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2021, Journal of Legal Theory
20 pages
1 file
大流行病迫使的禁闭和隔离导致了技术变革传播的加剧,这是在过去四分之一世纪实现的,智力工作转向家庭办公,以及在高等教育中转向视频小组会议和视频讲座,议会会议、宪法法院听证会和其他决策会议转向视频会议。这个社会是在互联网上组织起来的,由于它作为世界互联网的出现,部分是自发的,部分是由于美国领导下的第一批互联网科技公司的主导,故意将其影响扩散到全世界,所以随后互联网的传播与国家主权有了交集。 网络空间社会在很大程度上是围绕着互联网平台组织的,其中一些平台(如谷歌、脸书、推特等)已经服务并控制着数十亿人的活动,即人类的三分之一。但超出这个范围的网络平台(如电子政务或决策机构的内部网络)也有一部分与互联网相连。因此,互联网的无缝性是社会运行的基本要求,随着物联网(IoT),即自动驾驶汽车的云端连接操作在未来几年内的盛行,它将成为最重要的基本要求。 社会向互联网上的网络空间平台的转移,创造了一个全面记录社会活动的数字轨迹,而过去在物理空间中进行的社会活动基本上是不可察觉的。我们在这里做的每一件事都会留下我们思想和行动的数字痕迹,通过连接这些痕迹,个人对于能够接触到这些痕迹的外部观察者来说,比他们自己更加了解。这就是网络空间的全面数据爆炸,每小时和每天产生的数十亿和数万亿的数据在几秒钟内被快如闪电的算法处理,得出结论。 个人和数据社会将在数千个新的维度上变得可衡量和可分类,而不是他们一直可衡量的少数维度(人口统计学、健康指标),一个计量社会将出现。随着新的数据分组进入数千个维度,数百个新的、以前未知的指标将被创造出来,个人将在一套新的尺度上根据这些指标进行评估。取代过去的大量相同和被认为的平等,将被突出的、所有人都能看到的差异将对公制社会产生成千上万的新影响。
智能城市应用, 2019
Transtext(e)s Transcultures 跨文本跨文化, 2007
Chinese women have been continuous hits in mass media throughout the past decade. While names such as Mian Mian and Wei Hui have caught the attention of readers with their fin de siècle decadent writings, or, "genital writings" as labeled by some critics, Mu Zimei, Zhuying Qingtong and Sister Lotus have excited netizens with their online sex diaries, hawking details of one-night stands, nude self-portraits, and pictures of flirtatious gestures respectively, which have caused far greater disturbances in China. On top of investigating whether these writers have bravely subverted the sexual hierarchy and avenged traditionally oppressed Chinese women or if they have willingly commercialized and objectified the female body, this article pays special attention to the notion of privacy and its relationship to the rise of the modern city and examines the complexity of privacy and publicity intruding upon one another in literary space. It proposes that contemporary Chinese literature has experienced a metamorphosis from an invasion of the private space by public space, specifically Maoist discourse, during the revolutionary periods to an intrusion of the public space by private space with the help of the Internet in capitalistic-communist China. This article also suggests that what the bad girl writers and bloggers have done would have been a revolution to celebrate the renaissance of the hidden and suppressed body in the traditionally male-orientated Chinese culture and a new representation of feminine consciousness of Chinese women. However, the body, intentionally used as the selling point of the works, has been objectified, marketized, and thus turned into a production of capitalist consumerism. As a result, instead of discovering the feminine consciousness, the female body serves to signify a re-entrapment of femininity by male chauvinism.
经济管理研究, 2020
Zur Kommunikation bei der Internet-Komplizenschaft LYU Hanyue Doktorand an der Juristischen Fakultät der Tsinghua Universität Zusammenfassung: Das Internet hat die Feststellung der Kommunikation zwischen verschiedenen Beteiligten kompliziert. Ob und in wie großem Umfang die einseitige Beteiligung im ausländischen Strafrecht akzeptiert wird, ist vom Entscheiden des Gesetzgebers abhängig, das differenzierende Beteiligungssystem oder das Einheitstätersystem anzunehmen. Der chinesische Gesetzgeber hat ein selbstständiges System aufgestellt, und zwar das System von „kollektiver Verurteilung und individueller Verantwortung“. In diesem System gilt die Kommunikation zwischen jedem Beteiligten als eine unverzichtbare Komponente, deshalb lässt sich die heimliche Unterstützung nur als Fremdvorbereitung bestrafen. Die Kommunikation in der Internet Epoche verändert sich in Art und Intensität. Anhand der zwei theoretischen Mittel, nämlich Eventualvorsatz auf die Gemeinsamkeit und Kommunikation durch Zeichensprache, kann man die Kommunikation auf schwächerem Niveau setzen, und mithilfe der individuellen Betrachtung auf die Strafbarkeitsschwelle, wird die Strafbarkeitsumfang vernünftig begrenzt. Schlüsselwörter: Komplizenschaft; Kommunikation; einseitige Beteiligung; Fremdvorbereitung
Advances in Education, 2015
The major of Digital Media Technology of independent college in China mainly aims to train applied talents with reasonable knowledge structure, while the experience of teaching management and the construction of teaching system of independent colleges are not well organized due to their short history. Therefore, the question of what method this major can use to educate high quality applied talents with the ability of processing digital media information becomes the focus of research and discussion in independent colleges. This paper provides elaboration on the characteristics of practical teaching, the construction mode of practical teaching of the major of Digital Media Technology, and the exploration and measure of practical teaching of the major of Digital Media Technology in Binhai College, Nankai University.
智能城市应用, 2020
Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 2017
The network platform connecting multiple agents, which is embedded in the models to integrate individual wisdoms into a great wisdom, is called Internet of intelligences (IOI). The risk radar can be driven by IOI with mathematical models written by PHP language. A measure space of the seismic macro-anomalies group was set up in IOI based the consensus of the staffs participating earthquake monitoring and prediction. The core technology in IOI is information diffusion technology, and its intelligent development depends on the appearance of intelligent mathematics on earth. By means of the development of the factor space theory to construct IOI expressing knowledge and being cognizant of thinking, we should promote the research of "Internet + Risk Analysis" and promote the development of Web mathematics, and lay the foundation for intelligent mathematics. The IOI supported by Web mathematics is expected to decompose and dissolve wisdom ingredients in some factor spaces so that individual wisdoms are integrated to be a great wisdom.
图书馆与文化研究, 2020
国际教育论坛, 2020
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Science in China Series B-Chemistry, Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (in Chinese), 1993
Zhongguo kexue, 2016
Advances in Social Sciences, 2014
World Bank policy research working paper, 2009
Progress in Geography, 2022
Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2013
Theory and Practice of Psychological Counseling, 2020
Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2018