city development pushes to changes, as to the Vihara Dewi Welas Asih, renovation and additional buildings is inevitable. This paper is to study the architectural style applied to the additional buildings surrounding the temple. By observation the architectural style of the new building is recognised, also how the context ...
Refunctioning (adaptive reuse) has an important place in the preservation of historical and cultural values. It is aimed to ensure the sustainability of the registered structure with its original components as much as possible by registering some of the structures that need to be conserved. There is an important gap to be filled between the balance of conservation and use; In closing this gap, branding processes in tourism, competing cities etc. conceptualizations enable cultural values and identity components to come to the fore. In new conservation approaches, registered buildings are very important for the cultural development and promotion of the city. It is an agreed issue that all of these assets should be converted into museums or efforts in this direction are unsustainable and that they should be focused on adaptive reuse and using them, while preserving and transferring the city's history and culture to future generations. This study is based on the discussion that finds it right to establish the relationship between the cultural continuity and the use of re-functionalized historical buildings in the context of tourism, especially cultural tourism. Thus, it is aimed to gain the necessary momentum from the unity of culture, conservation, sustainability and tourism and to create content that contributes to the urban economy. In this context, the existing structural problems of Ferit Köşk (Mansion), which is one of the historical buildings of Diyarbakir, were examined, and suggestions were presented for the sustainability of the mansion, its refunctioning (adaptive reuse), the provision of conservation-use balance and its bringing into cultural tourism.It is aimed to create an agenda for the mansion structure and conservation policy in line with the suggestions presented with this study, which is prepared for the use and transfer of the building to the future by refunctioning (adaptive reuse), which is not used today and is in danger of collapsing. Historical buildings are cultural heritages that carry the culture, history and memory of the past to the present. The conservation, sustainability and tourism of cultural heritage are important for the development of cities. For this reason, every work done to ensure the survival and continuity of cultural heritage by putting these concepts into practice is valuable. The efforts of societies that conserve their cultural values to build the future provide cultural and historical continuity. In recent years, the development of conservation awareness for historical buildings, the high economic return, and the increase in nostalgia and search for the past are some of the reasons that increase the orientation to the historical and cultural environment. For this reason, the cultural tourism movement, the conservation and rearrangement of historical buildings in cities contributed to the development of the understanding of sustainability. Urban conservation can be realized by preventing the disappearance or destruction of structures bearing the traces of historical and cultural values in today's conditions. Conservation the historical environment and buildings against all kinds of external influences in order to transfer them to the future is one of the main elements of urban conservation (Keleş-Hamamcı, 1997, p.120).
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 495 (2020) 01203, 2020
Samarkand, mostly known as crossroads of Cultures City has a remarkable history, Heritage buildings (HBs) with sites attracting tourists. Such HBs have undergone conservation and restoration processes due to centuries of neglect. The conservation status of a building and its durability over time relates to the components that make up the building. This paper examine the applicability of various conservation processes, approaches and or strategies employed in some selected HBs of Samarkand City in conformity with Sustainable Built Environment. The research was basically cantered on reviewed sources and materials ranging from academic journals, conference proceedings, textbooks, newspapers, photo and historical archives of conservation projects with more emphasis on Samarkand heritages. These highlights the way to understanding conservation processes, approaches and or strategies known as 10Rs employed in the selected HBs of Samarkand City. The Conservation improves the sense of magnificence, attractiveness, beautification and the awesomeness of the historical and HBs of Samarkand city in Uzbekistan.
Abstract: Historic buildings maintain the local characteristics and preserve the culture and history of a country. It is mainly through conservation of heritage buildings that we can pass on currently identified cultural significance to future generations. Adaptive Reuse is an effective way to preserve building heritage, especially when the building is no longer able to function its original purpose. In the pursuit of sustainable development, adaptive reuse holds different dimensions of sustainability. The aim of this study is to investigate the viability of adaptive reuse application to historic buildings as an approach to achieve .Sustainable Heritage. In this regard in this paper, an attempt has been made to explore adaptive reuse with .sustainability through literature review. After that, the case study of Asian Heritage Row located in Doraisami Street and Jalan Yap Ah Shak, Kuala Lumpur has been used for the hypothesis testing. The variable measured as parameters in achieving .sustainability are categorized into cultural, aesthetically, .and human comfort. Data collections were obtained from case study, survey questionnaires at Asia Heritage Row and literature review. The associations between variables are examined by correlation. The findings of this research have presented facts that the successful adaptive reuses of historical buildings hold .value approach. It preserves the heritage significance of a building, ensures its sustainability, and generates the building into a .interaction place. By the means of adaptive reuse, the .life of the inhabitants in historical buildings at Kuala Lumpur can be preserved sustainably in the end and passed on to future generations. Keywords: Adaptive Reuse, .Sustainability, Sustainable Preservation, Built Heritage, Architecture, Historic Building
Sustainable Development and Planning X, 2018
A city is a human creation that always experiences development. As time goes by, the development of the city sometimes does not go according to the initial plan. In Indonesia, major cities were planned and built during the Dutch colonial era, based on good planning for several decades into the future. After Indonesian independence, a lot of obstacles were faced by cities, so their development shifted away from the initial plan. This paper will describe the development of an initially residential area for Dutch society within Bandung city. Today, the area is declared as one of the cultural heritage areas, because of its history and the architectural style of the buildings. Some investors have considered the environment plan, location and unique architectural style of buildings in this area as having potential that they could profit from, so one by one the residential buildings in this area transferred into commercial ones. How does transformation occur with conservation buildings as part of a cultural heritage? What kind of revitalization can be performed to adapt to their new function? It is expected that the revitalization performed will sustain cultural heritage buildings within this conservation area.
Settlement areas have complex structure; are living organisms. These organisms increase and decrease their cellular and textual bonds with some structural needs while maintaining their lives; some organs that are sometimes not used are separated from this organism. The 'cultural heritage history', which is the memory of the ever-changing and evolving settlement organism, is an important brain function that should not be lost and should be kept alive and refreshed. For many reasons, the spatial structure of the settlements has changed and the basic reference that should be taken while the demands of the citizens are changing every day; keeping the memory of the city and its inhabitants fresh; It is to transfer it as 'tangible and intangible cultural riches', which is reminiscent of it to other generations, without breaking with its cultural past. This important responsibility should be kept alive; Both 'cultural heritage' and 'traditional architecture'...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017
Built heritage is a physical representation of culture that provides a connection with the past and important for aesthetic and symbolic values for the city. The conservation of built heritage is a necessary not only to engage with the identity of but also to sustaining development in the city. However, heritage buildings are vulnerable to development and modernization. The paper examines a colonial building in Jakarta that has been converted into different functions through various levels of physical modifications. As a case study is Cut Meutia Mosque in Menteng, designed by a Dutch architect PAJ Moojen during the Dutch late colonial era. The building was initiated in 1912 as N.V. Bouwploeg, a Dutch architecture firm that developed the nearby residential area of New Gondangdia. The New Gondangdia, including Menteng as its central area, was developed according to modern garden city principles. During its lifetime, the building was used for different purposes such as a post office and a train company office. After Ali Sadikin's term as Governor of Jakarta, the building was converted into a mosque. The architecture of the building follows the Dutch Rationalist style but adapts to local climate such as a ventilation tower in the center of the building to regulate the temperature inside. Through historical and field research, this paper discusses the benefits and possible distortions of history manifest in the transformation of colonial buildings. Moreover, learning from the conservation of building heritage and urban area in the city may support the idea of livable memory of urban area and sustainable city.
The local community is often referred to as the target group in the planning and development process that meets local needs. This matter also includes efforts to protect heritage products including historic buildings from the threats of destruction. By that, this study aims to explore the involvement of local community in heritage management by focusing on historical buildings in their area. Besides, this study was also done to identify the readiness of the local community in the protection of historical buildings from the threat of destruction through the adaptive reuse approach. This study uses the instrument of questionnaire distributed to respondents consisting of 444 people from the local community through the simple random method. The questionnaire was analysed using the Statistic Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 16.0 software. The descriptive statistics used are frequency and percentage. There are six historical buildings that undergone adaptive reuse involved in this study. The study results found that majority of the respondents have an understanding in conservation and preservation efforts of historical buildings through the adaptive reuse approach. Respondents of the study also agreed that historical buildings that are still in their area should be protected from annihilation by the method of changing their functions. In addition, respondents of the study also confirmed that responsible parties have played proactive roles in conserving and preserving historical buildings in their area.
Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Environment Management, 2022
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2021
Building conservation's significance has changed from preservation to being part of a broader strategy for urban regeneration and sustainability. Adaptive reuse of heritage building is a useful method to bring new meaning into a culture, revive heritage sites, which achieve its sustainability. Many of heritage conservation projects were applied due to the historical and symbolic significance they have. The aim of this paper is to investigate how the conservation of heritage buildings contributes to sustainable urban environment in Amman-Jordan. Through Shed the light on experiences of architects, they have been involved with the adaptive reuse of one of the heritage buildings (Jasmine House) in Jabal (Al-Wiebdeh) neighborhood, which was adapted into a cultural center. A qualitative methodology used depends on a field survey of the selected building, documenting its architectural features, furthermore, analyzing the used method of adaptation, as well as evaluating the impact of reutilizing heritage buildings on the level of urban development, socioeconomic level. Semi-structured interview was drawn from the architect who managed the adaptation process too.
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Buildings, 2022
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Sustainable Environment and Architecture (SENVAR 2018), 2019
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2016
Environmental Research, Engineering and Management
Social Sustainability and Re-functioning of Cultural Heritage: Seljuk Bath and Ali Aydın House, 2023
Journal of Art, Architecture and Built Environment
Journal of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, 2020
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 2022
Granthaalayah Publications and Printers, 2023
International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 2023