Implementasi Adaptif Pada Dalem Wuryaningratan

Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE


Adaptive is a strategic step taken in conservation activities in heritage buildings. This strategy is considered to be wiser in to maintaining heritage buildings, that can also provide solutions for their sustainability. The adaptive strategy also applied to one of the heritage buildings in the city of Surakarta, Dalem Wuryaningratan. The building which has unique architectural and interior forms, considerate as a attraction for visitor of the Danar Hadi Batik museum. This study aims to determine conservation and transformation measures are applied to these heritage buildings. The research method used a qualitative descriptive method. The adaptive strategy is a solution in the conservation steps of Dalem Wuryaningratan. Not only improving the visual appearance of the building, but also for fullfill current building function. Through this paper, it is hoped that it can reminded to the public and policy makers the importance of preserving heritage buildings. The adaptive approach is a creative solution for designers and architects in accomodating sustainability issues in heritage building. Addaptive aproach can also be a source of inspiration for other cities in dealing with the conservation of their heritage buildings.